Since Leonard's glasses got stamped on by Howard, he has nothing to do but calling Penny to see if Sheldon was still at the restaurant so he can sneak back to apartment to get his spare.
Unfortunately, Sheldon and Penny had already been back to the apartment. So Raj advised Leonard to get eye surgery because it might seem better to get back to apartment and deal with Sheldon.
In the same time, Sheldon laid on the bed and asked Penny to rub the medicine on his chest and sing to him. Penny looked so unwillingly but Sheldon finally managed to convinced her to do it.
Blow: made a careless mistake so failing to achieve something.
beam: a happy face; a sort of light, energy and radiation sent towards in a particular direction
carve: cut meat or something into slices
corneas: transparent skin covering the outside of eyes.
mate: male friends; to have sex to produce young.
cozy: something that is comfortable and warm.
full-blown: have all the characteristics of a particular type