FOR a spell last year American banks seemed poised to reattain the sort of double-digit returns that have largely eluded them since the financial crisis
[解释]To evade or escape from, as by daring, cleverness, or skill; 躲避:如以胆量、机智或技巧而从…躲避或逃跑The rash of swingeing fines that had been disfiguring profits had largely dissipated
[解释] (British English) very severe reductions in spending, especially by a government or organization
[解释] [intransitive and transitive] to gradually become less or weaker before disappearing completely, or to make something do thisThe volatility in markets, meanwhile, is causing takeovers and issuance of shares and debt to atrophy
[解释] 多变;a volatile situation is likely to change suddenly and without warning
[解释]A wasting away, deterioration, or diminution;衰退:废弃,退化或减少For investors, however, that is scant consolation.
[解释] barely sufficient; 贫乏的:不足的
In part, the poor performance of bank shares stems from the broader gloom in global markets. But investors have also noticed that the growth in banks’ profits comes more from falling costs than from rising revenue.
[分析] 分析原因的段落写法可以学习:一部分原因是...更多是因为...
[翻译] 银行股价下跌的部分原因与全球市场整体不景气有关。但是投资者也发现银行利润之所以增长,更多地是依靠股价下跌而非收入增加。
margin lending###
[解释] A program though lending institutions that allows an individual to borrow money for the purposes of investing it. The amount of credit loaned is based upon the amount of assets held by the borrower, which are pledged as collateral on the loan. This program is often used by individuals who want to invest more than they currently are investing, and are willing to take on the risk of this type of loan.
public offering
private placement###
私募(Private Placement)是相对于公募(Public offering)而言,私募是指向小规模数量Accredited Investor(通常35个以下)出售股票,此方式可以免除如在美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的注册程序。投资者要签署一份投资书声明,购买目的是投资而不是为了再次出售。