Dear, don't be angry and frustrated because of other people's fault. You are using other people's fault to punish yourself. When you are angry and frustrated, you are wasting your time and energy for useless thing, you lose yourself. Are you sure the other person is wrong? And when you think someone is wrong, you are in a judger mode. Try to be a learner, instead of a judger, open your mind, and be generous to embrace the diversity of others, you would open a new world. You will find a win-win situation, at least, you don't lose.
There are so many great things you can do, follow someone you admire, do things you are passionate about, do things you are good at, and be less emotional.
致十年前的自己,Letter to my younger self.
Quote: Things I Wish I Had Know... A Letter to Your Younger Self (
Have you ever looked back at your life and wondered, if you’d known what you know now, would you have perhaps done things a little differently? Wondered how to live a life of no regrets? Because regret is a dead-end road to nowhere; after all, it’s important to remember that we are all only capable of doing the best with what we have at the time. It's easy, in hindsight, to think about all the things I wish I had known.
That’s why it can be sometimes constructive to look back over our lives and choices, not with judgment, but with a deep gratitude for all of the lessons and self-truths we uncovered along the way. The big life-changers that have helped you become the person you fondly recognize in the mirror today.
So ask yourself, what have the last few years or even decades had to teach you? If you could have seen your future-self 10 or even 20 years ago, what would you have thought? If you had the chance to travel back and speak with your past-self, what would you say?
1. Every Closed Door Is An Opened Window
It is true that every time a door is slammed in your face, a window of opportunity is opened. Don’t spend so long mourning the end of one thing, that you miss the beginning of another.
When things do not seem to be going your way, be sure to focus on the things thatare going your way.
So, know when to look for the blessings. You are exactly where you are supposed to be.
2. Passions Are Meant To Be Pursued
Your world, your rules. You don’t have to stay in the job you hate – you CAN walk away. Follow your dreams and expectations; allow yourself to imagine and pursue a life outside of the beliefs and labels of others. Make it your priority to DREAM.
Whatever your passions are in life, you can always work to achieve them. Your goals and dreams are here for a reason, and if you settle for anything less than what you really want, you may regret it in the future.
3. Your Happiness Is Your Responsibility
Take responsibility for your happiness. You are the creator of your own life, you are not a victim. Befriend your thoughts, don’t be afraid of them. After all, they are your greatest tools for happiness.
You cannot control what others say or do, all you can control is how you feel and react to certain situations. If you can choose happiness each time, you can live a more fulfilled and positive life.
4. You Are Enough Just As You Are
Forget what the scales say, forget what the magazines say; you are enough.
5. There Is No Destination… Just Enjoy The Journey
Stop living for ‘one day’ and begin living for NOW. The good stuff is happening today. There is no destination, just one long, incredible journey. Make every moment count!
Try to learn how to live in the moment so that you can truly take in all that is around you. You should start to see all the things you have in your life to be thankful for. Worrying about the past and the future is useless, as we can't change anything – but we can live in the now.