srs 之http_api 调用流程

首先,http_api 监听和rtmp的监听是一样的

srs_error_t SrsServer::listen_http_api()
    srs_error_t err = srs_success;
    if (_srs_config->get_http_api_enabled()) {
        SrsListener* listener = new SrsBufferListener(this, SrsListenerHttpApi);
        std::string ep = _srs_config->get_http_api_listen();
        std::string ip;
        int port;
        srs_parse_endpoint(ep, ip, port);
        if ((err = listener->listen(ip, port)) != srs_success) {
            return srs_error_wrap(err, "http api listen %s:%d", ip.c_str(), port);
    return err;

SrsBufferListener::listen -> SrsTcpListener::listen -> SrsTcpListener::cycle
调用srs_accept等待客户端的连接,然后调用SrsBufferListener::on_tcp_client进行处理请求,然后根据SrsListenerType type走不同的分支

    if (type == SrsListenerRtmpStream) {
        *pr = new SrsRtmpConn(this, stfd, ip, port);
    } else if (type == SrsListenerHttpApi) {
        *pr = new SrsHttpApi(false, this, stfd, http_api_mux, ip, port);
    } else if (type == SrsListenerHttpsApi) {
        *pr = new SrsHttpApi(true, this, stfd, http_api_mux, ip, port);
    } else if (type == SrsListenerHttpStream) {
        *pr = new SrsResponseOnlyHttpConn(false, this, stfd, http_server, ip, port);
    } else if (type == SrsListenerHttpsStream) {
        *pr = new SrsResponseOnlyHttpConn(true, this, stfd, http_server, ip, port);
    } else {
        srs_warn("close for no service handler. fd=%d, ip=%s:%d", fd, ip.c_str(), port);
        return err;

http_api就是SrsListenerHttpApi,创建了 SrsHttpApi 并调用 SrsHttpApi::start()

srs_error_t SrsHttpConn::do_cycle()
    srs_error_t err = srs_success;
    // set the recv timeout, for some clients never disconnect the connection.
    // @see

    // initialize parser
    if ((err = parser->initialize(HTTP_REQUEST)) != srs_success) {
        return srs_error_wrap(err, "init parser for %s", ip.c_str());

    // Notify the handler that we are starting to process the connection.
    if ((err = handler_->on_start()) != srs_success) {
        return srs_error_wrap(err, "start");

    SrsRequest* last_req = NULL;
    SrsAutoFree(SrsRequest, last_req);

    // process all http messages.
    err = process_requests(&last_req);
    srs_error_t r0 = srs_success;
    if ((r0 = on_disconnect(last_req)) != srs_success) {
        err = srs_error_wrap(err, "on disconnect %s", srs_error_desc(r0).c_str());
    return err;

进入 SrsHttpConn::process_requests - > SrsHttpConn::process_request -> SrsHttpCorsMux::serve_http

srs_error_t SrsHttpConn::process_requests(SrsRequest** preq)
    srs_error_t err = srs_success;

    for (int req_id = 0; ; req_id++) {
        if ((err = trd->pull()) != srs_success) {
            return srs_error_wrap(err, "pull");

        // get a http message
        ISrsHttpMessage* req = NULL;
        if ((err = parser->parse_message(skt, &req)) != srs_success) {
            return srs_error_wrap(err, "parse message");

        // if SUCCESS, always NOT-NULL.
        // always free it in this scope.
        SrsAutoFree(ISrsHttpMessage, req);

        // Attach owner connection to message.
        SrsHttpMessage* hreq = (SrsHttpMessage*)req;

        // copy request to last request object.
        *preq = hreq->to_request(hreq->host());

        // may should discard the body.
        SrsHttpResponseWriter writer(skt);
        if ((err = handler_->on_http_message(req, &writer)) != srs_success) {
            return srs_error_wrap(err, "on http message");

        // ok, handle http request.
        if ((err = process_request(&writer, req, req_id)) != srs_success) {
            return srs_error_wrap(err, "process request=%d", req_id);

        // After the request is processed.
        if ((err = handler_->on_message_done(req, &writer)) != srs_success) {
            return srs_error_wrap(err, "on message done");

        // donot keep alive, disconnect it.
        // @see
        if (!req->is_keep_alive()) {

    return err;
srs_error_t SrsHttpConn::process_request(ISrsHttpResponseWriter* w, ISrsHttpMessage* r, int rid)
    srs_error_t err = srs_success;
    srs_trace("HTTP #%d %s:%d %s %s, content-length=%" PRId64 "", rid, ip.c_str(), port,
        r->method_str().c_str(), r->url().c_str(), r->content_length());
    // use cors server mux to serve http request, which will proxy to http_remux.
    if ((err = cors->serve_http(w, r)) != srs_success) {
        return srs_error_wrap(err, "mux serve");
    return err;

srs_error_t SrsHttpCorsMux::serve_http(ISrsHttpResponseWriter* w, ISrsHttpMessage* r)
    // If CORS enabled, and there is a "Origin" header, it's CORS.
    if (enabled) {
        SrsHttpHeader* h = r->header();
        required = !h->get("Origin").empty();
    // When CORS required, set the CORS headers.
    if (required) {
        SrsHttpHeader* h = w->header();
        h->set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
        h->set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS");
        h->set("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Server,range,Content-Length,Content-Range");
        h->set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "origin,range,accept-encoding,referer,Cache-Control,X-Proxy-Authorization,X-Requested-With,Content-Type");
    // handle the http options.
    if (r->is_http_options()) {
        if (enabled) {
        } else {
        return w->final_request();
    return next->serve_http(w, r);

调用到 SrsHttpCorsMux::serve_http ,此时就需要知道 next是什么了

SrsHttpApi::SrsHttpApi(bool https, ISrsResourceManager* cm, srs_netfd_t fd, SrsHttpServeMux* m, string cip, int port)
    // Create a identify for this client.

    manager = cm;
    skt = new SrsTcpConnection(fd);

    if (https) {
        ssl = new SrsSslConnection(skt);
        conn = new SrsHttpConn(this, ssl, m, cip, port);
    } else {
        ssl = NULL;
        conn = new SrsHttpConn(this, skt, m, cip, port);


SrsHttpConn::SrsHttpConn(ISrsHttpConnOwner* handler, ISrsProtocolReadWriter* fd, ISrsHttpServeMux* m, string cip, int cport)
    parser = new SrsHttpParser();
    cors = new SrsHttpCorsMux();
    http_mux = m;
    handler_ = handler;

    skt = fd;
    ip = cip;
    port = cport;
    create_time = srsu2ms(srs_get_system_time());
    clk = new SrsWallClock();
    kbps = new SrsKbps(clk);
    kbps->set_io(skt, skt);
    trd = new SrsSTCoroutine("http", this, _srs_context->get_id());
    traffic_flag_ = false;

srs_error_t SrsHttpConn::set_crossdomain_enabled(bool v)
    srs_error_t err = srs_success;

    // initialize the cors, which will proxy to mux.
    if ((err = cors->initialize(http_mux, v)) != srs_success) {
        return srs_error_wrap(err, "init cors");

    return err;

从上面的代码,创建 SrsHttpApi 的时候,会把SrsHttpServeMux指针赋值过去,SrsHttpCorsMux调用initialize,会把SrsHttpServeMux指针赋值过去,所以next就是 SrsHttpServeMux*next了, 所以就调到了 SrsHttpServeMux::serve_http

srs_error_t SrsHttpServeMux::serve_http(ISrsHttpResponseWriter* w, ISrsHttpMessage* r)
    srs_error_t err = srs_success;
    ISrsHttpHandler* h = NULL;
    if ((err = find_handler(r, &h)) != srs_success) {
        return srs_error_wrap(err, "find handler");
    if ((err = h->serve_http(w, r)) != srs_success) {
        return srs_error_wrap(err, "serve http");
    return err;

find_handler 就是查找http_api开始注册的信息了

srs_error_t SrsRtcServer::listen_api()
    srs_error_t err = srs_success;

    // TODO: FIXME: Fetch api from hybrid manager, not from SRS.
    SrsHttpServeMux* http_api_mux = _srs_hybrid->srs()->instance()->api_server();

    // kuaishou api
    if ((err = http_api_mux->handle("/webrtc/v1/pullstream", new SrsGoApiRtcPlay(this))) != srs_success) {
        return srs_error_wrap(err, "handle play");

    if ((err = http_api_mux->handle("/webrtc/v1/stopstream", new SrsGoApiRtcStop(this))) != srs_success) {
        return srs_error_wrap(err, "handle stop");

    // srs native api
    if ((err = http_api_mux->handle("/rtc/v1/play/", new SrsGoApiRtcPlay(this))) != srs_success) {
        return srs_error_wrap(err, "handle play");

    if ((err = http_api_mux->handle("/rtc/v1/stop/", new SrsGoApiRtcStop(this))) != srs_success) {
        return srs_error_wrap(err, "handle stop");

    if ((err = http_api_mux->handle("/rtc/v1/publish/", new SrsGoApiRtcPublish(this))) != srs_success) {
        return srs_error_wrap(err, "handle publish");

    if ((err = http_api_mux->handle("/rtc/v1/nack/", new SrsGoApiRtcNACK(this))) != srs_success) {
        return srs_error_wrap(err, "handle nack");

    return err;

如果此时客户端请求,则就调用了 SrsGoApiRtcPlay,这样就调到了 SrsGoApiRtcPlay::serve_http了

srs_error_t SrsGoApiRtcPlay::serve_http(ISrsHttpResponseWriter* w, ISrsHttpMessage* r)
    srs_error_t err = srs_success;

    SrsHttpMessage* hr = dynamic_cast<SrsHttpMessage*>(r);
    SrsHttpConn* hc = dynamic_cast<SrsHttpConn*>(hr->connection());

    SrsJsonObject* res = SrsJsonAny::object();
    SrsAutoFree(SrsJsonObject, res);

    if ((err = do_serve_http(w, r, res)) != srs_success) {
        srs_warn("RTC error %s", srs_error_desc(err).c_str());
#if 0
        return srs_api_response_code(w, r, SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_BadRequest);
        // for different client, we can generate different err response.
        generate_ks_err_response(res, err);

    return srs_api_response(w, r, res->dumps());

我们来看下 do_serve_http里面做了什么
ruc.remote_sdp.parse 解析远端的 sdp
check_remote_sdp 检查sdp , 而后创建session,SrsRtcServer::create_session,create_session里面调用do_create_session

srs_error_t SrsRtcServer::do_create_session(SrsRtcUserConfig* conf, SrsSdp& local_sdp, SrsRtcConnection* session)
    srs_error_t err = srs_success;

    SrsRequest* req = conf->req;

    // first add publisher/player for negotiate sdp media info
    if (conf->publish) {
        if ((err = session->add_publisher(conf, local_sdp)) != srs_success) {
            return srs_error_wrap(err, "add publisher");
    } else {
        if ((err = session->add_player(conf, local_sdp)) != srs_success) {
            return srs_error_wrap(err, "add player");

    // All tracks default as inactive, so we must enable them.
    session->set_all_tracks_status(req->get_stream_url(), conf->publish, true);

    //local_pwd 是个随机数,作为answer sdp中的ice_ufrag
    std::string local_pwd = srs_random_str(32);
    std::string local_ufrag = "";
    // TODO: FIXME: Rename for a better name, it's not an username.
    std::string username = "";
    while (true) {
        local_ufrag = srs_random_str(8);

        username = local_ufrag + ":" + conf->remote_sdp.get_ice_ufrag();
        if (!_srs_rtc_manager->find_by_name(username)) {


    // We allows to mock the eip of server.
    if (!conf->eip.empty()) {
        string host;
        int port = _srs_config->get_rtc_server_listen();
        srs_parse_hostport(conf->eip, host, port);

        local_sdp.add_candidate(host, port, "host");
        srs_trace("RTC: Use candidate mock_eip %s as %s:%d", conf->eip.c_str(), host.c_str(), port);
    } else {
        std::vector<string> candidate_ips = get_candidate_ips();
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)candidate_ips.size(); ++i) {
            local_sdp.add_candidate(candidate_ips[i], _srs_config->get_rtc_server_listen(), "host");
        srs_trace("RTC: Use candidates %s", srs_join_vector_string(candidate_ips, ", ").c_str());

    // Setup the negotiate DTLS by config.
    local_sdp.session_negotiate_ = local_sdp.session_config_;

    // Setup the negotiate DTLS role.
    if (conf->remote_sdp.get_dtls_role() == "active") {
        local_sdp.session_negotiate_.dtls_role = "passive";
    } else if (conf->remote_sdp.get_dtls_role() == "passive") {
        local_sdp.session_negotiate_.dtls_role = "active";
    } else if (conf->remote_sdp.get_dtls_role() == "actpass") {
        local_sdp.session_negotiate_.dtls_role = local_sdp.session_config_.dtls_role;
    } else {
        // @see:
        // The default value of the setup attribute in an offer/answer exchange
        // is 'active' in the offer and 'passive' in the answer.
        local_sdp.session_negotiate_.dtls_role = "passive";

    // We must setup the local SDP, then initialize the session object.

    // Before session initialize, we must setup the local SDP.
    if ((err = session->initialize(req, conf->dtls, conf->srtp, username)) != srs_success) {
        return srs_error_wrap(err, "init");

    // We allows username is optional, but it never empty here.
    _srs_rtc_manager->add_with_name(username, session);

    return err;

函数里面会进行sdp 协商并创建完整的 local_sdp,local_sdp就是要返回给web端的answer sdp。
_srs_rtc_manager->add_with_name(username, session);
username 作为key保存session,username是由loacl sdp 中的ice-ufrag和remote sdp中的ice-ufrag拼接成的字符串,为什么要用它俩作为key呢,是因为stun包中的username也是ice-ufrag。当收到stun包时,就可以基于stun包中的username确定发送方是哪个用户,从而确定该用户的udp协议的ip和port了。
最后 srs_api_response发送 sdp 给客户端。

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