





001 Much of what you become in life depends on whom you choose to admire and copy.(2015)


002 After some other mistakes, I learned to go into business only with people whomI like, trust, and admire.(1989)


003 An owner-or investor-can accomplish wonders if he manages to associate himselfwith such people in businesses that possess decent economic characteristics.(1989)


004 If Charlie and I were to go into a small venture with a few partners, we wouldseek individuals in sync with us, knowing that common goals and a shareddestiny make for a happy business “marriage” between owners and managers. Scaling up to giant size doesn’t change that truth. (2009)


005 We have found splendid business relationships to be so rare and so enjoyablethat we want to retain all we develop. (1989)


006 This decision is particularly easy for us because we feel that these relationships will produce good - though perhaps not optimal - financial results.(1989)


007 Churchill once said, "You shape your houses and then they shape you."We know the manner in which we wish to be shaped. For that reason, we wouldrather achieve a return of X while associating with people whom we stronglylike and admire than realize 110% of X by exchanging these relationships foruninteresting or unpleasant ones.(1987)


008 We think it makes little sense for us to give up time with people we know to beinteresting and admirable for time with others we do not know and who arelikely to have human qualities far closer to average.(1989)


009 Working with people who cause your stomach to churn seems much like marryingfor money - probably a bad idea under any circumstances, but absolute madnessif you are already rich.(1986)


010 We do not wish to join with managers who lack admirable qualities, no matterhow attractive the prospects of their business.(1989)


011 We've never succeeded in making a good deal with a bad person.(1989)


012 Charlie and I don’t expect to win many of you over to our way of thinking – we’ve observed enough human behavior to know the futility of that – but we do want you to be aware of our personal calculus. (2011)


013 But we are willing to back our conviction with our own money. (1999)


014 We intend to continue our practice of working only with people whom we like andadmire.  This policy not only maximizes our chances for good results, italso ensures us an extraordinarily good time. (1986)



015 Of all our activities at Berkshire, the most exhilarating for Charlie and me isthe acquisition of a business with excellent economic characteristics and amanagement that we like, trust and admire.  Such acquisitions are not easyto make but we look for them constantly.(1992)


016 We find it meaningful when an owner cares about whom he sells to. We like to dobusiness with someone who loves his company, not just the money that a salewill bring him (though we certainly understand why he likes that as well). (2000)


017 When this emotional attachment exists, it signals that important qualities willlikely be found within the business: honest accounting, pride of product,respect for customers, and a loyal group of associates having a strong sense ofdirection. The reverse is apt to be true, also.(2000)


018 Our evaluation of the integrity of Mrs. B and her family was demonstrated whenwe purchased 90% of the business: NFM had never had an audit and we did notrequest one; we did not take an inventory nor verify the receivables; we didnot check property titles. We gave Mrs. B a check for $55 million and she gaveus her word. That made for an even exchange. (1984)

当我们购买NFM 90%的股权时,证明了我们对B夫人及其家族的诚信评价:NFM从未进行过审计,我们也没有要求进行审计;我们既没有盘点也没有核查应收账款;我们没有检查房产地契。我们给了B夫人一张5500万美元的支票,她给了我们承诺。就这样完成了公平交易。(注:伯克希尔买下了90%的股份,最终实际持有比例为80%,B夫人家族成员保留了10%股份,另有10%的股份以期权的方式授予了B夫人家族参与公司经营的年轻一代)  

019 You and I are fortunate to be in partnership with the Blumkin family.(1984)

你和我都很幸运能和B夫人家族合作。(注:NFM为伯克希尔创造了数以亿美元计的财富,并且后来收购的波仙珠宝、R.C. Willey家居用品、Star家具等多家公司都和B夫人家族有渊源)        

020 Not only did Berkshire acquire three outstanding retailers; these deals alsoallowed me to become friends with some of the finest people you will ever meet.(1999)

伯克希尔不仅收购了三家杰出的零售商;这些交易也让我与一些你将会遇到的最优秀的人成为朋友。(注:这三家零售商即NFM、R.C. Willey、Star,后两者以及再后来的成功收购,大都源于前面收购后的卖方推荐,以及买方BRK的持续口碑。)         

021 I can assure you that those who put their trust in Ike Friedman and his familywill never be disappointed. The way in which we purchased our interest in theirbusiness is the ultimate testimonial. Barshim’s had no audited financial statements; nevertheless, we didn’t take inventory, verify receivables or audit the operation in any way. Ike simply told us what was so - and on that basis we drew up a one-page contract and wrote a large check. (1988)

我可以向你们保证,那些信任Ike Friedman及其家族的人永远不会失望。我们购买他们公司的方式就是最好的证明。波仙珠宝没有经过审计的财务报表;尽管如此,我们也没有盘点存货、核实应收账款或以任何方式审计业务。Ike简单地告诉了我们实际情况,在此基础上,我们起草了一份一页纸的合同,开了一张大额支票,成交。         

022 Ike Friedman is not only a superb businessman but also a man of integrity. Webought the business without an audit, and all of our surprises have been on theplus side. "If you don't know jewelry, know your jeweler" makes sensewhether you are buying the whole business or a tiny diamond.(1989)

Ike Friedman不仅是一个出色的商人,还是一个正直诚信的人。我们未经审计就收购了这家公司(波仙珠宝),之后我们所有的意外都是喜出望外。“如果你不懂珠宝,那你得懂你的珠宝商”,这句话很有道理,不管你买的是整个公司还是一粒小钻石。         

023 It is great fun to be in business with people you have long admired. TheFriedmans, like the Blumkins, have achieved success because they have deservedsuccess.  Both families focus on what ’s right for the customer and that, inevitably, works out well for them, also. We couldn’t have better partners. (1988)


024 A few days later, Melvyn and I met in New York and made a deal in a single,two-hour session. As was the case with the Blumkins and Bill Child, I had noneed to check leases, work out employment contracts, etc. I knew I was dealingwith a man of integrity and that's what counted. (1997)


025 Ben Bridge Jeweler was another purchase we made by phone, prior to anyface-to-face meeting between me and the management. Ed Bridge, who with hiscousin, Jon, manages this 65-store West Coast retailer, is a friend of BarnettHelzberg, from whom we bought Helzberg Diamonds in 1995. Upon learning that theBridge family proposed to sell its company, Barnett gave Berkshire a strongrecommendation. Ed then called and explained his business to me, also sendingsome figures, and we made a deal. (2000)

Ben Bridge珠宝公司是我们通过电话进行的另一次收购,我和对方管理层未曾谋面就成交了。Ed Bridge和他的堂兄Jon一起管理着这家拥有65家店铺的西海岸零售商,他是Barnett Helzberg的朋友,我们于1995年从Barnett那里购买了Helzberg钻石公司。得知Bridge家族准备出售其公司后,Barnett给他们强烈推荐了伯克希尔。然后,Ed Bridge打电话给我,描述了他的生意,还发来了一些数据,然后我们成交。 

026 Charlie and I are not big fans of resumes. Instead, we focus on brains, passionand integrity. (2007)


027 Susan came to Barshim’s 25 years ago as a $4-an-hour saleswoman. Though she lacked a managerial background, I did not hesitate to make her CEO in 1994. She’s smart, she loves the business, and she loves her associates. That beats having an MBA degree any time.(2007)



028 Our long-avowed goal is to be the “buyer of choice” for businesses – particularly those built and owned by families. The way to achieve this goal is to deserve it. That means we must keep our promises; avoid leveraging up acquired businesses; grant unusual autonomy to our managers; and hold the purchased companies through thick and thin (though we prefer thick and thicker). (2008)


029 Although our form is corporate, our attitude is partnership.  CharlieMunger and I think of our shareholders as owner-partners, and of ourselves asmanaging partners.  (Because of the size of our shareholdings we also are,for better or worse, controlling partners.) We do not view the company itselfas the ultimate owner of our business assets but, instead, view the company asa conduit through which our shareholders own the assets. (1983)


030 In line with this owner-orientation, our directors are all major shareholdersof Berkshire Hathaway. In the case of at least four of the five, over 50% offamily net worth is represented by holdings of Berkshire. We eat our owncooking. (1983)


031 Basically, we want the behavior of our directors to be driven by the effecttheir decisions will have on their family ’s net worth, not by their compensation. That’s the equation for Charlie and me as managers, and we think it’s the right one for Berkshire directors as well.(2002)


032 This same owner-orientation prevails among our managers. In many cases, theseare people who have sought out Berkshire as an acquirer for a business thatthey and their families have long owned. They came to us with an owner ’s mindset, and we provide an environment that encourages them to retain it.(2010)


033 At Berkshire, our audience is neither analysts nor commentators: Charlie and Iare working for our shareholder-partners. The numbers that flow up to us willbe the ones we send on to you. (2018)


034 We do, of course, have an active audit function; no sense being a damned fool.To an unusual degree, however, we trust our managers to run their operationswith a keen sense of stewardship. After all, they were doing exactly thatbefore we acquired their businesses. (2014)


035 With only occasional exceptions, furthermore, our trust produces better resultsthan would be achieved by streams of directives, endless reviews and layers ofbureaucracy. Charlie and I try to interact with our managers in a mannerconsistent with what we would wish for, if the positions were reversed. (2014)


036 So, I’ve taken the easy route, just sitting back and working through great managers who run their own shows. My only tasks are to cheer them on, sculpt and harden our corporate culture, and make major capital-allocation decisions. Our managers have returned this trust by working hard and effectively.  (2006)



037 Here's a story illustrating what Melvyn and Shirley are like: When they toldtheir associates of the sale, they also announced that Star would make large,special payments to those who had helped them succeed -- and then defined that groupas everyone in the business. Under the terms of our deal, it was Melvyn andShirley's money, not ours, that funded this distribution. Charlie and I love itwhen we become partners with people who behave like that. (1997)


038 In their typically classy way, the Bridges allocated a substantial portion ofthe proceeds from their sale to the hundreds of co-workers who had helped thecompany achieve its success. We ’re proud to be associated with both the family and the company.(2000)

Bridge家族以他们通常的经典做法,把公司出售收益的相当一部分,分给了帮助公司取得成功的数百名员工。能够与这个家族和这个公司共事,我们非常自豪。(注:这是Ben Bridge珠宝公司被收购后的故事)         

039 The disposition of money unmasks humans. (2022)


040 In those rare instances in which Murph's personal interests diverged from thoseof shareholders, he unfailingly favored the owners.  When I say that Ilike to be associated with managers whom I would love to have as a sibling,in-law, or trustee of my will, Murph is the exemplar of what I mean. (1995)


041 If Murph should elect to run another business, don't bother to study its value- just buy the stock. (1995)


042 From the time we first met, Gene shot straight 100% of the time - the onlybehavior pattern he had within him.  At the outset of negotiations, helaid all negative factors face up on the table; on the other hand, for yearsafter the transaction was completed he would tell me periodically of somepreviously undiscussed items of value that had come with our purchase. (1980)



Though he was already 71 years of age when he sold us the Bank, Genesubsequently worked harder for us than he had for himself. (1980)


044 Bill then insisted on a truly extraordinary proposition: He would personallybuy the land and build the store -- for about $9 million as it turned out --and would sell it to us at his cost if it proved to be successful. On the otherhand, if sales fell short of his expectations, we could exit the businesswithout paying Bill a cent. This outcome, of course, would leave him with ahuge investment in an empty building. I told him that I appreciated his offerbut felt that if Berkshire was going to get the upside it should also take thedownside. (1999)


045 The store opened last August and immediately became a huge success. Billthereupon turned the property over to us -- including some extra land that hadappreciated significantly -- and we wrote him a check for his cost. And getthis: Bill refused to take a dime of interest on the capital he had tied upover the two years. (1999)


046 If a manager has behaved similarly at some other public corporation, I haven'theard about it. You can understand why the opportunity to partner with peoplelike Bill Child causes me to tap dance to work every morning. (1999)



047 At both GEICO and Executive Jet, our best source of new customers is the happyones we already have. Indeed, about 65% of our new owners of aircraft come asreferrals from current owners who have fallen in love with the service. (1999) 


048 Our acquisitions usually develop in the same way.(1999)


049 Every year in Berkshire ’s annual report I include a description of the kind of business that we would like to buy.  This "ad" paid off in 1986. (1986)


050 At Berkshire, our carefully-crafted acquisition strategy is simply to wait forthe phone to ring. Happily, it sometimes does so, usually because a manager whosold to us earlier has recommended to a friend that he think about followingsuit.(1999)


051 Our acquisition technique at Berkshire is simplicity itself: We answer thephone. I’m also glad to report that it rings a bit more often now, because owners and/or managers increasingly wish to join their companies with Berkshire. (2000)


052 Flushed with success, we repeat our ad. If you have a business that fits, callme or, preferably, write. (1986)


053 We invite potential sellers to check us out by contacting people with whom wehave done business in the past. (1986)


054 For the right business - and the right people - we can provide a good home. (1986)



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