You have to ask all Chu Kang hospital examination and treatment process,You can check my case in a hospital.
Because only they can boast of Chu Kang Hospital with fibroid ablation,Please is a medical expert, said the short operation time does not affect the work.I didn't do it, I did not expect pain after surgery!
I cheat you, dare to cheat the doctor?If I don't talk to a doctor to tell the truth, I do not want?
That is the case of Yang Jing, I don't want to use his name,If there is effect on buying insurance.
I don't want to talk to you about something,Because your body is not good, I don't want you to worry about!I hope you calm and restraint, everything in my will The case is entirely cleared.We also openly say everything.
You left me alone in the hospital, do right?
You are a good man, we are not easy to support up to now,Before you optimistic, since you are sick after a personality change,We lived together for several decades, you are too much for me you know.
I made a mistake, indulgence, because that person really gave me a lot of help,But I did not want you so humble.
I have never thought of leaving you from first to last,Especially after you get sick.I hope to be able to grow up Yuanhao inbetween,Take care of you better, better get you back.
Impulse is the devil, you must pay attention to the body.