1.Does this mean that now we may not be allowed to leave the EU?
The court ruling does not mean the end of Brexit.
The case was about the government's right to trigger the formal two-year process of leaving the EU without there being a vote in Parliament.
The government is going to appeal against the decision, but, as things stand, the ruling means MPs and lords will have to give their go-ahead before Prime Minister Theresa May starts her negotiations on the UK's exit from the European Union.
Theoretically, they could decide not to give the go-ahead - but, in practice, that is seen as highly unlikely given that a majority of people who voted in the June referendum voted for the UK to leave the EU.
2.What legal argument will the government use next month?
We do not know yet, but it may try to repeat the argument that its prerogative powers allow it to trigger Article 50 because that in itself does not mean an immediate change to UK citizens' EU rights.
3.What is the legal situation on whether Parliament needs to pass a legislative act in order to trigger Article 50 as distinct from just taking a vote?
Paragraph 13 of the ruling essentially states that a parliamentary motion is not enough to satisfy the terms of Brexit.
UK membership is bound not in prerogative power, but in the 1972 EU Communities Act, and therefore needs primary legislation to be taken away.
在英国,英国成员(英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰)的优先投票权不受限制,但是在1972年的欧共体法案中却受约束,所以需要提前取消一级立法。.(背景知识 早在1973年英国加入欧盟前身欧洲共同体的前一年,英国议会即通过了《1972欧洲共同体法案》,该法案允许英国加入欧洲共同体,同时认可了欧洲共同体法律在英国国内的效力,法案规定英国应通过一级立法实现欧洲共同体法律的国内效力。)
4.Was the referendum result mandatory or advisory?公民投票的结果是强制性的还是顾问性的?
The EU referendum was advisory - as was discussed in the court ruling on Thursday.欧盟公投只是咨询顾问性的。
It points to the "basic constitutional principles of parliamentary sovereignty and representative parliamentary democracy" in the UK, which "led to the conclusion that a referendum on any topic can only be advisory for the lawmakers in Parliament unless very clear language to the contrary is used in the referendum legislation in question".
(背景知识 英国政府的脱欧决定是经过英国全民公投决定的,举行公投的决定也规定在由议会制定的《2015欧盟全民公投法案》。)
"No such language is used in the 2015 Referendum Act," it adds.
5.Could the case end up being decided at the European Court of Justice?
Possibly, but it would be surprising if it was, according to Joshua Rozenberg, because the case is about the UK's constitutional requirements, not EU law.不排除这种可能性。但是,Joshua Rozenberg 表示,考虑到该案与英国宪法的必要性条件相关,并不属于欧盟法律范畴,交由欧盟法律处理是令人吃惊的。
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