January 29, 2024
百度翻译:The iron rule in the financial field is that money will pursue the maximization of returns. If the endurance of a financial asset is excellent - it has been continuously rising for a period of time - then the idea that short-term investors believe this trend will continue is not inappropriate. It certainly won't continue to rise forever, but as long as it continues to rise during the time period they need it, it's enough. And this upward momentum attracts short-term investors in a reasonable way. Then, everything began to accelerate. When the momentum of short-term returns attracts enough funds to change the main body of investors from long-term investors to short-term investors, foam begin to form.
Day 10 January 30, 2024
百度译文:The foam was formed not because people were participating in long-term investment irrationally, but because people, to some extent, rationally turned to short-term transactions to pursue the positive momentum of continuous snowball growth. People are all profit driven. In the field of short-term investors, the concepts that need to be pursued in long-term investments, especially those related to valuation, have been overlooked because these concepts are not related to the games that short-term investors participate in.