体系架构(Enterprise Architecture, EA)的开山之作,之前一直引用,从来没有系统的学习,通过翻译加深理解,与感兴趣的朋友一起学习探讨。
With increasing size and complexity of the implementationsof information systems, it is necessary to use some logical construct (orarchitecture) for defining and controlling the interfaces and the integrationof all of the components of the system. This paper defines information systems architecture by creating adescriptive framework from disciplines quite independent of informationsystems, then by analogy specifies information systems architecture based uponthe neutral, objective framework. Also, some preliminary conclusions about theimplications of the resultant descriptive framework are drawn. The discussionis limited to architecture and does not include a strategic planningmethodology.
The subject of information systems architecture isbeginning to receive considerable attention. The increased scope of design andlevels of complexity of information systems implementations are forcing the useof some logical construct (or architecture) for defining and controlling theinterfaces and the integration of all of the components of the system. Thirtyyears ago this issue was not at all significant because the technology itselfdid not provide for either breadth in scope or depth in complexity ininformation systems. The inherent limitations of the then available 4Kmachines, for example, constrained design and necessitated suboptimalapproaches for automating a business.
Current technology is rapidly removing both conceptual andfinancial constraints. It is not hard to speculate about, if not realize, verylarge, very complex systems implementations, extending in scope and complexityto encompass an entire enterprise. One can readily delineate the merits of thelarge, complex enterprise-oriented approaches. Such systems allow flexibilityin managing business changes and coherency in the management of businessresources. However, there also is merit in the more traditional, smaller,suboptimal systems design approach. Such systems are relatively economical,quickly implemented, and easier to design and manage.
In either case, since the technology permits “distributing”large amounts of computing facilities in small packages to remote locations,some kind of structure (or architecture) is imperative because decentralizationwithout structure is chaos. Therefore, to keep the business fromdisintegrating, the concept of information systems architecture is becomingless an option and more a necessity for establishing some order and control inthe investment of information systems resources. The cost involved and thesuccess of the business depending increasingly on its information systemsrequire a disciplined approach to the management of those systems.
On the assumption that an understanding of informationsystems architecture is important to the development of a disciplined approach,the question that naturally arises is “What, in fact, is information systemsarchitecture?” Unfortunately, among the proponents of information systemsarchitecture, there seems to be little consistency in concepts or inspecifications of “architecture,” to the extent that the words “informationsystems architecture” are already losing their meaning! Furthermore, itprobably is not reasonable to expect reconciliation or commonality ofdefinition to emerge from the professional data processing community itself.The emotional commitment associated with vested interests almost demands aneutral, unbiased, independent source as a prerequisite for any acceptable workin this area.
In any event, it likely will be necessary to develop somekind of framework for rationalizing the various architectural concepts andspecifications in order to provide for clarity of professional communication,to allow for improving and integrating development methodologies and tools, andto establish credibility and confidence in the investment of systems resources.
Although information systems architecture is related tostrategy, both information strategy and business strategy, this paperdeliberately limits itself to architecture and should not be construed aspresenting a strategic planning methodology. The development of a businessstrategy and its linkage to information systems strategies, which ultimatelymanifest them- selves in architectural expression, is an important subject topursue; but it is quite independent of the subject of this work, which isdefining a framework for information systems architecture.