SWT示例是用SWT编写的有用的小程序。这些通常比SWT Snippets更大,更全面。
可以从Eclipse下载页面下载以下SWT示例:- ControlExample
- CustomControlExample
- 地址簿
- BrowserExample
- ClipboardExample
- DNDExample(拖放)
- FileViewer
- GraphicsExample
- HelloWorld [1-5]
- HoverHelp
- ImageAnalyzer
- JavaViewer
- LayoutExample
- PaintExample
- 文本编辑器
- OLEExample(仅限win32,OLE)
- OleWebBrowser(仅限win32,OLE)
- org.eclipse.swt.examples.browser.demos项目中的BrowserDemo
- org.eclipse.swt.examples.browser项目中的WebBrowser
- 要获取示例,请访问 http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads上的Eclipse下载页面。
- 单击您想要示例的Eclipse构建(即您正在运行的Eclipse构建;通常是最新的Stable构建)。
- 向下滚动,直到看到“示例插件”。阅读有关安装它们的段落,并选择适合您平台的下载。
- 安装示例后,您可以在其中找到它们的源代码
。 - 要运行插件SWT示例,请重新启动Eclipse,转到Window> Show View ...> Other ...并展开“SWT示例”。
或者,您可以使用Eclipse ISV doc中的这些(更详细的)步骤来下载,安装和运行Eclipse SWT示例:
- 将SWT加载到工作区中。
- 通过上面列出的方法之一将SWT示例加载到工作区中。
- 通过选择主类(例如org.eclipse.swt.examples.controlexample.ControlExample)并且选择运行独立示例
运行>运行方式> Java应用程序(注:到Eclipse 3.3使用之前 运行>运行方式> SWT的应用)。
(注意:这些说明仅适用于Eclipse 3.3及更高版本)要独立运行ControlExample或CustomControlExample:
转到 http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/上的Eclipse下载页面。
单击您想要示例的Eclipse构建(即您正在运行的Eclipse / SWT构建;通常是最新的Stable Build)。
<pathToYourJRE>\bin\java -classpath <pathOfYourPlatformSWTjar>;.\swtexamples.jar org.eclipse.swt.examples.controlexample.ControlExample
nstalling the examples
Installing examples within Eclipse
The Eclipse SDK examples are found on the Eclipse project update site. To locate and install them into a product:
Open the main install wizard by clicking [command link
Help > Install New Software...](javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.install")). This opens the Install Wizard.
Select The Eclipse Project Updates site.
Ensure Group items by category is unchecked.
Type "Eclipse SDK Examples" in the search field.
Select "Eclipse SDK Examples" and click Next.
Review the items being installed, and click Next.
Review and accept the license terms, and click Finish.
Click Yes when asked to exit and restart the workbench for the changes to take effect. The examples are now installed in the workbench. Note: you can also click on Apply Now to dynamically install the examples into the current configuration.
Installing examples manually
To install the examples from a stand-alone zip file:
- Download the appropriate Eclipse SDK Example zip file from the Eclipse project web site at http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse.
- Extract the contents of the zip file to a new empty directory inside the <tt>dropins</tt> directory of your Eclipse installation.
- Start or restart Eclipse.
You can verify that examples have been installed by looking for File > New > Example... in the workbench menu bar.