1.I felt a stab of regret:stab这个名词的用法在字典的释义为a sudden sharp feeling of pain or a strong emotion,stab这个词的动词义让它的这个引申义更加形象,“他被悔恨戳了一刀”这个意向在脑中鲜活了起来。
2.I had an aching sense that our time is short.aching这个单词除了表示疼痛,还有个释义为causing or reflecting distress, deep emotion, or longing,加之这个词的本义,用在这里表示意识到人生苦短,体现出焦虑和紧迫的感觉。
3.It will work.By God I’ll make it work.No maybes about it.这里的maybe取了它的名词义:uncertainty。用了一个最常见的词来表达强调,除了表示没有任何不确定性,还用这个词否定了“It will work”后面可能会跟出来的反驳“Maybe it'll be not”。
4.eureka moment:这个固定搭配用来形容usually sudden triumphant discovery,可以翻译为灵光一现。
5.When you run around an oval track, or down an empty road, you have no real destination.At least,none that can fully justify the effort.The act itself becomes the destination. It’s not just that there’s no finish line; it’s that you define the finish line. Whatever pleasures or gains you derive from the act of running, you must find them within. It’s all in how you frame it, how you sell it to yourself.这句话是我读到目前最喜欢的一句话。我更理解了justify这个在每日一词中出现的当时觉得有点别扭的词。这句话已经变成我激励自己坚持跑步的每日必读。
6.when I worked up the nerve to speak to him about my Crazy Idea.“work up the nerve”的意思是“to be brave; to have courage”,相当于中文中的“鼓起勇气”。
7.The idea interested me, then inspired me, then captivated me. 三个动词interest、inspire、captivate层层递进,非常生动。
8.I’d given a formal presentation of the paper to my classmates, who reacted with formal boredom. 一个句子用了两个formal,“对于我正儿八经的演说表示了一本正经的不感兴趣”非常幽默的表达。