We were taught to have good habit when we just both, Habits usually have two meanings: one is our own habits in daily life; another is the different from thedifferent regions, different countries, social customs and moral traditions. Just like that Indians would not eat anything with their left hand, people lived in north do not like to open windows in winter, it was a pretty interesting habit.
就个人而言,如果总以某种固定方式行事,便会养成一种习惯,当然习惯不是一朝一夕形成的,而是日积月累形成的。且一种习惯总需要被另外一个习惯来替代才行。比如,我们在生活中,会有懒惰, 喜欢看没有意义和营养的电视剧或者小说,从而影响到正常的学习生活甚至是正常休息时间,导致生活没有规律,此时我们就需要养成另外一种习惯和生活方式,比如,用看有价值的书及电影取代看电视及小说,早起来学习一门外语,或者试着写些自己的所思所悟,理清自己的思绪,对生活更有指导意义。但是好习惯的形成需要一个过程。
For one person, if acting in a certain way, it will form a habit, of course, the formation of habits is not a short duration of time, but the days and months multiplying. And a habit always needs to be replaced by another habit. For example, in our daly life, sometimes we will be lazy, love see no meaning and nutrition of drama or fiction, which affects the normal life and normal rest time, resulting in life without rules, then we need to develop another habit and way of life, such as rending books and watching movies with valuable instead of watching TV and novels, woke up early in the morning to learn a foreign language, or try to write our own thinking and understanding, clear our thoughts, guide to life more meaning . But the formation of good habits requires a process.
Usually a person's thoughts dominate a person's behavior, and then form a particular habit, habits determine a person's character, character determines the fate of a person. Of course, a person's habits behaved by their own domination, rather than let the habit to dominate their own.
Recently, I just to do something to change my habit, I try to make my plans for a year, January, a week, or even a day. In order to ensure timely completion of my list, I need to change a bad habit before, I play my mobile phone or watching TV on my bed befoe fall asleep, which lead me too exciting to fall asleep, then I can not get up early to finish my plan. So I have to give up the habit and replace it with another habit. I leave my mobile phone charging far from my bed, no mobile phone or Ipad in my bed, only leave my books or Kindle on the bed, before fall asleep only one thing I can do on my bed is reading the book, until fall asleep, thus can stop me thinking more or exciting then unable to sleep, this habit has completely changed my life.