从附录A开始吧. 因为理解应用的生命周期是理解开发的基础。
Your app’s one and only application object (a UIApplication instance, or on rare occasions a UIApplication subclass instance) is created for you as the shared application object by UIApplicationMain, along with its delegate; in the Xcode project templates,this delegate is an instance of the AppDelegate class. The application reports lifetime events through method calls to its delegate; other instances can also register to receive most of these events as notifications.
These events, notifying you of stages in the lifetime of your app as a whole and giving your code an opportunity to run in response, are extraordinarily important and fundamental. This appendix is devoted to a survey of them, along with some typical scenarios in which they will arrive.
Application States
In the early days of iOS — before iOS 4 — the lifetime of an app was extremely simple:either it was running or it wasn’t. The user tapped your app’s icon in the springboard,and your app was launched and began to run. The user used your app for a while.
Eventually, the user pressed the Home button (the physical button next to the screen) and your app was terminated — it was no longer running. The user had quit your app.
Launch, run, quit: that was the entire life cycle of an app. If the user decided to use your app again, the whole cycle started again.
The reason for this simplicity was that, before iOS 4, an iOS device, with its slow processor and its almost brutal paucity of memory and other resources, compensated for its own shortcomings by a simple rule: it could runonly one app at a time. While your app was running, it occupied not only the entire screen but the vast majority of the device’s resources, leaving room only for the system and some hidden built-in processes to support it; it had, in effect, sole and complete control of the device.
Starting in iOS 4, that changed. Apple devised an ingenious architecture whereby,
despite the device’s limited resources, more than one app could run simultaneously sort of. The Home button changed its meaning and its effect upon your app: contrary to the naïve perception of some users, the Home button was no longer a Quit button.
Nowadays, when the user presses the Home button to leave your app, your app does not die; technically, the Home button does not terminate your app. When your app occupies the entire screen, it isin the foreground(orfrontmost); when some other app proceeds to occupy the entire screen, your app isbackgrounded and suspended. This means that your app is essentially freeze-dried; its process still exists, but it isn’t actively running, and it isn’t getting any events — though notifications can be stored by the system for later delivery if your app comes to the front once again.
The cleverness of this arrangement is that your app, when the user returns to it after having left it to use some other app for a while, is found in thevery same stateas when the user left it. The app was not terminated; it simply stopped and froze, and waited in suspended animation. Returning to your app no longer means that your app islaunched, but merely that it isresumed.
All of this is not to say, however, that your appcan’tbe terminated. It can be — though not by the user pressing the Home button. The most common scenario is that the system quietly kills your app while it is suspended. This undermines the app’s ability to resume;
when the user returns to your app, itwillhave to launch from scratch, just as in the pre–iOS 4 days. The death of your app is rather like that of the scientists killed by HAL 9000 in2001: A Space Odyssey— they went to sleep expecting to wake up later, but instead their life-support systems were turned off while they slept. The iOS system’s reasons for killing your app are not quite as paranoid as HAL’s, but they do have a certain Darwinian ruthlessness: your app, while suspended, continues to occupy a chunk of the device’s memory, and the system needs to reclaim that memory so someotherapp can use it. It is also possible, of course, that the user will switch off the device while your app is asleep.