1 I work part-time 这是我的兼职;I work full-time
2 there wasn't a subway anywhere near the place! it would take forever to get to work
1) not anywhere near / nowhere near 远远不够的;绝不是
»The job doesn't pay anywhere near enough for me. 这份工作付给我的报酬远远不够。
2)take forever: it take forever to...
3 upside/downside =pro / con 好的一面和糟糕的一面
4 语气助词:Uh-oh, oh yeah
5 what's up? what's it with you = what's wrong?
6 be worried sick 极度担心,担心得要命; she is worried herself sick about his friend.
sick to your stomach 非常生气,非常着急。
7 timer;good timing
8 idiomatic expressions: /ˌɪdɪə'mætɪk/ 地道表达
9 on the house 免单 eg:Beer is on the house
bring down the house • (尤指剧院的演出)博得满堂大笑(或喝彩)
10 drive someone up the wall = drive someone nuts
11 overdraft 透支
12 hassle = nightmare = head-scratcher 麻烦; save a lot if hassle 省事;hassle-free
13 don't get carried away : too excited 得瑟;得意忘形
14 proof of residence 居住证明
15 no kidding 讲真得
16 我们公司有5位员工: we have 5 people on the payroll; he is still on the payroll
17. a dime a dozen 白菜价
two cents 我的一些观点
pay through the nose 花了大价钱
1 secondhand/'sɛkəndhænd/
2 proverb /'prɑvɝb/
3 bill 短音
4 when 的发音