Elementary ‐ The Weekend ‐ Swim faster!
A: This is such a beautiful day! Great day for sailing!
B: It sure is! The water looks so nice! Anchor the boat for a little while. I’m going to take a dip.
A: Why are you doggy-paddling? I taught you how to swim! Do your breaststroke!
B: I get too tired! I’ll just backstroke, it’s easier!
A: Try kicking your legs more. That’s good. Don’t go out too far!
B: It’s fine, Jump in!
A: Kathy! Get back here! I see a shark!
B: Ahhhh!!!! Help me! Help! Bring the boat closer! The shark is coming straight towards me!
A: It’s right under you! Kathy!!!!!
1、 Anchor 锚;抛锚;停船
2、For a little while;for a short time 一会儿
Excuse me for a little while,I wanna do something.失陪一下,我有些事要做。
He’s step out of the office for a little while.他出去办公室一小会儿。
She try for a little while to live without him but she couldn’t.她试着一个人住一段时间,但是没有他,她坚持不下去。
Take a dip/swim quickly/go for a swim
Would you like to take a dip in the pool?你要在泳池里泡一泡吗
Let me take a dip in the sea of books.让我在书的海洋里遨游一下
4、Backstroke/back crawl仰泳
Breaststroke/breast stroke 蛙泳
Butterfly stroke蝶泳
Free-style swiming自泳
Medley swimming混合泳
Individual medley swimming个人混合泳
Medley relay接力赛
5、go straight towards the north/south一直朝北/南走
They are heading straight towards us他们朝我们走过来
We were flying straight towards that area.我们朝那个方向飞。