“One mind revises another; one heart changes its partner." - Lewis, Amini, Lannon
🔗Paraphrase/💡Knowledge Point:
1. 科学推理的图示 - a schema of scientific reasoning sound science - 健全的科学
2. 今后应该加强对清末民初新兴社会阶层、社会团体和社会运动的考察,对于市民社会的研究而言,它们是三位一体的。
- The new social classes, social groups and social campaigns/movements are triune to research in citizen society, thus the review on them in the late period of Qing Dynasty should be strengthened.
3. 他的书里夹杂着讽刺和悲伤。
His book commingles sarcasm and sadness.
For me, I am single, ready to commingle.
4. up for grabs = available for anyone
5. 被围困 - be besieged by
6. 语法不规则的句子 - sentences which are grammatically anomalous
7. by the same token = in the same way/for the same reason
8. 忧伤的双眼 - brooding eyes
9. 炸弹如雨点般落向这座城市。 - Bombs rained down on this city.
10. 经过灌溉的土地 - irrigated land/fields
11. 我确实提到过地址,但是他听没听进去,我就不确定了。
I did mention the address, but I'm not sure that it registered (with him).
12. 求求你,让我走吧。- Let me go, I beseech you!
13. 他对危险毫不在乎 - He shows a blithe disregard for danger.
sb. is blithe - bright and happy
14. 愉快的笑容 - cheery smile
15. 辛辣咖喱羊肉 - lamb vindaloo
16. 牢记他说的话 - take note of his words
17. 那些无用而不负责任的人最近的日子变得相对好过些了,他们对数万亿美元不良债务进行过高估计从而刺激了次贷危机的产生。 - Those ne'er-do-wells that fuelled the mortgage crisis by overrating trillions of dollars of dodgy debt have had a relatively easy time of it recently.
18. 低级酒吧/夜总会 - dive bar
19. 我试图让他讲话,但他不是很愿意讲。 - I tried to get him talking, but he was not very responsive.
20. 表现得像个患相思病的少年 - act like a lovelorn teenager
21. 残次不齐的牙齿 - crooked teeth
22. stagnant - If something such as a business or society is stagnant, there is little activity or change.
23. Stagnant water is not flowing, and therefore often smells unpleasant and is dirty.
🎯Summary 个人总结
📰Background Information/Words of Wisdom (WOW!)
1. 大脑三个分区 - reptilian brain, limbic brain, neocortex
2. 脱离前任/摆脱吸渣体质的最好方法,就是找一个完全不同的更好的下一任。
3. 学习的本质,是不断认识到自己的认知边界,从而寻求突破(大脑的信息茧房)
4. A General Theory of Love
摘取精彩书评:“三脑理论 孩子对母亲的表情识别来确定危险和靠着对母亲情感依赖而存活 therapist是通过建立长期的连结来改变病人的神经连接 爱情是长期的relatedness而不是翻云覆雨的激情 病人对医生的情感依赖 现代社会对情感联结的逐渐忽视带来的潜在风险”