- pip安装
- pip安装virtualenv
sudo pip install virtualenv
- pip测试安装virtualenvwrapper
sudo easy_install virtualenvwrapper
- virtualenvwrapper配置
virtualenvwrapper.sh脚本路径: /usr/local/bin/
# Setup:
# 1. Create a directory to hold the virtual environments.
# (mkdir $HOME/.virtualenvs).
# 2. Add a line like "export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs"
# to your .bashrc.
# 3. Add a line like "source /path/to/this/file/"
# to your .bashrc.
# 4. Run: source ~/.bashrc
# 5. Run: workon
# 6. A list of environments, empty, is printed.
# 7. Run: mkvirtualenv temp
# 8. Run: workon
# 9. This time, the "temp" environment is included.
# 10. Run: workon temp
# 11. The virtual environment is activated.