53.Governments have only response to public criticism of sociallynecessary services: regulation of the activity of providing those services. Butgovernments inevitably make the activity more expensive by regulating it, andthat is particularly troublesome in these times of strained financialresources. However, since public criticism of child-care services hasundermined all confidence in such services, and since such services aresocially necessary, the government is certain response.
Which one of the following statements can beinferred from the passage?
(A).The quality of child care will improve.
(B).The cost of providing child careservices will increase.
(C).The government will use the funding tofoster the advances in child care.
(D).If public criticism of policy isstrongly voiced, the government is certain to respond
(E). If child care services are notregulated, the cost of providing child care will not increase.
54.The answer is B. About this question, I have no idea, can any masterhelp analyze. Thanks in advance.
“If the forest continues to disappear at its present pace, the koala will approach extinction,”said thebiologist. “So all that is needed to save the koala is to stop deforestation,”said the politician.
Which one of the following statements is consistent with the biologist’s claim but not with the politician’sclaim?
(A) Deforestation continues and the koalabecomes extinct.
(B) Deforestation is stopped and the koalabecomes extinct.
(C) Reforestation begins and the koalasurvives.
(D) Deforestation is slowed and the koalasurvives.
(E) Deforestation is slowed and the koalaapproaches extinction.