首先先说明它们共同的作用:call和apply 都是用来修改函数中this的指向问题;
其次就是它们不同的传参方式:注意上一句话中说他们的作用时有两个关键词 ‘函数’和‘this’,想要修改this 的指向,那么必然有一个this修改后的指向,而函数必然后关系到传参问题:call方法可以传给该函数的参数分别作为自己的多个参数,而apply方法必须将传给该函数的参数合并成一个数组作为自己的一个参数:
var name = 'Evan';
var age = 20;
var person = {
name: 'Hillary',
age: 19,
sayIntroduce: function () {
return "Hello, My name is " + this.name + " and I'm " + this.age + ' years old.'
sayHobby: function (val1, val2) {
return "I'm " + this.name + ", I like " + val1 + " and " + val2 + ".";
var person1 = {
name: 'Coy'
console.log(person.sayIntroduce()); // Hello, My name is Hillary and I'm 19 years old.
当我们通过 call 和 apply 来this的指向时,不传任何参数,则默认为将this指向修改为 windows
// 当没有参数时,默认将this指向 window
console.log(person.sayIntroduce.call()); // Hello, My name is Evan and I'm 20 years old.
console.log(person.sayIntroduce.apply()); // Hello, My name is Evan and I'm 20 years old.
有参数时,this 指向第一个参数:
// 将this指向 person1,由于person1中没有age属性,因此为 undefined
console.log(person.sayIntroduce.call(person1)); // Hello, My name is Coy and I'm undefined years old.
console.log(person.sayIntroduce.apply(person1)); // Hello, My name is Coy and I'm undefined years old.
console.log(person.sayHobby.call(person1, 'swimming', 'hiking')); // I'm Coy, I like swimming and hiking.
console.log(person.sayHobby.apply(person1, ['swimming', 'hiking'])); // I'm Coy, I like swimming and hiking.