You are working for a company. You need to take some time off and want to ask your manager about this.
Write a letter to your manager.
In your letter:
1.Explain why you want to take time off
2. Give details of the amount of time you need
3. Suggest how your work could be covered while you are away
Model Answer:
Dear Mr. Jones,
I am writing to request a few days of unpaid leave in March.
It is my parents' wedding anniversary on 22nd March and they are planning to celebrate their special day with their children and grandchildren in a cottage, which they have rented to accommodate all the family.
To participate in this special occasion I would need to be away from the work for four days, from Tuesday 19th to Friday 22nd. My schedule for that week is relatively light apart from two meetings with clients. Anna would be able to attend the meetings in my place, as she has dealt with both of these clients in the past. I have no other meetings nor any other urgent work that needs to be completed at that time.
I would be very grateful if you could allow me to take these four days off as it is very important to my parents that I attend nd I would appreciate it if you could let me know by the end of the week.
Kind regards,