Myroad to mechanical engineering began with my dad unceremoniouslykicking me out of the kitchen. By the time I was in kindergarten, Icouldn’t resist rummaging through my family’s cupboards,trying to find something to take apart and rebuild it. This became arunning joke in my family that, rather than knives or other sharpobjects, I had to be kept away from screwdrivers, lest I end uptaking the whole house apart. This all changed when I discovereddesktop computers, and specifically GPUs, which I found endlesslyfascinating in their ability to be easily disassembled and modified.
用小时候喜欢拆解东西作为开头,突出了自己对机械的兴趣。另外,作者这句话“Thisbecame a running joke in my family that, rather than knives or othersharp objects, I had to be kept away from screwdrivers, lest I end uptaking the whole houseapart”,意思是“必须让我远离螺丝刀,而不是刀子或其他锋利的东西,以防我最终会把整个房子拆掉。”,也突出了自己对拆解东西的喜欢。作者用了一种幽默的方法表达出来,也就是家人更担心自己使用螺丝刀,胜过担心使用刀子,可见自己有多么地热爱拆卸东西。这种有趣的表达让人的印象更加深刻。
Althoughmy free time during high school was indeed spend huddled overcomputer hardware much the way my childhood was, I became interestedin the capabilities of redirecting the work capacity of hardware, andin particular the ability to reorganize the way hardware accelerationcan be optimized to assist in Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) tasksin manufacturing. During my undergraduate work at X University, Ideveloped an interest in machine learning while working on Dr.Cheboygan’s ongoing research in augmenting GPU software tobetter optimize their performance in general-purpose computations. Inboth my senior thesis and independent study blocks, Dr. and Istudied a number of potential workarounds for latency bottlenecksrelating to DDR5 infrastructure.
Thisphase of my research cemented my desire to continue on with bothmachine learning and CAE, and it’s precisely around thesepoints that I’d like to develop my MSc thesis. Specifically, Iwant to build on the considerable research on GPU acceleration Iundertook during my BS in order to further expand upon shifts in bothmanufacturing and product design. As abstract as this work has beenin many ways, its end result would be to streamline workflows forproduct engineers that will greatly speed up the process of dealingwith intractable problems relating to bottlenecking by physicscomputations.
I’mmotivated to address sophisticated problems like this for a fairlynon-academic reason. Throughout the last two years, I’veparticipated in organization drives with X organization, my region’slargest manufacturing union. Admittedly, I came to this work withquite personal motivations, having seen my mother’s engineeringpositions often under attack by naïve or even ignorant effortsto automate various aspects of product design. My work with thisunion sought to argue, from a scientific perspective, the need toimprove both software and hardware using human-supervised machinelearning and not wholesale robotic automation. Rather than downsizingand eliminating human positions in the manufacturing process, Ioffered data to union leadership that showed how a minimal investmentin technological upgrades at the level of product implementationcould preserve job security for product engineers and implementationsupervisors while vastly speeding up the manufacturing process todeliver an increased output of nearly 80% in some cases.
Thiswas immeasurably satisfying, and although not every negotiation was asuccess, I was able to contribute something unique to a class ofworkers who I felt had suffered under an outmoded and overlyaggressive model of automation for nearly 20 years. In short, I wouldlike to pursue graduate work in mechanical engineering at ZUniversity because I think my work can have an overwhelminglypositive impact in aspects of labor tensions relating toinstrumentation and automation. I think that through careful work inmachine learning and deep learning, we can target specific aspects ofthe manufacturing process that have proven to be flashpoints ofconflict between engineers and administrators.
Thedepartment's emphasis on teaching throughout the graduate program isalso a huge draw for me. I tutored privately throughout myundergraduate years, and volunteered at my school's learning centerto help students not only with introductory engineering courses butalso calculus and linear algebra. Reconnecting to this passion forhigh-level mathematics, I would seek to work with Dr. Muskegon andDr. Flint to both participate in and utilize their research incomputational methods to clarify the mathematical dimension of myproposed thesis. Dr. Muskegon’s recent publications in theInternational Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering areespecially relevant to this work, as I believe my course of studywould benefit greatly by implementing her utilization of novelapproaches to principal component analysis.
由于我对高等数学的兴趣, 我希望在研究生阶段在贵校的Muskegon 和Flint 博士指导下学习, 利用他们在计算方法方面的研究, 进一步撰写我的研究生论文。另外,Muskegon博士最近在《国际计算机理论与工程杂志》上发表的论文与我的这项工作也特别相关。
Lastly,on a simpler note, I’ve always been drawn to the West Coast,and would love to explore the wilder, mountainous areas North ofVancouver during my free time. Growing up in the flatlands of theMidwest seeded a very strong desire for the “big landscape”areas of Western Canada, and I can think of no better compliment tothe abstract and small-scale work I’d be undertaking in themechanical engineering program than to spend my free weekends hikingand camping in places like Coquitlam mountain.Which is to say, simply, that I believe UBC is an ideal location formy next phase of scholarship not only because of its academicinnovation and integrity, but because its surrounding environment isboth beautiful and inspirational. I would arrive and continue to bean enthusiastic and incredibly engaged student in UBC’s MScprogram, and I would be honored to assist in the incredible workbeing undertaken by both faculty and fellow graduate students alike.