钢铁侠是美国漫威漫画旗下的超级英雄,由斯坦·李、赖瑞·理柏、唐·赫克和杰克·科比联合创造。全名安东尼·爱德华·托尼·斯塔克(Anthony Edward Tony Stark),是斯塔克工业的CEO。在一场阴谋绑架中,托尼胸部遭弹片穿入,生命危在旦夕,为了挽救自己的性命,在同被绑架的物理学家何·银森(Ho Yinsen)的协助下,托尼制造方舟反应炉,利用方舟反应炉作为能量运转的来源,暗中制造了一套装甲(Mark1),杀出重围,逃过一劫。从此变身“钢铁侠”保卫地球。
1. Worse things have happened, I think we're gonna be fine.
2. It's an imperfect world, but it's the only one we've got.
3. Peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy.
4. Is it better to be feared or respected? And I say, is it too much to ask for both?
5. They say the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. …… Find an excuse to let one of these off the chain, and I personally guarantee you, the bad guys won't even want to come out of their caves.
6. So you're a man who has everything… and nothing.
7. I saw young Americans killed, by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them. And I saw that I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero-accountability. I came to realize that I have more to offer this world than just making things that blow up.
8. Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.
9. Here's the line, we don't cross it, this is how we do business.
10. The more you struggle, the more this is going to hurt.
11. I just finally know what I have to do. And I know in my heart that it's right.
12. Just stick to the official statement and soon this will all be behind you.
13. I am Iron Man.