姓名:车文扬 学号:16020199006 转载自:https://www.cnblogs.com/sddai/p/5644011.html
1 定性结构定律(Laws of Qualitative Structure)
All sciences characterize the essential nature of the systems they study. These characterizations are invariably qualitative in nature, for they set the terms within which more detailed knowledge can be developed. Their essence can often be captured in very short, very general statements. One might judge these general laws, due to their limited specificity, as making relatively little contribution to the sum of a science, were it not for the historical evidence that shows them to be results of the greatest importance.
2 物理符号系统的定义
物理符号系统包括符号(symbols)、表达式(expressions)和过程(Processes)。符号是一种物理模式,是实体。符号组合起来就成了表达式,这里的组合方式可以是多种多样的。系统在任一时刻都包含着这样一些表达式。过程可以作 用于表达式来对表达式进行创造(creation)、修正(modification)、再生(reproduction)或破坏 (destruction)。然而,物理符号系统内的表达式本身并不能描述一切对象(Such a system exists in a world of objects wider than just these symbolic expressions themselves.不知道可不可以这样理解)。
Designation. An expression designates an object if, given the expression, the system can either affect the object itself or behave in ways dependent on the object.
Interpretation. The system can interpret an expression if the expression designates a process and if, given the expression, the system can carry out the process.
Interpretation implies a special form of dependent action: given an expression the system can perform the indicated process, which is to say, it can evoke and execute its own processes from expressions that designate them.
3 物理符号系统假设:物理符号系统是智能活动的充要条件
The Physical Symbol System Hypothesis:A physical symbol system has the necessary and sufficient means for general intelligent action.
By "necessary" we mean that any system that exhibits general intelligence will prove upon analysis to be a physical symbol system. By "sufficient" we mean that any physical symbol system of sufficient size can be organized further to exhibit general intelligence. By "general intelligent action" we wish to indicate the same scope of intelligence as we see in human action: that in any real situation behavior appropriate to the ends of the system and adaptive to the demands of the environment can occur, within some limits of speed and complexity.
It would be surprising and unappealing if it turned out that the AI programs performing these diverse tasks had nothing in common beyond their being instances of physical symbol systems. Hence, there has been great interest in searching for mechanisms possessed of generality, and for common components among programs performing a variety of tasks. This search carries the theory beyond the initial symbol system hypothesis to a more complete characterization of the particular kinds of symbol systems that are effective in artificial intelligence.
In the second section of this paper, we will discuss one example of a hypothesis at this second level specificity: the heuristic search hypothesis(启发式搜索假设).
1 启发式搜索假设
Heuristic Search Hypothesis. The solutions to problems are represented as symbol structures. A physical symbol system exercises its intelligence in problem solving by search--that is, by generating and progressively modifying symbol structures until it produces a solution structure.
A condition, then, for the appearance of intelligence is that the distribution of solutions be not entirely random, that the space of symbol structures exhibit at least some degree of order and pattern. A second condition is that pattern in the space of symbol structures be more or less detectible. A third condition is that the generator of potential solutions be able to behave differentially, depending on what pattern it detected. There must be information in the problem space, and the symbol system must be capable of extracting and using it.
The fact of limited resources allows us, for most purposes, to view a symbol system as though it were a serial, one-process-at-a-time device. If it can accomplish only a small amount of processing in any short time interval, then we might as well regard it as doing things one at a time. Thus "limited resource symbol system" and "serial symbol system" are practically synonymous. The problem of allocating a scarce resource from moment to moment can usually be treated, if the moment is short enough, as a problem of scheduling a serial machine.
In serial heuristic search, the basic question always is: what shall be done next? In tree search, that question, in turn, has two components: (1) from what node in the tree shall we search next, and (2) what direction shall we take from that node? Information helpful in answering the first question may be interpreted as measuring the relative distance of different nodes from the goal. Best-first search calls for searching next from the node that appears closest to the goal. Information helpful in answering the second question--in what direction to search--is often obtained, as in the algebra example, by detecting specific differences between the current nodal structure and the goal structure described by the test of a solution, and selecting actions that are relevant to reducing these particular kinds of differences. This is the technique known as means-ends analysis, which plays a central role in the structure of the General Problem Solver.
具体操作中则需要一个估价函数f(n) = g(n) + h(n) 其中f(n) 是节点n的估价函数,g(n)实在状态空间中从初始节点到n节点的实际代价,h(n)是从n到目标节点最佳路径的估计代价。在这里主要是h(n)体现了搜索的启发信息,因为g(n)是已知的。如果说详细点,g(n)代表了搜索的广度的优先趋势。但是当h(n) >> g(n)时,可以省略g(n),而提高效率。(摘自百度百科,不过说实话这一段我没看懂,欢迎高手指点)
Search—successive generation of potentional solution structures--is a fundamental aspect of a symbol system's exercise of intelligence in problem solving but that amount of search is not a measure of the amount of intelligence being exhibited. What makes a problem a problem is not that a large amount of search is required for its solution, but that a large amount would be required if a requisite level of intelligence were not applied. When the symbolic system that is endeavoring to solve a problem knows enough about what to do, it simply proceeds directly towards its goal; but whenever its knowledge becomes inadequate, when it enters terra incognita, it is faced with the threat of going through large amounts of search before it finds its way again.
2 几个启发式搜索的实例
这部分参考《人工科学——复杂性面面观》 司马贺著 武夷山译
例一 通用解题者(General Problem Solver,GPS)P113-114
“……在输入或感官一侧,GPS必须能表现想望状况或想望物(就是上面说的目标结构),表现目前状况,它也必须能表现想望状况与目前状况的差别。 在传出侧,GPS必须能表现改变实物或状况的行动。为了有目的的行动,GPS必须能不时地选择这样一些特定的行动,它们有可能消除系统探测到的目前状态与 想望状态之间的差别。在GPS这部机器中,这种选择是通过一张关联表实现的。该表将每种可探测到的差别与对减小那一差别有作用的行动联系起来。GPS的这 些联系(表现为产生过程)将传入状况与传出状况挂上了钩。由于通常需要一系列行动才能实现某一目标,由于某些努力也许是无效的,GPS也必须有探测自己的 进度(现实状态与想望状态间差别的变化)和试行新路子的手段。”
可以看出GPS解决的是具有“良结构”(well structured)的问题。也就是说,等待解决的问题的当前状态、目标状态以及搜索空间中的路径都很清楚。不能满足此条件的问题称为结构不良问题(poorly structured problem)
例二 “理解”(understand)P88
……分析的任务就是根据线性词串推断出隐含着的词组和从句的层级结构。“理解”程序是用相当正统的方式(类似于现有的其他语法分析程序)完成这一 步骤的。第二阶段(构造)更为有趣。这里。对经过语法分析的句子进行考察,以期发现提到了哪些宾词和宾词集,提到了宾词的那些性质,这些性质之间的关系是 什么,哪些谓词与关系描述了状态,哪些描述了步骤,目标状态是什么。“理解”接着构造一个表现状态的规则,产生出步骤符合规定(通过将一个状态转变为另一 状态)的程序。”
这个看上去似乎挺牛的,不过实际上它的功能非常有限。在西蒙的《思想模型》(Models of Thought)一书的7.1章到7.3章有关于“理解”程序的详细描述。
例三 培根(BACON)P99
“BACON程序的目的是发现大量数据中的不变量。给定各行星至太阳的距离与它们的轨道周期的数据,该程序发现,对于所有的行星,轨道周期的立方 与行星至太阳的距离的平方之比都是一样的(开普勒第三定律)。根据电流随电路中电阻线长度而变化的数据,它推出了欧姆定律。同理,它发现了气体定律、伽利 略自由落体定律和许多其他定律。
……BACON的基本构造没有多少新东西。给定两组数据,如果它发现一组数据随另一组数据单调变化,就检验一下它们的比值(或乘积)是否不变。如 果成功了,它就发现了数值之间的定律关系;如果失败了,它也定义了一个新的变量,可将此变量加到其他变量上去,再重复这一过程。该系统的行为了不起的地方 是,通过这些步骤发现上述种种定律并不需要大量的搜索。为找到一个不变量,很少需要考察原变量的十几个以上的函数。”
这些发现程序在化学学科中做了一些贡献,但主要被用于深化对人类发现过程的认识。“例如,人们将BACON程序的模拟结果与物理学和化学的发现的 历史事例进行了比较,还在实验室中庸一些受试者进行了并行实验,看看他们凭借BACON程序努力做出的发现和基于科学史中记载的资料努力做出发现的情形有 什么差异。”
1 智能存在于物理符号系统中;
2 符号系统是通过生成潜在可能的解,并对其进行检验,也就是通过搜索的方式来解题的。
通过认知心理学对人类及动物认知过程的研究,提出了很多关于智能的假设。以这些假设为依据,人们开发了一堆各种各样的智能程序,能完成很多看起来 很复杂的任务,比如语义理解,定律发现等。但是每一种程序都有它的局限性。相信随着认知科学研究的不断深入,会有更多更牛的程序诞生