Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 词根笔记(9)MANIA
MANIA in Latin means “madness,” and the meaning passed over into English unchanged. Our word mania can mean a mental illness, or at least an excessive enthusiasm. We might call someone a maniac who was wild, violent, and mentally ill—or maybe just really enthusiastic about something. Too much caffeine might make you a bit manic. But the intense mood swings once known as manic-depressive illness are now usually called bipolar disorder instead.
MANIA 在拉丁语中的意味着“madness疯狂”,在英语里也一样。 英语单词mania(躁狂症)这个词可能意味着精神疾病,或者至少是过度的热情。 我们可能会称呼那些疯狂,暴力和有精神疾病 - 或者对某件事情充满极度热情的人为maniac。 太多的咖啡因可能会让你有点manic(狂躁)。 但一度被称为manic-depressive illness(躁狂抑郁症)的强烈情绪波动现在通常被称为双相情感障碍。
A mental illness in which a person has a strong desire to steal things. 盗窃癖
Kleptomania leads its sufferers to steal items of little value that they don't need anyway.
Klepto- comes from the Greek word kleptein, “to steal.” Even though kleptomania is often the butt of jokes, it's actually a serious mental illness, often associated with mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and substance abuse. Klepotomaniacs tend to be depressed, and many live lives of secret shame because they're afraid to seek treatment.
Klepto- 来自希腊词kleptein,“to steal 偷窃”。尽管偷窃癖常常是开玩笑,但它实际上是一种严重的精神疾病,通常与心境障碍,焦虑症,饮食失调和药物滥用有关。Kleotomaniacs(有偷窃癖者)倾向于沮丧,并且许多人因为害怕寻求治疗而感到羞耻。
A person with an extreme and uncontrollable desire for alcohol. 耽酒症患者,饮酒狂
She didn't like the word alcoholic being applied to her, and liked dipsomaniac even less.
Dipsomaniac comes from the Greek noun dipsa, “thirst,” but thirst usually has nothing to do with it. Some experts distinguish between an alcoholic and a dipsomaniac, reserving dipsomaniac for someone involved in frequent episodes of binge drinking and blackouts. In any case, there are plenty of less respectful words for a person of similar habits: sot, lush, wino, souse, boozer, guzzler, tippler, tosspot, drunkard, boozehound--the list goes on and on and on.
Dipsomaniac来自希腊名词dipsa,“thirst 口渴”,但口渴通常与dipsomaniac无关。 一些专家为了区分alcoholic和dipsomaniac,认为dipsomaniac代表无节制饮酒和时常醉晕的人。不管怎样,有很多不太尊重的词用来形容有着同样饮酒习惯的人,:sot, lush, wino, souse, boozer, guzzler, tippler, tosspot, drunkard, boozehound等等 - 类似的词汇可以一直写下去。
3.megalomaniac/ˌmeɡələʊˈmeɪniæk $ -loʊ-/
A mental disorder marked by feelings of great personal power and importance.自大狂的;妄自尊大的
When the governor started calling for arming his National Guard with nuclear weapons, the voters finally realized they had elected a megalomaniac.
Since the Greek root megalo- means “large,” someone who is megalomaniacal has a mental disorder marked by feelings of personal grandeur. Megalomania has probably afflicted many rulers throughout history: The Roman emperor Caligula insisted that he be worshipped as a living god. Joseph Stalin suffered from the paranoia that often accompanies megalomania, and had thousands of his countrymen executed as a result. J.-B. Bokassa, dictator of a small and extremely poor African nation, proclaimed himself emperor of the country he renamed the Central African Empire. And even democratically elected leaders have often acquired huge egos as a result of public acclaim. But megalomaniac is generally thrown around as an insult and rarely refers to real mental illness.
由于希腊人词根 megalo- 意味着“large 巨大”,因此一个自大狂妄(megalomaniacal)人有种自命不凡的精神错乱。 在整个历史中许多统治者可能已经遭受了狂妄自大的影响:罗马皇帝Caligula坚持认为他是一位活神。 Joseph Stalin患上了常常伴随狂妄自大的偏执狂,并因此导致成千上万的同胞被执行死刑。J.-B. Bokassa是一个非洲极小的非洲国家的独裁者,他将自己的国家改名为中非帝国,并宣称自己是该国的皇帝。 即使是民主选举出来的领导人,也经常因为公众的好评而获得巨大的自尊。 但是megalomaniac狂妄自大通常当作是一种侮辱,很少当作是真正的精神疾病。
4.egomaniac/ˌiːɡəʊˈmeɪniæk, ˌeɡ- $ -ɡoʊ-/
Someone who is extremely self-centered and ignores the problems and concerns of others.利己主义者;自我主义者
He's a completely unimpressive person, but that doesn't keep him from being an egomaniac.
Ego is Latin for “I,” and in English ego usually means “sense of self-worth.” Most people's egos stay at a healthy level, but some become exaggerated. Egomaniacs may display a grandiose sense of self-importance, with fantasies about their own brilliance or beauty, intense envy of others, a lack of sympathy, and a need to be adored or feared. But, like megalomaniac, the word egomaniac is thrown around by lots of people who don't mean much more by it than blowhard or know-it-all.
Ego在拉丁文中表示“I 我”,而英语自我通常意味着“sense of self-worth 自我价值感”。大多数人的自尊心保持在健康的水平,但有些则变得夸张。 Egomaniacs可能表现出一种浮夸的自我重要感,幻想着自己的光彩或美丽,对别人的强烈嫉妒,缺乏同情,需要被崇拜或让人恐惧。 但是,像megalomaniac狂妄自大者一样,“egomaniac”这个词被许多人挂在嘴边,但这些人只是嘴上说说,并没有当真( 这里不会翻译)。