Upgrade legacy Gaussian Blur and Fast Blur effects to use the new GPU-accelerated Gaussian Blur
var repeatEdges = false;
function askAboutEdges() {
var myWindow = new Window ("dialog", "Upgrade Legacy Blur Effects");
myWindow.preferredSize = [320, 70];
var myInputGroup = myWindow.add ("group");
var check1 = myInputGroup.add ("checkbox", undefined, "Repeat edge pixels for legacy Gaussian Blur effects?");
check1.value = false;
var myButtonGroup = myWindow.add ("group");
myButtonGroup.alignment = "center";
myButtonGroup.add ("button", undefined, "OK");
myWindow.show ();
return check1.value
function getAllComps(totalItems, compItems){
for (var i = 1; i <= totalItems; i++){
if (app.project.item(i) instanceof CompItem){
return compItems
function getSelectedComps(selectedItems, compItems){
if (selectedItems.length != 0){
for (var i = 0, ii = selectedItems.length; i < ii; i++){
if (selectedItems[i] instanceof CompItem){
return compItems
function getComps(){
var totalItems = app.project.items.length;
var selectedItems = app.project.selection;
var compItems = [];
if (totalItems < 1){
alert("Error: Project is empty.");
return null
if (selectedItems.length > 0) {
compItems = getSelectedComps (selectedItems, compItems);
} else {
compItems = getAllComps (totalItems, compItems);
if (compItems.length < 1){
alert("Error: No compositions found. Select one or more compositions, or leave nothing selected to upgrade entire project.");
return null
return compItems
function getSelectedLayers(targetComp){
if (!targetComp()) {
return null
var targetLayers = targetComp.selectedLayers;
return targetLayers
function getAllLayers(targetComp){
var targetLayers = targetComp.layers;
return targetLayers
function forEachComposition(compArray,doSomething){
for (var i = 0, ii = compArray.length; i < ii; i++){
function forEachLayer(targetLayerArray, doSomething) {
for (var i = 1, ii = targetLayerArray.length; i <= ii; i++){
function forEachEffect(targetLayer, doSomething){
for (var i = 1, ii = targetLayer.property("ADBE Effect Parade").numProperties; i <= ii; i++) {
doSomething(targetLayer.property("ADBE Effect Parade").property(i));
function matchMatchName(targetEffect,matchNameString){
if (targetEffect != null && targetEffect.matchName === matchNameString) {
return targetEffect
} else {
return null
function hasKeyframes(targetProperty){
return (targetProperty.isTimeVarying && targetProperty.numKeys > 0);
function copyKeyframes(targetProperty){
var keyframes = {
'keyIndex' : [],
'times' : [],
'values' : [],
'interpolateIn' : [],
'interpolateOut' : [],
'autobezier' : [],
'continuous' : [],
'easeIn' : [],
'easeOut' : []
for (var i = 1, ii = targetProperty.numKeys; i <= ii; i++){
return keyframes
function collectOldValues(targetProperty){
if( hasKeyframes(targetProperty) ){
return copyKeyframes(targetProperty)
} else {
return targetProperty.value
function collectOldExpression(targetProperty){
if (targetProperty.canSetExpression === true && targetProperty.expressionEnabled === true){
return targetProperty.expression
} else {
return null
function setNewExpression(targetProperty, oldExpression){
if (oldExpression != null ) {
targetProperty.expression = oldExpression;
function setNewValues(storedValues,targetProperty){
if (storedValues.times === undefined) {
} else {
for(var i = 0, ii = storedValues.keyIndex.length; i < ii; i++){
var key = storedValues.keyIndex[i];
if(storedValues.interpolateIn[i] === KeyframeInterpolationType.BEZIER || storedValues.interpolateOut[i] === KeyframeInterpolationType.BEZIER){
function collectCompOpts(sourceEffect){
var srcEffectMasks = sourceEffect.property("ADBE Effect Built In Params").property("ADBE Effect Mask Parade"); // Masking Options
var compositingOpts = {
'maskSet' : [],
'effectOpacity' : sourceEffect.property("ADBE Effect Built In Params").property("ADBE Effect Mask Opacity").value
if (srcEffectMasks.numProperties > 0) { // has effect masks
for ( var i = 1, ii = srcEffectMasks.numProperties; i <= ii; i++){
compositingOpts.maskSet.push(srcEffectMasks.property(i).property("ADBE Effect Path Stream Ref").value);
return compositingOpts
function applyCompOpts(compositingOpts, targetEffect) {
targetEffect.property("ADBE Effect Built In Params").property("ADBE Effect Mask Opacity").setValue(compositingOpts.effectOpacity);
if (compositingOpts.maskSet.length > 0) { // has effect masks
for ( var i = 0, ii = compositingOpts.maskSet.length; i < ii; i++){
var fxMasks = targetEffect.property("ADBE Effect Built In Params").property("ADBE Effect Mask Parade"); // Masks
var fxMask1 = fxMasks.addProperty("ADBE Effect Mask").property("ADBE Effect Path Stream Ref");
function upgradeBlur(targetLayer, targetEffect){
var compositingOptions = collectCompOpts(targetEffect);
var matchName = targetEffect.matchName;
var customName = targetEffect.name;
var oldBlurriness = collectOldValues(targetEffect.property(matchName + "-0001"));
var oldBlurrinessExp = collectOldExpression(targetEffect.property(matchName + "-0001"));
var oldDimensions = collectOldValues(targetEffect.property(matchName + "-0002"));
var oldDimensionsExp = collectOldExpression(targetEffect.property(matchName + "-0002"));
if(matchName === "ADBE Fast Blur"){
var oldRepeat = collectOldValues(targetEffect.property(matchName + "-0003"));
var oldRepeatExp = collectOldExpression(targetEffect.property(matchName + "-0003"));
var newEffect = targetLayer.property("ADBE Effect Parade").addProperty("ADBE Gaussian Blur 2");
applyCompOpts(compositingOptions, newEffect);
setNewValues(oldBlurriness,newEffect.property("ADBE Gaussian Blur 2-0001"));
setNewExpression(newEffect.property("ADBE Gaussian Blur 2-0001"),oldBlurrinessExp);
setNewValues(oldDimensions,newEffect.property("ADBE Gaussian Blur 2-0002"));
setNewExpression(newEffect.property("ADBE Gaussian Blur 2-0002"),oldDimensionsExp);
if(oldRepeat != undefined){
setNewValues(oldRepeat,newEffect.property("ADBE Gaussian Blur 2-0003"));
setNewExpression(newEffect.property("ADBE Gaussian Blur 2-0003"),oldRepeatExp);
} else {
newEffect.property("ADBE Gaussian Blur 2-0003").setValue(repeatEdges);
newEffect.name = customName;
function removeEffect(targetEffect){
app.beginUndoGroup("Upgrade Legacy Gaussian and Fast Blur Effects");
var comps = getComps();
if(comps != null) {
repeatEdges = askAboutEdges();
forEachComposition(comps, function(comp){
var targetLayers = getAllLayers(comp);
forEachLayer (targetLayers, function(targetLayer){
// No effects on Cameras or Lights...
if (targetLayer instanceof CameraLayer || targetLayer instanceof LightLayer){
var existingBlurs = [];
forEachEffect (targetLayer, function(targetEffect){
// Create new blurs with existing settings
if (matchMatchName (targetEffect, "ADBE Gaussian Blur") || matchMatchName (targetEffect, "ADBE Fast Blur") ){
// Store layer indices of old blurs
// Create new ones with their properties
upgradeBlur (targetLayer,targetEffect);
// Remove old blurs
for (var i = existingBlurs.length, ii = 0; i > ii; i--) {
removeEffect(targetLayer.property("ADBE Effect Parade").property(existingBlurs[i - 1]));
// Move the new blurs into place
for (var i = existingBlurs.length, ii = 0; i > ii; i--) {
var numEffects = targetLayer.property("ADBE Effect Parade").numProperties;
var newBlur = targetLayer.property("ADBE Effect Parade").property(numEffects - i + 1);
newBlur.moveTo(existingBlurs[parseFloat(existingBlurs.length - i)]);