

英文 中文
Both poles of our planet are covered with ice. 地球的两极都被冰覆盖着
They're the largest and most demanding wildernesses of all. 是最大、最荒凉的无人区
Nowhere else on Earth is seasonal change so extreme. 两极地区的季节变化非常极端
It causes the ice to advance and retreat every year. 使得冰盖面积每年都在扩大和缩小
And all life here is governed by that. 这里的一切生命都受其影响
When the first polar explorers headed south, 第一批极地探险家前往南方时候
giant cathedrals of ice marked their entry into uncharted territory. 经过这里的冰山就标志他们进入了未知领域
Passing the towering spires, 在经过高耸的冰山的时候
they must have wondered what unearthly sights lay in store. 他们必曾感慨于地球上竟有如此别样的地方存在
As they battled on, the ice became increasingly dominant, 他们继续南上 触目皆是寒冰
but nothing could have prepared them for the ice world that finally loomed into view. 当冰雪世界真实的出现在他们眼前的时候 他们感到的是无法用语言形容的震撼
Terra incognita, ''the unknown land''. 这里就是未知之地 拉丁语中的“Terra Incognita”!
At the southernmost extreme of our planet, 南极洲位于地球的最南边
the continent of Antarctica is as large as the United States of America. 面积相当于一个美国
Ninety per cent of all the world's ice is found here. 这里的冰占全世界的90%
This frozen world is largely deserted 在这个冰封的世界里大部分地方都死气沉沉
until the start of spring. 直到春天来临
Adelie penguins 阿德利企鹅
in a hurry. 行色匆匆

The clock is ticking. 时钟滴嗒 时光飞逝
Instead of waiting for the summer melt, the new arrivals hasten south over the frozen sea. 还没等到夏季解冻期的来临 这些鸟儿就急急忙忙从冰封的海洋赶到南极
They have come here to breed, 它们来这里繁衍
but polar summers are so short, 但是极地的夏天是非常短暂的
they must be in position before the thaw starts. 企鹅们必须赶在解冻期结束前做好就位的准备
As the sea ice retreats, 当海冰的面积缩小的时候
life can journey farther south. 动物便能长驱直入来到南极的腹地
Antarctic waters are so rich that visitors come from far and wide to harvest them. 南极富饶的海水吸引着千里之外的客人来觅食
Vast numbers of chinstrap penguins come ashore to breed. 颊带企鹅成群结队地来到这里的岸边繁衍生息
No bird will lay their eggs directly onto ice 企鹅不会把蛋直接下在冰面上
so bare rock is a vital commodity. 于是裸岩就成了最重要的繁殖地
The best patches are worth the climb. 爬上最好的地方就算辛苦也是值得的
The cliff tops are soon stained pink 数以万计的企鹅在此筑巢
with the droppings of tens of thousands of nesting penguins. 它们的粪便使山顶看起来一片粉红
0nly in a land almost entirely covered in ice 只有在几乎完全被冰覆盖的陆地上
could bare rock be reckoned an oasis. 裸岩才会被当作一块宝地
Some will travel into the heart of the continent to find it. 为了找到裸岩一些企鹅会一直深入到南极中心
These are nunataks, the exposed peaks of vast mountain ranges buried in ice over a mile deep. 这些“冰原岛峰”下面是深埋在深达一英里的冰层里的庞大山脉
The eerie silence here is only broken in spring. 这里静得可怕 只有到春天才会热闹起来
The snow petrels have arrived and are courting. 雪海燕来了 在这里求偶
Antarctic petrels now join the most southerly bird colony on Earth. 南极雪海燕的领地在地球的最南方
The birds have flown inland for over 300 miles to reach this breeding site. 它们往内陆飞行300英里才来到这里繁衍
0nce their eggs have hatched, 一旦小鸟破蛋而出
they will be forced repeatedly to make the 600-mile round trip to gather food in the ocean. 雪海燕将为觅食而不断往返海陆600英里
First, though, valuable nesting places must be defended from property thieves. 不过先得保护好来之不易的筑巢地 免得被其他鸟类占据
After laying their eggs, the petrels take time out to clean their plumage. 产蛋后雪海燕会在抽出时间在雪地里整理羽毛
The south polar skua is a formidable opportunist. 南极贼鸥是可怕的机会主义者
But the skuas have not chanced upon the petrels, they've been waiting for them. 但是贼鸥碰到海燕并非机遇使然, 它们早就等着下手
These birds do not need to go to the ocean for their food. 贼鸥不需要到海洋里捕食
The skuas can survive further south than any other predator 与其他猛禽相比 贼鸥的厉害在于它能在地球的最南端生存
by exploiting the petrels' desperate need for bare rock. 它们知道利用海燕必定寻找裸岩筑巢的弱点
Even at the height of summer, 在南极洲 即使是盛夏
less than three per cent of Antarctica is free of ice, 南极洲也只有不到3%的地方没有被冰封
and nearly all of that exposed rock is found in one place, 几乎所有的裸岩都集中在同一个地方
the Antarctic Peninsula. 即南极半岛
Its long arm extends further north than the rest of the continent, so spring arrives here first. 这里与南极洲的其它地方相比更靠近北边, 所以春天先来到这里
The thaw unlocks sheltered bays that provide refuge from the relentless battering of the Southern 0cean. 解冻后出现一些风平浪静的海湾 可以躲避南极洋无情的风浪
In the depths, something stirs. 水里有动静
Humpback whales. 座头鲸!
They have travelled over 5,000 miles to reach these waters. 它们经过5000英里的漫长旅程终于来到了这片水域

The whales are harvesting krill, 这些鲸现在正美美地享受着磷虾大餐
shrimp-like creatures that begin to swarm here as soon as the ice retreats. 冰层一融化各种各样的虾就会聚集在这里
Diving into the heart of the swarm, 潜入到虾群中后
teams of whales spiral round each other in close coordination. 座头鲸会共同配合 紧密协作
Now they turn, blasting air from their blowholes, and ascend towards their prey. 现在座头鲸转身 利用呼吸孔吐气 喷向猎物
The krill becomes concentrated as the spiralling net of bubbles draws inwards. 螺旋型的气泡网逐渐收紧,把磷虾聚在一起
The team of whales work round the clock for the boom is short-lived. 时光短暂,座头鲸昼夜不停捕食
Summer is already fading 短暂的夏天正逐渐消失
and the whales will soon be forced north as winter returns. 很快冬季又到了 这些鲸鱼将不得不前往北方
The sun's influence diminishes 太阳的威力逐渐减弱
and the ocean starts to freeze. 海洋开始结冰
The greatest seasonal change on our planet is underway. 我们这个行星上最显著的季节变化正在发生
The ice grows at an extraordinary rate, 冰盖的面积以非凡的速度扩大
advancing two and a half miles a day. 一天扩大2.5英里
In a matter of weeks, the continent effectively doubles in size. 几个星期之内,整个南极大陆的面积将扩大为原来的两倍
Life flees from Antarctica. 生物纷纷逃离南极洲
But one creature is just arriving. 但偏有一种生物赶来
Every winter, emperor penguins leave the comfort of their ocean home 帝企鹅每年冬天便离开它们安逸的海洋家园
and begin a remarkable journey. 开始了非凡的征途
They head towards their breeding grounds, almost 100 miles inland. 它们要前往繁殖地,几乎在离海岸100英里的内陆
Eventually, the emperor penguins reach the place where they were hatched, 帝企鹅将最终到达它们出生的故乡
an area sheltered by icebergs, trapped in the frozen ocean. 一个位于冰封的洋面上、到处冰山林立的地方
Here they will raise the next generation. 在这里 它们将繁衍下一代
But first, each must find a mate. 但是 首先每只企鹅必须找到自己的配偶
The males begin to serenade. 雄企鹅开始唱情歌
And if a female replies, they pair up, posing like statues. 如果有雌企鹅回应, 它们就结成一对,共同摆出雕像般的姿势
New couples quickly form a strong bond. 新的企鹅对很快就会建立深厚的感情
They seem oblivious to the noisy crowd around them. 它们似乎对周围的喧嚣充耳不闻
To cement their relationship, the male steps out with his female. 为了巩固它们的关系 雄企鹅跟雌企鹅走出行列
The brief courtship complete, there isn't a moment to lose. 它们的交配很短暂 不浪费一分钟
With so much pressure to perform, 求表现的压力太大
any male would struggle to stay on top. 任何雄企鹅都会拼命留在上面
Several weeks later, 几周之后
and it seems that most couplings were successful. 绝大多数的企鹅对都会成功繁衍出下一代
But producing the egg has taken its toll. 但体力也在产蛋的过程中消耗殆尽
The females no longer have the energy to incubate. 雌企鹅再也没有孵蛋的力气
The male takes over. 任务便交给了雄企鹅
It's still minus 20 degrees centigrade, 此时温度还是零下20摄氏度
so the transfer must be done quickly 所以交接过程必须迅速完成
or else the egg will freeze. 否则蛋会冻坏
With no bare rock to nest on, 没有裸岩可以在上面筑巢
the male tucks the egg into a special pouch, 雄企鹅会小心翼翼地把蛋藏在自己的体袋里
where he can keep it warm. 可以让蛋保持足够的温度
It requires an extraordinary piece of teamwork. 交接过程需要双方高度的配合
Driven by hunger, 在饥饿的驱使下
the exhausted females now return to the ocean on their own, 精疲力竭的雌企鹅们独自返回海洋
repeating the epic journey they made with the males only a month before. 再次踏上了1月前曾和雄企鹅共同走过的漫漫征途
Now the sun barely appears above the horizon. 现在太阳只能勉强升到地平线上方
As the days shorten, its warmth is withdrawn from the continent. 随着白昼的缩短,南极大陆变得越来越冷
With the females gone, 雌企鹅去了之后
the colony undergoes a strange transformation. 企鹅的领地开始出现奇特的变化
The males shuffle into groups, their eggs still tucked away above their feet. 雄企鹅们聚集在一起,此时它们的蛋仍然藏在脚上面
They lock together in tightly-packed huddles as they struggle to keep warm. 它们紧紧挤成包围圈以此取暖
Speeding up the action reveals how these huddles constantly shift and change 在快镜头下我们可以看到包围圈在不断地变动
as each penguin works its way towards the warmer interior. 每只企鹅都要变换位置以进入更温暖的内部
Crammed into this scrum, the birds are remarkably good-natured. But they have to be. 这些企鹅性情特别温和 这是环境使然
If the huddle breaks, even for a moment, precious heat escapes. 如果包围圈散了,哪怕就一小会儿 宝贵的热气也会消散
It's imperative they reform as quickly as possible, 它们必须尽最大的努力重新组成队列
for only by acting as one 因为只有团结成一体
can the males withstand the elements and protect their eggs. 雄企鹅才能抵挡严酷的自然力量 才能保护好它们的蛋
But their greatest test lies ahead. 但是最大的考验还在前头
As winter advances, frequent blizzards drive the temperature down. 随着隆冬的逼近,暴风雪越来越频繁 温度越来越低
It's now 60 degrees below zero. 现在已经是零下60度
The birds at the edge of the huddle bear the brunt of the 100-mile-an-hour winds 处于边缘的企鹅承受着时速100英里的狂风袭击
and so provide shelter to those taking their turn in the middle. 以便保护轮流站在中央的企鹅
Abandoned by the sun, the males are left alone with their eggs 太阳已经完全消失,雄企鹅们与它们的蛋相依为命
to face the coldest, darkest winter on Earth. 来抵抗这地球上最寒冷、最黑暗的冬天
At the northern extreme of our planet, 而在地球的北极
the sun rises for the first time in months, 太阳在数个月的沉寂后第一次升起
illuminating a very different ice world. 阳光照亮了一个截然不同的冰的世界
Unlike Antarctica, 与南极不同
the Arctic is a vast frozen sea surrounded by land. 北极是广阔的冰封海洋 被陆地包围
Here winter is coming to an end 这里的冬天已经临近尾声
but this bleak wilderness remains locked in ice. 但这片荒凉的无人区仍然是冰封的天地
Eider ducks break the silence. 绒鸭的到来打破了这里的平静
They have stayed here, braving the northern winter, 绒鸭没有迁徙到温暖的南方
instead of flying south to warmer climes. 而一直坚守在这里经受着北方寒冬的考验
Flocks 40,000 strong sweep across the frozen wastes. 4万只绒鸭飞越这一片冰天雪地的荒野
They all have the same goal, a polynya, 它们都有相同的目标--冰间湖(冰穴)
a permanent hole in the sea ice, kept open throughout the winter by strong ocean currents. 冰间湖是结冰的海洋上永久性的洞孔 因为有强大的洋流使它们冬天也不会冰封
This unusual duck pond provides an overnight sanctuary 这个不同寻常的水池是过夜的庇护所
and, when day breaks, a rare chance to feed. 而且到了白天还有难得的进食机会
Just 10 metres beneath the ice, 就在离冰面10米以下的海底上
the sea floor is carpeted with dense mussel beds. 布满了密密麻麻的贻贝
These can only be reached during a brief lull in the currents. 这个地方只有在洋流暂时停歇时才能吃到
The ducks must quickly prise the mussels free before the tide starts to turn. 绒鸭必须赶在潮流转向之前迅速采食
The window of opportunity is short. 机会之窗随时可能关闭
As the current begins to build, it's up, up and away. 洋流开始转强时它们就只好远走高飞了
These permanent holes in the ice provide seafood throughout the winter. 这个长年不冻的水窟窿提供了整整一个冬天的食物
The diners attract others. 其它生物也似乎闻风而来
In the Arctic, any breach in the icy barrier can be a lifeline. 在北极 每一处破冰的地方都是一条生命线
Musk oxen create their own. 麝牛创造了自己的生命线
These giants have the strength to smash through the frozen crust 这种体型巨大的动物有足够的力量砸出冰窟窿
to graze on the vegetation below. 再吃下面的植物
The ice-breakers create an opening for other over-winterers. 麝牛破冰也为其它越冬的动物创造机会
Flocks of ptarmigan make unusual grazing companions for the musk oxen, 成群的雷鸟与麝牛结成了紧密的伙伴关系
whose entourage grows throughout the day. 它们的活动忙碌一整天
This odd assembly of vegetarians doesn't go unnoticed. 这些食草动物组成的奇特群落当然会引起注意
An arctic fox. 一头北极狐
The musk oxen have recently given birth. 麝牛最近生了幼仔
For the fox, it's a chance to scavenge. 对于北极狐来说 这是一个捕食的机会


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