1,It’s a pity that the spitbox in the pit was hit and split. 遗憾的是坑内的痰盂被打裂。
2,The situation is fit for profiting and beneficial to the shops situated nearby.这种形势适于获利且对坐落在附近的商铺有益。
3,The fanciful panda fan panics over the span of the pan-like panel. 爱幻想的熊猫迷对盆状仪表板的全长感到恐慌。
4,The advanced van has disadvantages as well as advantages. 这两天先进的篷车有优点也有缺点。
5,The original organ organization was originated with an original man.最初的风琴组织是由一个有创见的人发起的。