- 登录linux,以oracle用户登录(如果是root用户登录的,登录后用 su - oracle命令切换成oracle用户)
- 以sysdba方式来打开sqlplus,命令如下: sqlplus / as sysdba
- 创建临时表空间:
-- 查询临时表空间文件的绝对路径。如果需要的话,可以通过查询来写定绝对路径。一般用${ORACLE_HOME}就可以了
select name from v$tempfile;
create temporary tablespace NOTIFYDB_TEMP tempfile '${ORACLE_HOME}\oradata\NOTIFYDB_TEMP.bdf' size 100m reuse autoextend on next 20m maxsize unlimited;
select name from v$datafile;
create tablespace NOTIFYDB datafile '${ORACLE_HOME}\oradata\notifydb.dbf' size 100M reuse autoextend on next 40M maxsize unlimited default storage(initial 128k next 128k minextents 2 maxextents unlimited);
create user hc_notify identified by hc_password default tablespace NOTIFYDB temporary tablespace NOTIFYDB_TEMP;
grant dba to hc_notify;
grant connect,resource to hc_notify;
grant select any table to hc_notify;
grant delete any table to hc_notify;
grant update any table to hc_notify;
grant insert any table to hc_notify;
- 经过以上操作,就可以使用hc_notify/hc_password登录指定的实例,创建我们自己的表了。
--查看用户要具备drop tablespace的权限,如果没有,先用更高级的用户(如sys)给予授权
select a2.username,a1.privilege from dba_sys_privs a1 , user_role_privs a2
where a1.privilege = 'DROP TABLESPACE'
and a1.grantee =a2.granted_role
select name from v$tempfile;
alter user xxx temporary tablespace tempdefault;
alter database default temporary tablespace tempdefault;
drop tablespace NOTIFYDB_TEMP including contents and datafiles;
select name from v$datafile;
alter tablespace 表空间名称 offline;
drop tablespace NOTIFYDB_TEMP including contents and datafiles;
select * from all_users;
select * from user_users;
select * from user_role_privs;
select * from user_sys_privs;
select * from user_tab_privs;
--查看某一个表的约束,注意表名要 大写
select * from user_constraints where table_name='TBL_XXX';
--查看某一个表的所有索引,注意表名要 大写
select index_name,index_type,status,blevel from user_indexes where table_name = 'TBL_XXX';
--查看索引的构成,注意表名要 大写
select table_name,index_name,column_name, column_position FROM user_ind_columns WHERE table_name='TBL_XXX';
--系统数据字典 DBA_TABLESPACES 中记录了关于表空间的详细信息
select * from sys.dba_tablespaces;
select * from user_sequences;
select * from dba_sequences;