


    public void testPartialKeyGrouping() throws InvalidTopologyException, AuthorizationException, AlreadyAliveException {
        String spoutId = "wordGenerator";
        String counterId = "counter";
        String aggId = "aggregator";
        String intermediateRankerId = "intermediateRanker";
        String totalRankerId = "finalRanker";
        int TOP_N = 5;

        TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
        builder.setSpout(spoutId, new TestWordSpout(), 5);
        //NOTE 通过partialKeyGrouping替代fieldsGrouping,实现较为均衡的负载到countBolt
        builder.setBolt(counterId, new RollingCountBolt(9, 3), 4).partialKeyGrouping(spoutId, new Fields("word"));
        builder.setBolt(aggId, new RollingCountAggBolt(), 4).fieldsGrouping(counterId, new Fields("obj"));
        builder.setBolt(intermediateRankerId, new IntermediateRankingsBolt(TOP_N), 4).fieldsGrouping(aggId, new Fields("obj"));
        builder.setBolt(totalRankerId, new TotalRankingsBolt(TOP_N)).globalGrouping(intermediateRankerId);
  • 值得注意的是在wordCount的bolt使用PartialKeyGrouping,同一个单词不再固定发给相同的task,因此这里还需要RollingCountAggBolt按fieldsGrouping进行合并。



public class PartialKeyGrouping implements CustomStreamGrouping, Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -447379837314000353L;
    private List<Integer> targetTasks;
    private long[] targetTaskStats;
    private HashFunction h1 = Hashing.murmur3_128(13);
    private HashFunction h2 = Hashing.murmur3_128(17);
    private Fields fields = null;
    private Fields outFields = null;

    public PartialKeyGrouping() {

    public PartialKeyGrouping(Fields fields) {
        this.fields = fields;

    public void prepare(WorkerTopologyContext context, GlobalStreamId stream, List<Integer> targetTasks) {
        this.targetTasks = targetTasks;
        targetTaskStats = new long[this.targetTasks.size()];
        if (this.fields != null) {
            this.outFields = context.getComponentOutputFields(stream);

    public List<Integer> chooseTasks(int taskId, List<Object> values) {
        List<Integer> boltIds = new ArrayList<>(1);
        if (values.size() > 0) {
            byte[] raw;
            if (fields != null) {
                List<Object> selectedFields = outFields.select(fields, values);
                ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(selectedFields.size() * 4);
                for (Object o: selectedFields) {
                    if (o instanceof List) {
                    } else if (o instanceof Object[]) {
                    } else if (o instanceof byte[]) {
                        out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((byte[]) o));
                    } else if (o instanceof short[]) {
                        out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((short[]) o));
                    } else if (o instanceof int[]) {
                        out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((int[]) o));
                    } else if (o instanceof long[]) {
                        out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((long[]) o));
                    } else if (o instanceof char[]) {
                        out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((char[]) o));
                    } else if (o instanceof float[]) {
                        out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((float[]) o));
                    } else if (o instanceof double[]) {
                        out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((double[]) o));
                    } else if (o instanceof boolean[]) {
                        out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((boolean[]) o));
                    } else if (o != null) {
                    } else {
                raw = out.array();
            } else {
                raw = values.get(0).toString().getBytes(); // assume key is the first field
            int firstChoice = (int) (Math.abs(h1.hashBytes(raw).asLong()) % this.targetTasks.size());
            int secondChoice = (int) (Math.abs(h2.hashBytes(raw).asLong()) % this.targetTasks.size());
            int selected = targetTaskStats[firstChoice] > targetTaskStats[secondChoice] ? secondChoice : firstChoice;
        return boltIds;
  • 可以看到PartialKeyGrouping是一种CustomStreamGrouping,在prepare的时候,初始化了long[] targetTaskStats用于统计每个task
  • partialKeyGrouping如果没有指定fields,则默认按outputFields的第一个field来计算
  • 这里使用guava类库提供的Hashing.murmur3_128函数,构造了两个HashFunction,然后计算哈希值的绝对值与targetTasks.size()取余数得到两个可选的taskId下标
  • 然后根据targetTaskStats的统计值,取用过的次数小的那个taskId,选中之后更新targetTaskStats



 * A variation on FieldGrouping. This grouping operates on a partitioning of the incoming tuples (like a FieldGrouping), but it can send
 * Tuples from a given partition to multiple downstream tasks.
 * Given a total pool of target tasks, this grouping will always send Tuples with a given key to one member of a subset of those tasks. Each
 * key is assigned a subset of tasks. Each tuple is then sent to one task from that subset.
 * Notes: - the default TaskSelector ensures each task gets as close to a balanced number of Tuples as possible - the default
 * AssignmentCreator hashes the key and produces an assignment of two tasks
public class PartialKeyGrouping implements CustomStreamGrouping, Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1672360572274911808L;
    private List<Integer> targetTasks;
    private Fields fields = null;
    private Fields outFields = null;

    private AssignmentCreator assignmentCreator;
    private TargetSelector targetSelector;

    public PartialKeyGrouping() {

    public PartialKeyGrouping(Fields fields) {
        this(fields, new RandomTwoTaskAssignmentCreator(), new BalancedTargetSelector());

    public PartialKeyGrouping(Fields fields, AssignmentCreator assignmentCreator) {
        this(fields, assignmentCreator, new BalancedTargetSelector());

    public PartialKeyGrouping(Fields fields, AssignmentCreator assignmentCreator, TargetSelector targetSelector) {
        this.fields = fields;
        this.assignmentCreator = assignmentCreator;
        this.targetSelector = targetSelector;

    public void prepare(WorkerTopologyContext context, GlobalStreamId stream, List<Integer> targetTasks) {
        this.targetTasks = targetTasks;
        if (this.fields != null) {
            this.outFields = context.getComponentOutputFields(stream);

    public List<Integer> chooseTasks(int taskId, List<Object> values) {
        List<Integer> boltIds = new ArrayList<>(1);
        if (values.size() > 0) {
            final byte[] rawKeyBytes = getKeyBytes(values);

            final int[] taskAssignmentForKey = assignmentCreator.createAssignment(this.targetTasks, rawKeyBytes);
            final int selectedTask = targetSelector.chooseTask(taskAssignmentForKey);

        return boltIds;

     * Extract the key from the input Tuple.
    private byte[] getKeyBytes(List<Object> values) {
        byte[] raw;
        if (fields != null) {
            List<Object> selectedFields = outFields.select(fields, values);
            ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(selectedFields.size() * 4);
            for (Object o : selectedFields) {
                if (o instanceof List) {
                    out.putInt(Arrays.deepHashCode(((List) o).toArray()));
                } else if (o instanceof Object[]) {
                    out.putInt(Arrays.deepHashCode((Object[]) o));
                } else if (o instanceof byte[]) {
                    out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((byte[]) o));
                } else if (o instanceof short[]) {
                    out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((short[]) o));
                } else if (o instanceof int[]) {
                    out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((int[]) o));
                } else if (o instanceof long[]) {
                    out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((long[]) o));
                } else if (o instanceof char[]) {
                    out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((char[]) o));
                } else if (o instanceof float[]) {
                    out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((float[]) o));
                } else if (o instanceof double[]) {
                    out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((double[]) o));
                } else if (o instanceof boolean[]) {
                    out.putInt(Arrays.hashCode((boolean[]) o));
                } else if (o != null) {
                } else {
            raw = out.array();
        } else {
            raw = values.get(0).toString().getBytes(); // assume key is the first field
        return raw;

  • 2.0.0版本将逻辑封装到了RandomTwoTaskAssignmentCreator以及BalancedTargetSelector中



     * This interface is responsible for choosing a subset of the target tasks to use for a given key.
     * NOTE: whatever scheme you use to create the assignment should be deterministic. This may be executed on multiple Storm Workers, thus
     * each of them needs to come up with the same assignment for a given key.
    public interface AssignmentCreator extends Serializable {
        int[] createAssignment(List<Integer> targetTasks, byte[] key);

    /*========== Implementations ==========*/

     * This implementation of AssignmentCreator chooses two arbitrary tasks.
    public static class RandomTwoTaskAssignmentCreator implements AssignmentCreator {
         * Creates a two task assignment by selecting random tasks.
        public int[] createAssignment(List<Integer> tasks, byte[] key) {
            // It is necessary that this produce a deterministic assignment based on the key, so seed the Random from the key
            final long seedForRandom = Arrays.hashCode(key);
            final Random random = new Random(seedForRandom);
            final int choice1 = random.nextInt(tasks.size());
            int choice2 = random.nextInt(tasks.size());
            // ensure that choice1 and choice2 are not the same task
            choice2 = choice1 == choice2 ? (choice2 + 1) % tasks.size() : choice2;
            return new int[]{ tasks.get(choice1), tasks.get(choice2) };
  • 2.0.0版本不再使用guava类库提供的Hashing.murmur3_128哈希函数,转而使用key的哈希值作为seed,采用Random函数来计算两个taskId的下标,这里返回两个值供bolt做负载均衡选择



     * This interface chooses one element from a task assignment to send a specific Tuple to.
    public interface TargetSelector extends Serializable {
        Integer chooseTask(int[] assignedTasks);

     * A basic implementation of target selection. This strategy chooses the task within the assignment that has received the fewest Tuples
     * overall from this instance of the grouping.
    public static class BalancedTargetSelector implements TargetSelector {
        private Map<Integer, Long> targetTaskStats = Maps.newHashMap();

         * Chooses one of the incoming tasks and selects the one that has been selected the fewest times so far.
        public Integer chooseTask(int[] assignedTasks) {
            Integer taskIdWithMinLoad = null;
            Long minTaskLoad = Long.MAX_VALUE;

            for (Integer currentTaskId : assignedTasks) {
                final Long currentTaskLoad = targetTaskStats.getOrDefault(currentTaskId, 0L);
                if (currentTaskLoad < minTaskLoad) {
                    minTaskLoad = currentTaskLoad;
                    taskIdWithMinLoad = currentTaskId;

            targetTaskStats.put(taskIdWithMinLoad, targetTaskStats.getOrDefault(taskIdWithMinLoad, 0L) + 1);
            return taskIdWithMinLoad;
  • BalancedTargetSelector根据选中的taskId,然后根据targetTaskStats计算taskIdWithMinLoad返回



    public static class FieldsGrouper implements CustomStreamGrouping {

        private Fields outFields;
        private List<List<Integer>> targetTasks;
        private Fields groupFields;
        private int numTasks;

        public FieldsGrouper(Fields outFields, Grouping thriftGrouping) {
            this.outFields = outFields;
            this.groupFields = new Fields(Thrift.fieldGrouping(thriftGrouping));


        public void prepare(WorkerTopologyContext context, GlobalStreamId stream, List<Integer> targetTasks) {
            this.targetTasks = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
            for (Integer targetTask : targetTasks) {
            this.numTasks = targetTasks.size();

        public List<Integer> chooseTasks(int taskId, List<Object> values) {
            int targetTaskIndex = TupleUtils.chooseTaskIndex(outFields.select(groupFields, values), numTasks);
            return targetTasks.get(targetTaskIndex);

  • 这里可以看到FieldsGrouper的chooseTasks方法使用TupleUtils.chooseTaskIndex来选择taskId下标



    public static <T> int chooseTaskIndex(List<T> keys, int numTasks) {
        return Math.floorMod(listHashCode(keys), numTasks);

    private static <T> int listHashCode(List<T> alist) {
        if (alist == null) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return Arrays.deepHashCode(alist.toArray());
  • 这里先对keys进行listHashCode,然后与numTasks进行Math.floorMod运算,即向下取模
  • listHashCode调用了Arrays.deepHashCode(alist.toArray())进行哈希值计算


  • storm的PartialKeyGrouping是解决fieldsGrouping造成的bolt节点skewed load的问题
  • fieldsGrouping采取的是对所选字段进行哈希然后与taskId数量向下取模来选择taskId的下标
  • PartialKeyGrouping在1.2.2版本的实现是使用guava提供的Hashing.murmur3_128哈希函数计算哈希值,然后取绝对值与taskId数量取余数得到两个可选的taskId下标;在2.0.0版本则使用key的哈希值作为seed,采用Random函数来计算两个taskId的下标。注意这里返回两个值供bolt做负载均衡选择,这是与fieldsGrouping的差别。在得到两个候选taskId之后,PartialKeyGrouping额外维护了taskId的使用数,每次选择使用少的,与此同时也更新每次选择的计数。
  • 值得注意的是在wordCount的bolt使用PartialKeyGrouping,同一个单词不再固定发给相同的task,因此这里还需要RollingCountAggBolt按fieldsGrouping进行合并。


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