. 一见钟情:这有可能吗?人们真的会在初次相遇时就能立刻确定彼此是命中注定吗?新的证据表明:他们的确会如此。
. Love at first sight: Is it possible? Do people really meet and in moments simply know they're meant to be ? New evidence suggests: Yes, they do.
. 这个想法非常浪漫:两个陌生人的视线“穿越拥挤的房间”落到彼此身上,然后瞬间产生了一种吸引力、一星电火花,于是顷刻间他们找到了和自己相配的另一半,永不回头。
. The idea is wonderful romantic: Two strangers see each other "across a crowded room", then there's an instant attraction, an electric spark, and suddenly they've found their match and never look back.
. 人们说这是常有的事。如果你从个人的例子入手,一见钟情似乎真实存在。一些证据表明,大约60%的人都体验过一见钟情。你可能有这样的朋友,发誓说他们曾经遇到过这样的事, 有或者可能是你自己,在你第一眼看到现在的伴侣时就知道“那是对的人”。
. People say it happens all the time. If you start with personal testaments, love at first sight seems like the real deal. Some evidence suggests that about 60 percent of people have experienced it. You probably have friends who swear this happened to them, or maybe you yourself just "knew" in that very first moment you laid eyes on your current partner.
. 但是事情真的如此吗?
. But did it really happen?
. 科学家很少对一见钟情进行实证研究,但是荷兰的一项新研究为支持这一现象提供了证据。研究人员让近400名男性和女性在初次见面后立即完成关于潜在恋爱对象的调查。
. Rarely have scientists empirically studied love at first sight , but new research out of the Netherlands offers evidence in support of the phenomenon. The researchers asked nearly 400 men and women to complete surveys about potential romantic partners immediately after they encourtering those individuals.
. 调查包括询问他们是否同意“我在这个人身上体会到了一见钟情”这一说法,以及要求他们陈述对方的外表吸引力如何、他们的好感度有多强。分别在三个情景下进行数据收集:线上、实验室中(展现潜在对象的照片)、当面(调查对象面对面相见)。
. This included indicating their agreement with the statement, "I am experiencing love at first sight with this person", as well as reporting how physically attractive they found the person, and how much passion they felt. Data collection was dispersed across three contexts -- online; in the lab (where pictures of potential partners were shown); and in person (where individuals saw each other face-to-face).
. 通过实时测量一见钟情,Zsoks和他的同事了解到什么呢?
. With a real-time measure of love at first sight, what exactly did Zsoks and his colleagues learn?
. Love at first sight isn't just biased memory.
. 确实会有人报告说, 在他们第一次遇到一个人时就经历了一见钟情。这是一种强烈的初始吸引力,可能会在日后化为一段恋情。一种令人信服的反驳是,人的记忆是片面的,实际上会造成彼此在瞬间坠入爱河的幻觉,但这并不能恰当地解释所有的一见钟情。
. People really do report experiencing love at first sight in the instant they encounter a person. It's a strong initial attraction that could later become a relationship. One compelling counter-argument -- that people have biased memories and essentially create the illusion of having fallen for each other instantly -- isn't an appropriate explanation for all cases of love at first sight.
. You're more likely to feel love at first sight with beautiful people.
. 在这项研究中,陌生人更有可能对外表极具吸引力的人一见钟情。事实上, 在研究人员使用的量表上,一个人在吸引力等级上每高出一级,其他人对其一见钟情的可能性会增加9倍。
. In this study, strangers were more likely to report experiencing love at first sight with physically attractive others. In fact, one rating higher in attractiveness on the scale that researchers used corresponded with a nine times greater likelihood that others would report that electric love-at-first-sight feeling.
. Men report love at first sight more than women.
. 研究人员不确定为什么会发生这种情况,但这值得更多的调查。根据其他研究所显示,女性在挑选约会对象时更为谨慎,这是她们不那么倾向于一见钟情的原因吗?男性则可能会,比方说,对多个潜在的伴侣显示出一见钟情。但这是否会转化成恋爱关系就是另外一回事了。
. The researchers aren't sure why this happens, but it begs more investigation. Might women be less inclined to this experience because they are more selective in whom they might date, as other research has shown? Men might, for example, report this experience with multiple potential partners. But whether this translates into relationships is another question.
. Love at first fight isn't usually mutual.
. 对参与者所报告的一见钟情进行比对显示,一见钟情通常之发生在一方身上;这表明对彼此都一见钟情的情况并不常见。然而,研究人员怀疑,一方强烈的初见体验或许会改造另一方的记忆,使其相信他或她也体验到了一见钟情。
. A comparison of participant reports of love at first sight showed that it's typically a one-sided phenomenon; this suggests that shared instant love isn't very common. The researchers suspect, however, that one partner's intense initial experience could help shape the other person's recollection, shifting it toward a belief that he or she also experienced love at first sight.
. Love at first sight isn't really "love".
. 能够体现爱的耳熟能详的一些特质 --亲密、承诺、激情--在人们说他们坠入爱河的时候并不特别强烈。至少,他们体验到这些情感的程度没有那些已经确立关系的人深刻。
. The kind of qulities that are known to reflect love --intimacy, commitmnt, passion-- are not strong in those moments when people say they've fallen in love at first sight. At least, those emotions are not experienced to the same degree as they are by people in established relationships.
. 恋爱中的人对伴侣的亲密感、忠诚度和痴迷度远远超过一见钟情的人。然而,在第一次见面时,同没有出现一见钟情的人相比,一见钟情的经历会让人更有可能体验到这些情绪。
. The extent to which people in relationships report feeling intimacy and commitment and passion toward their partners far exceeds reports of these emotions by people who experience love at first sight. Yet the love-at-first-sight experience appears open to these emotions to a greater extent than first meetings where love at first sight is not reported.
. 总之,科学偏爱浪漫主义者。确实有人经历过一见钟情,但那不是“爱”或“倾慕”,相反,它是一种强大的吸引力,使一个人格外愿意去开启一段关系的可能性。一见钟情可能会发生很多次,也许那些失败的,或者说从来没有转化成一段关系的例子被遗忘了。但当一见钟情确实开启了一段长久的恋爱关系,这就是一个很棒的恋爱故事了。
. In sum, science favors romantics. Love at first sight actually is experienced by people, but it's not so much "love" or "passion". Instead, it's a strong pull or attraction that makes someone particularly open to the possibilities of a relationship. Love at first sight can happen multiple times, and maybe the instances where it fizzles or simply never translates into a relationship are forgotten. But when love at first sight does launch a sustained relationship, the story is a great one.