target = desired output vector
point = training point matrix
procedure takeStep(i1,i2)
if (i1 == i2) return 0
alph1 = Lagrange multiplier for i1
y1 = target[i1]
E1 = SVM output on point[i1] – y1 (check in error cache)
s = y1*y2
Compute L, H via equations (13) and (14)
if (L == H)
return 0
k11 = kernel(point[i1],point[i1])
k12 = kernel(point[i1],point[i2])
k22 = kernel(point[i2],point[i2])
eta = k11+k22-2*k12
if (eta > 0)
a2 = alph2 + y2*(E1-E2)/eta
if (a2 < L) a2 = L
else if (a2 > H) a2 = H
Lobj = objective function at a2=L
Hobj = objective function at a2=H
if (Lobj < Hobj-eps)
a2 = L
else if (Lobj > Hobj+eps)
a2 = H
a2 = alph2
if (|a2-alph2| < eps*(a2+alph2+eps))
return 0
a1 = alph1+s*(alph2-a2)
Update threshold to reflect change in Lagrange multipliers
Update weight vector to reflect change in a1 & a2, if SVM is linear
Update error cache using new Lagrange multipliers
Store a1 in the alpha array
Store a2 in the alpha array
return 1
procedure examineExample(i2)
y2 = target[i2]
alph2 = Lagrange multiplier for i2
E2 = SVM output on point[i2] – y2 (check in error cache)
r2 = E2*y2
if ((r2 < -tol && alph2 < C) || (r2 > tol && alph2 > 0))
if (number of non-zero & non-C alpha > 1)
i1 = result of second choice heuristic (section 2.2)
if takeStep(i1,i2)
return 1
loop over all non-zero and non-C alpha, starting at a random point
i1 = identity of current alpha
if takeStep(i1,i2)
return 1
loop over all possible i1, starting at a random point
i1 = loop variable
if (takeStep(i1,i2)
return 1
return 0
main routine:
numChanged = 0
examineAll = 1
while (numChanged > 0 | examineAll)
numChanged = 0;
if (examineAll)
loop I over all training examples
numChanged += examineExample(I)
loop I over examples where alpha is not 0 & not C
numChanged += examineExample(I)
if (examineAll == 1)
examineAll = 0
else if (numChanged == 0)
examineAll = 1
# @Author : lightXu
# @File : smo_paper.py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import copy
class OptStruct:
dataMatIn - 数据矩阵
classLabels - 数据标签
C - 松弛变量
toler - 容错率
def __init__(self, data_x, label, C, toler):
self.X = data_x
self.label = label
self.C = C
self.toler = toler
self.row = data_x.shape[0]
self.alpha = np.zeros(self.row)
self.b = 0
self.e_cache = np.zeros(self.row)
# self.e_cache = label * (-1)
def cal_Ek(ost, k):
ost - 数据结构
k - 标号为k的数据
Ek - 标号为k的数据误差
fxk = np.dot((ost.alpha * ost.label).T, np.dot(ost.X, ost.X[k, :])) + ost.b
Ek = fxk - ost.label[k]
return round_float(Ek), round_float(fxk)
def round_float(value):
return round(value, 8)
def load_data(file_name):
data_x = []
data_y = []
with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
line = line.strip().split('\t')
xi = line[:-1]
data_x = np.array(data_x, dtype=np.float)
label = np.array(data_y, dtype=np.float)
return data_x, label
def select_j_random(i, m):
j = i
while j == i:
j = int(random.uniform(0, m))
return j
def select_j(eligible_list, i, ost, Ei):
eligible_list = list(eligible_list)
if i in eligible_list:
E_list = [cal_Ek(ost, k)[0] for k in eligible_list]
if Ei < 0:
value = max(E_list)
elif Ei > 0:
value = min(E_list)
value = max([abs(cal_Ek(ost, k)[0]) for k in eligible_list])
max_k = eligible_list[E_list.index(value)]
# E_list1 = [(Ei - cal_Ek(ost, k)[0]) for k in eligible_list]
# value1 = max(E_list1)
# max_k1 = eligible_list[E_list1.index(value1)]
# if max_k != max_k1:
# print('!=', i)
Ej, _ = cal_Ek(ost, max_k)
return max_k, Ej
def updateEk(ost, k):
oS - 数据结构
k - 标号为k的数据的索引值
Ek, _ = cal_Ek(ost, k)
ost.e_cache[k] = Ek
def clip_alpha(alpha, L, H):
if alpha > H:
alpha = H
if alpha < L:
alpha = L
return alpha
def cal_w(data_x, label, alpha):
w = np.dot((alpha * label).T, data_x)
return w
def objective_func(ost, i1, i2, alpha1, alpha2, L, H):
s = ost.label[i1] * ost.label[i2]
k11 = np.dot(ost.X[i1, :], ost.X[i1, :])
k12 = np.dot(ost.X[i1, :], ost.X[i2, :])
k22 = np.dot(ost.X[i2, :], ost.X[i2, :])
f1 = (ost.label[i1] * (cal_Ek(ost, i1) + ost.b) - alpha1 * k11 - s * alpha2 * k12)
f2 = (ost.label[i2] * (cal_Ek(ost, i2) + ost.b) - s * alpha1 * k12 - alpha2 * k12)
L1 = alpha1 + s * (alpha2 - L)
H1 = alpha1 + s * (alpha2 - H)
obj_L = L1 * f1 + L * f2 + 0.5 * L1 * L1 * k11 + 0.5 * L * L * k22 + s * L * L1 * k12
obj_H = H1 * f1 + H * f2 + 0.5 * H1 * H1 * k11 + 0.5 * H * H * k22 + s * H * H1 * k12
return obj_L, obj_H
def take_step(ost, i1, i2, E2):
if i1 == i2:
return 0
alpha1 = ost.alpha[i1].copy()
y1 = ost.label[i1]
alpha2 = ost.alpha[i2].copy()
y2 = ost.label[i2]
E1, _ = cal_Ek(ost, i1)
s = y1 * y2
if ost.label[i1] != ost.label[i2]:
L = max(0, ost.alpha[i2] - ost.alpha[i1])
H = min(ost.C, ost.C + ost.alpha[i2] - ost.alpha[i1])
L = max(0, ost.alpha[i2] + ost.alpha[i1] - ost.C)
H = min(ost.C, ost.alpha[i2] + ost.alpha[i1])
if L == H:
# print("L==H")
return 0
eta = (np.dot(ost.X[i1, :], ost.X[i1, :])
+ np.dot(ost.X[i2, :], ost.X[i2, :])
- 2 * np.dot(ost.X[i1, :], ost.X[i2, :]))
eta = round_float(eta)
if eta > 0:
a2 = alpha2 + y2 * (E1 - E2) / eta
a2 = a2
if a2 < L:
a2 = L
if a2 > H:
a2 = H
Lobj, _ = objective_func(ost, i1, i2, alpha1, L, L, H)
_, Hobj = objective_func(ost, i1, i2, alpha1, H, L, H)
if Lobj < Hobj - 0.0001:
a2 = L
elif Lobj > Hobj + 0.001:
a2 = H
a2 = alpha2
if abs(a2 - alpha2) < 0.0001:
return 0
a1 = alpha1 + s * (alpha2 - a2)
b1 = (ost.b - E1
- ost.label[i1] * (ost.alpha[i1] - alpha1) * np.dot(ost.X[i1, :], ost.X[i1, :])
- ost.label[i2] * (ost.alpha[i2] - alpha2) * np.dot(ost.X[i1, :], ost.X[i2, :]))
b2 = (ost.b - E2
- ost.label[i1] * (ost.alpha[i1] - alpha1) * np.dot(ost.X[i1, :], ost.X[i2, :])
- ost.label[i2] * (ost.alpha[i2] - alpha2) * np.dot(ost.X[i2, :], ost.X[i2, :]))
if 0 < ost.alpha[i1] < ost.C:
ost.b = b1
elif 0 < ost.alpha[i2] < ost.C:
ost.b = b2
ost.b = (b1 + b2) / 2.0
updateEk(ost, i1)
updateEk(ost, i2)
ost.alpha[i1] = round_float(a1)
ost.alpha[i2] = round_float(a2)
return 1
def violate_kkt(ost, alpha2, E2, fx2, y2):
r2 = E2 * y2
violate_cond1 = r2 < -ost.toler and alpha2 < ost.C
violate_cond2 = r2 > ost.toler and alpha2 > 0
violate12 = violate_cond1 or violate_cond2
# 原始kkt
# y2 * fx2 - 1 = y2*(fx2-y2) = y2*E2
violate_cond3 = (not y2 * fx2 - 1 >= 0) and alpha2 == 0
violate_cond4 = (not y2 * fx2 - 1 != 0) and 0 < alpha2 < ost.C
violate_cond5 = (not y2 * fx2 - 1 <= 0) and alpha2 == ost.C
# Notice that the KKT conditions are checked to be within ε of fulfillment.
# 论文中引入了一个误差eps, 此时
violate_cond3_ = (not y2 * fx2 - 1 >= -ost.toler) and alpha2 == 0
violate_cond4_ = (not abs(y2 * fx2 - 1) <= ost.toler) and 0 < alpha2 < ost.C
violate_cond5_ = (not y2 * fx2 - 1 <= ost.toler) and alpha2 == ost.C
violate345 = violate_cond3_ or violate_cond4_ or violate_cond5_
return violate345
def examine_example(ost, i2):
y2 = ost.label[i2]
alpha2 = ost.alpha[i2]
E2, fx2 = cal_Ek(ost, i2)
# 是非违反kkt条件
cond = violate_kkt(ost, alpha2, E2, fx2, y2)
if cond:
non_0_non_C_alpha_list = np.where((ost.alpha != 0) & (ost.alpha != ost.C))[0]
if (len(non_0_non_C_alpha_list)) > 1:
i1, _ = select_j(non_0_non_C_alpha_list, i2, ost, E2)
if take_step(ost, i1, i2, E2):
return 1
non_tmp = non_0_non_C_alpha_list.copy().tolist()
while len(non_tmp) > 0:
i1 = random.choice(non_tmp)
if take_step(ost, i1, i2, E2):
return 1
tmp_list = list(range(0, ost.row))
while len(tmp_list) > 0:
i1 = random.choice(tmp_list)
if take_step(ost, i1, i2, E2):
return 1
return 0
def main(dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler, maxIter):
ost = OptStruct(dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler)
iter_num = 0
num_changed = 0
examine_all = 1
while (iter_num < maxIter) and num_changed > 0 or examine_all:
num_changed = 0
if examine_all:
for i in range(ost.row):
The outer loop first iterates over the entire training set,
determining whether each example violates the KKT conditions (12).
num_changed = num_changed + examine_example(ost, i)
print("全样本遍历:第%d次迭代 样本:%d, alpha优化次数:%d" % (iter_num, i, num_changed))
iter_num += 1
After one pass through the entire training set, the outer loop iterates over all examples whose
Lagrange multipliers are neither 0 nor C (the non-bound examples). Again, each example is
checked against the KKT conditions and violating examples are eligible for optimization.
non_bound_index = np.where((0 < ost.alpha) & (ost.alpha < C))[0]
for i in non_bound_index:
num_changed = num_changed + examine_example(ost, i)
print("非边界:第%d次迭代 样本:%d, alpha优化次数:%d" % (iter_num, i, num_changed))
iter_num += 1
if examine_all:
examine_all = 0
elif num_changed == 0:
examine_all = 1
return ost.b, ost.alpha
def show_classifier(data_x, label, w, b, alpha, seed):
positive_index = np.where(label == 1)[0]
negative_index = np.where(label == -1)[0]
data_x_positive = data_x[positive_index]
data_x_negative = data_x[negative_index]
plt.scatter(data_x_positive[:, 0], data_x_positive[:, 1],
s=30, alpha=0.7, c='green') # 正样本散点图
plt.scatter(data_x_negative[:, 0], data_x_negative[:, 1],
s=30, alpha=0.7, c='pink') # 负样本散点图
x_max = np.max(data_x, axis=0)[0]
x_min = np.min(data_x, axis=0)[0]
a1, a2 = w
b = float(b)
y1, y2 = (-b - a1 * x_max) / a2, (-b - a1 * x_min) / a2
plt.plot([x_max, x_min], [y1, y2])
# 找出支持向量点
for i, alp in enumerate(alpha):
if abs(alp) > 0:
x_max, x_min = data_x[i]
plt.scatter([x_max], [x_min], s=150, c='none', alpha=0.7, linewidth=1.5, edgecolor='red')
# plt.savefig("./fig/seed_{}.png".format(seed))
def show_classifier1(data_x, label):
positive_index = np.where(label == 1)[0]
negative_index = np.where(label == -1)[0]
data_x_positive = data_x[positive_index]
data_x_negative = data_x[negative_index]
plt.scatter(data_x_positive[:, 0], data_x_positive[:, 1],
s=30, alpha=0.7, c='green') # 正样本散点图
plt.scatter(data_x_negative[:, 0], data_x_negative[:, 1],
s=30, alpha=0.7, c='pink') # 负样本散点图
if __name__ == '__main__':
seed = 10
dataMat, labelMat = load_data('testSet.txt')
b, alphas = main(dataMat, labelMat, 0.6, 0.0001, 100)
w = cal_w(dataMat, labelMat, alphas)
print(w, b)
show_classifier(dataMat, labelMat, w, b, alphas, seed)
第一个参数选择需要判断是否违反原始KKT条件, 这部分的原理可以参考博客。论文作者在这部分引入了eps加快训练, 推导过程大家直接看代码就行了。