

英文 中文
The South Pacific islands are the most isolated in the world. 南太平洋有全世界最偏僻的岛屿
Some are more than 4,000 miles from the nearest continent. 有些岛屿距离最近的大陆超过六千公里
The odds against any life reaching these islands 任何生灵抵达这里
and flourishing were once minute. 繁衍生息的几率微乎其微
But no matter how remote they may be, 然而不管多么遥远
all have been colonised... 所有的岛屿都被生命征服
first by plants and animals... 先是植物和动物
and then by humans. 随后便是人类

So who were those castaways? 这些漂流而来的家伙都是谁
And how did they ever reach these far-flung islands? 它们又是如何抵达这些遥远海岛的
More than twice the width of the Atlantic Ocean, 宽度超过大西洋的两倍
the South Pacific is 10,000 miles wide. 南太平洋横跨一万六千公里
Many of the pioneers who made it to the most easterly islands 许多拓荒者从遥远的西方启程
set off from its far western corner. 登陆最东边的岛屿
And for most, New Guinea was the launch pad. 其中多数来自新几内亚岛
Three times the size of Britain, 面积相当于英国的三倍
this is the largest tropical island in the world. 这是世界上最大的热带岛屿
And the island richest in animal life... 也是动物种类最为丰富的岛屿
with some truly eye-catching residents. 这里住着一些颇为引人注目的居民
Like this Goldie's bird of paradise. 例如戈氏极乐鸟
Never filmed before, 从未被镜头捕捉到过
Goldie's are just one of new Guinea's 38 species of bird of paradise, 戈氏极乐鸟是岛上三十八种极乐鸟之一
all famed for their spectacular plumage. 均以其靓丽的羽毛闻名
Keen to show his impressive feathers to an attentive female, 为了向心仪的雌鸟展示这绚丽的羽毛
the male clears the stage. 雄鸟清理了舞台
Now he's ready for a spot of serenading. 现在它准备好吟唱小夜曲了
Females may be dull-looking, but they are very picky. 雌鸟相貌平平却十分挑剔
His solo fails to impress. 雄鸟的独唱没有奏效
A second male arrives and takes centre stage. 第二只雄鸟到来占据了舞台中心
But rather than fight, they strike up a duet! 与其战斗倒不如来个二重唱
This show of strength finally gets her attention. 充满力量的表演终于赢得了雌鸟的芳心
The best-dressed Goldie gets the girl. 最漂亮的戈氏极乐鸟喜得良缘
But while his feathers may have secured him a mate, 这身华美的羽毛为它招来了伴侣
they're not strong enough to carry him off the island 却不足以助它飞离这座岛屿
and further east across the South Pacific. 远渡南太平洋飞往遥远的东方
Birds of paradise have sacrificed flight efficiency 极乐鸟为了飞行的华美
for flights of fancy. 牺牲了飞行的效率
So who did manage to colonise the South Pacific? 究竟谁能成功殖民南太平洋呢
New Guinea's enormous landscape 新几内亚岛面积巨大
is carved up into thousands of isolated valleys. 其中镌刻着上千个独立的山谷
Each shelters huge numbers of potential colonisers. 每座山谷都居住着大量潜在的殖民者
Amazingly, one in twenty of the world's insect species may live here. 这里拥有全球二十分之一的昆虫物种
As well as almost 300 species of mammal, 还有约三百种哺乳动物
like the bizarre, egg-laying long-nosed Echidna. 例如这种奇怪的卵生长吻针鼹
There are even kangaroos that have taken to the trees... 甚至还有喜欢爬树的袋鼠
although somewhat precariously. 尽管有点悬
Did any of these animals ever travel east to other islands? 这些动物中有没有东渡去往其他岛屿的呢

Around 300 species of reptiles thrive within this hothouse... 大约三百种爬行动物在这个温室里兴旺繁衍
including the ubiquitous mourning gecko. 包括随处可见的鳞趾虎
It is a highly adaptable creature, 它适应力极强
but did it have the tools, stamina and luck 但它有成功漂流所需的
to survive being a castaway? 工具耐力和运气吗
One animal certainly did. 有一种动物显然拥有这些
Humans. 人类
Despite only arriving in New Guinea 40,000 years ago, 抵达新几内亚岛不过四万年
humans were soon established 人类已经迅速在迷宫般的
throughout the island's maze of hidden valleys. 隐藏的山谷中繁衍生息
Today, these people are known as Papuans, 如今这些人被称为巴布亚人
and together, speak over 700 different languages - 他们共使用超过七百种不同的语言
more than any other island on Earth. 比地球上任何岛屿都多
Yet despite their mastery of the island, 尽管他们是这座岛屿的主人
there was one creature they lived in awe of. 有一种生物让他们保持敬畏
The giant, man-eating crocodile. 巨型食人鳄
Even today, young men must endure a brutal initiation ceremony 直到今天年轻男子必须经过严苛的成人礼
in the belief that they will acquire 他们坚信这将赋予他们
the strength and guile of these giant reptiles. 巨鳄的力量和智慧
The chief shaman calls out to the crocodile gods, 首席萨满召唤巨鳄之神
asking for their blessing and protection. 请它们赐予祝福和庇佑
The tribesmen form the sinuous shape 部落人模仿爬行的鳄鱼
of a moving crocodile. 排成蜿蜒的长队
At the rear, the crocodile's tail, 在队伍的最后鳄鱼的尾部
a court jester lightens the mood... 一个小丑负责调节气氛
momentarily. 当然只是暂时的
For what follows 接下来的
is a gruelling and potentially lethal rite of passage. 是残忍甚至可能致命的成人礼
These young men will be mutilated to resemble crocodiles. 年轻人的皮肤将被刻上鳄鱼般的疤痕
The boys are led into the spirit house, 男孩们接受长辈的夹道鞭笞
running the gauntlet of blows from their elders. 被领入圣灵之屋
Inside, they find sharpened lengths of bamboo. 在屋里他们找到削尖的长竹条
The sacred act of scarring is about to begin. 神圣的刻疤仪式即将开始
The ritual is a closely guarded secret. 仪式的过程被严格保密
Their cuts are thoroughly cleaned. 割伤处必须彻底清洁
Killer infections are a real danger. 感染将是致命的威胁
They go in as boys, but they come out as men - 来时还是男孩去时已成长为男人
crocodile men, 巨鳄的男人
with the power to summon the great reptiles. 拥有召唤巨鳄的能力
The scars on their back represent the animal's scales... 他们背上的疤痕代表着鳄鱼的鳞片
while their chests have become the crocodile's eyes. 胸膛则成为鳄鱼的双眼
If the animal you most fear might be watching your every move, 当你最恐惧的动物关注着你的一举一动
any act of appeasement is worth trying. 任何安抚都不妨一试了
And New Guinea wasn't the last stop 新几内亚岛并非湾鳄
for saltwater crocodiles in the South Pacific. 在南太平洋的最后一站
Millions of years ago, these powerful reptiles 数百万年前这种强悍的爬行动物
had already begun their push eastwards. 已经开始它们的东渡之行
For any animal castaway, 对于任何动物漂流者而言
the first hurdle would have been the 60-mile stretch of water 首先要横跨将近一百公里的海域
that separates New Guinea from the next group of islands - 才能抵达距离新几内亚岛最近的岛屿群
the Solomons. 所罗门群岛
Instead of one dominating island, like New Guinea, 和新几内亚岛仅有一个主岛不同
the Solomons are made up of almost 1,000 smaller jewels 所罗门群岛的近一千个小岛如珍珠般
scattered along a 900-mile chain. 镶嵌在约一千五百公里长的项链上
All these islands erupted out of the sea 这些岛屿皆由海洋火山喷发形成
and were ripe for colonisation. 对殖民而言时机已经成熟
The ancestors of these Solomon Islanders 所罗门岛民的祖先
made that initial 60-mile crossing some 30,000 years ago. 早在三万年前就成功跨越了那一百公里的阻隔
Whether their ancestors paddled 他们的祖先是划着这种
across in hollowed-out tree trunks like these 中空树干制成的独木舟
or floated on giant bamboo rafts, 还是利用巨型竹筏随水漂流
no-one knows. 无人知晓
And with land occasionally in sight, 陆地是如此难得
they would have surely been tempted to investigate. 他们必定充满了探索的欲望
By the time people arrived, 当人类抵达之时
the Solomons were packed with almost a quarter of the plants 新几内亚岛上近四分之一的动植物
and animals found in New Guinea... 已经在此定居
including their old adversary, 还有他们的老对手
the saltwater crocodile. 湾鳄
A 60-mile swim would be an unimaginable feat for most animals, 游近百公里对多数动物而言是难以想象的壮举
but salties are not most animals. 但对湾鳄而言是小菜一碟
One of the few crocodiles to tolerate saltwater, 湾鳄是几种适应咸水的鳄鱼之一
they are also the largest and strongest swimmers. 它们也是最大最强壮的泳者
Guided by an internal compass, 被体内的罗盘所指引
they made landfall throughout the Solomons 它们在所罗门群岛各处登陆
and became the most easterly population of crocodiles in the Pacific. 并成为了太平洋最东边的鳄鱼群
Once arrived, they'd have had plenty to feast on. 一旦登陆它们就可以尽享饕餮盛宴了
The waters surrounding New Guinea and the Solomons 环绕新几内亚岛和所罗门群岛的水域
are the richest and most diverse in the world. 是世界上最丰饶和物种最丰富的水域
Indeed, there are more species of fish on one of these reefs 这一片珊瑚礁上的鱼群种类
than in the whole of the Caribbean. 就比整个加勒比海里的还要多
But how did all this life 但这些生命是如何
reach the Solomons from New Guinea? 从新几内亚到达所罗门群岛的呢
You might think it would be easy 你也许会认为
for a fish to swim between these small islands. 鱼类在这些小岛间穿梭是件易事
But not so. 但并非如此
You wouldn't find these little fish in deep water. 这些小鱼只在浅水区出没
The open ocean beyond their shallow reef is, 这些浅礁上方的开阔水域
in fact, a huge barrier. 实际上是一个巨大的障碍
So how did all these fish come to be here? 那么这些鱼到底是怎么来的呢
Colonising new reefs is a challenge 在新的珊瑚礁上建造栖息地
faced by fish across the South Pacific, 是南太平洋的鱼群需要面对的挑战
but they have a simple solution. 但它们有一个简单的解决方案
Once a year, thousands of groupers gather on the reefs. 每年一次无数石斑鱼聚集在珊瑚礁上
With the coming of the full moon, an extraordinary event unfolds. 当满月降临一场盛典拉开了帷幕
They spawn. 它们开始产卵
A female darts up and releases millions of eggs, 一只雌鱼向上猛冲产下上百万颗卵
quickly followed by the males, 雄鱼们紧紧跟上
who jostle to fertilise them. 互相推挤着为卵受精
But starting new life can end in death. 但新生命的诞生可能伴随着死亡
Grey reef sharks. 黑尾真鲨来了


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