Responsibility, a kind of Chinese traditional virtues,means the duty that one should carry out in nation and society,or the liability that you should take in daily life.
Gu Yanwu has said :"Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society."First of all,to be a responsible citizen,we should love and concern about our country and society.Offering assistance when our country has trouble,giving hands to people when they are in need.As a high school student,being responsible for our country and society isn't a difficult thing.This responsibility manifests in volunteering in the community,obeying the laws and rules,treating everyone equally.
In the next place,responsibility is an important part in our daily life.Everyone plays a different role,and each role represents a kind of responsibility.As a student,your duty is studying hard and having your tasks finished;as an employee in the company,your duty is treating your work seriously;as a parent,your duty is taking good care of your child.Therefore,responsibility means treating every simple thing by heart in daily life.
Responsibility is like a lighthouse on the sea,which makes our life brighter and clearer.To be a responsible person,beginning with simple things.