1. Introduction(5)
We have considered a B-tree for the Acct-ID||Timestamp index on the History file because it is the most common disk-based access method used in commercial systems, and in fact no classical disk indexing structure consistently gives superior I/O cost/performance.
We will discuss the considerations that lead us to this conclusion in Section 5.
The LSM-tree access method presented in this paper enables us to perform the frequent index inserts for the Account-ID||Timestamp index with much less disk arm use, therefore at an order of magnitude lower cost.
The LSM-tree uses an algorithm that defers and batches index changes, migrating the changes out to disk in a particularly efficient way reminiscent of merge sort.
As we shall see in Section 5, the function of deferring index entry placement to an ulti- mate disk position is of fundamental importance, and in the general LSM-tree case there is a cascaded series of such deferred placements.
The LSM-tree structure also supports other operations of indexing such as deletes, updates, and even long latency find operations with the same deferred efficiency.
Only finds that require immediate response remain relatively costly.
A major area of effective use for the LSM-tree is in applications such as Example 1.2 where retrieval is much less frequent than insert (most people don't ask for recent account activity nearly as often as they write a check or make a deposit).
In such a situation, reducing the cost of index inserts is of paramount importance;
at the same time, find access is frequent enough that an index of some kind must be maintained, because a sequential search through all the records is out of the question.
Here is the plan of the paper.
In Section 2, we introduce the two-component LSM-tree algorithm.
In Section 3, we analyze the performance of the LSM-tree, and motivate the multi- component LSM-tree.
In Section 4 we sketch the concepts of concurrency and recovery for the LSM-tree.
In Section 5 we consider competing access methods and their performance for ap- plications of interest.
Section 6 contains conclusions, where we evaluate some implications of the LSM-tree, and provide a number of suggestions for extensions.