I remember HaoYi once said: "What if I come across Trump in America two years later? "
During high school life, I always agreed with her every opinion, because she is more capable and well raised than me. However, I have come to shoke the belief since college.
Recently, I come across a book entitled Win Bigly, Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don't Matter.
I thoroughly disapprove her opinions, instead, I admire Trump from the bottom of my heart.
The author of the book is Adams.
Certainly Adams successfully forecast Trump's success in the election.
As he mentions in his book "Persuasiveness has three levels ."
The highest is 'Weapons-grade',the second level is 'Weapons-grade ',the second level is 'Congnitive scientist ',and the third level is 'business level '.
Very few persons could reach Weapons-grade's level, but Trump belongs here. Other former presidents of the United States come to this level and Jobs is here, too.
What I'd like to express is that life may not need reference, but learning from Weapons-grade Trump as much as possible is what I can do now.