[STL deep dive]迭代器的实现探究1

[The C++ Standard Library: Tutorial & Reference]

from [here](http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iterator/)
from C++STL Tutorial & Ref.


  1. ++i vs. i++
  1. 迭代器的合法增长方向
  2. 迭代器的失效
  3. 迭代器 vs. 下标运算符

Phase_1 系统地过一遍

  • 原理
  1. Input Iterator
  2. Output Iterator
  3. Forward Iterator
  4. Bidirectional Iterator
  5. Random Access Iterator
  • 实现
    上面那些只是一些定义,C++使用所谓的trait class来实现区分这几种迭代器的.(effective c++ RULE no. 47),一种泛型上的概念,即类型的信息.

简单地说,你可以自己实现自己的类的Iterator(随便取你的迭代器名字),然后在你的迭代器定义中显式地加入一些typedef, 比如value_typeiterator_catagory;这几种别名是std里约定好了,在std里的一些算法将根据这些别名做不同的处理,比如你想说明自己的Iterator是个随机Acess的iterator,则在你的iterator中加入一个typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;到了STL的算法内部会根据你的Iterator中的这些typedef来指定不同的算法实现.




  • An-Introduction-to-Iterator-Traits

  • algorithmSelection

  • how-does-iterator-category-in-c-work

  • how-do-traits-classes-work - NO MAGIC!!!
    附1中的Iterator顶多只能算个base_Iterator, 为了让它能够与STL的算法库兼容(如find, distance, copy等),还需要一个wapper-like的模板类包装一下(使这个Iterator实现所谓的tag-dispatching),其原理实际上就是编译期间绑定,明天继续!明天将参考STLPort实现来进行wrap并使其能支持STL算法库.
    (关键词:effective c++_42/46, typedef, overloading, iterator_traits)

    --------------Will be Updated SOON---------------


Phase_2 回过头来解决最初的问题

  1. ++i vs. i++

++i is better.
make sure you create a habit of using pre-increment with iterators in loops. i.e. use ++it and not it++. The pre-increment will not create unnecessary temporaries.

  • 我认为其实根本原因还是 operator重载中,a@将调用a.operator(0),而@a将调用a.operator@(),前者将增加一个临时对象, 因此效率会比较低.


  1. 迭代器的(合法)增长方向

  2. 迭代器的失效

  3. 迭代器 vs. 下标运算符

附1. 实现了一个带迭代器的字符串类

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
class MyString{
        MyString() : data_(NULL), size_(0){ }
        MyString(const char* s);
        MyString(const MyString &b) : size_(b.size_), data_(NULL){
            //deep copy
                data_ = new char [BufSize(size_)];
                memcpy(data_, b.data_, BufSize(size_));
                delete [] data_;

        MyString& operator=(const MyString &);
        bool operator!=(const MyString &);
        bool operator==(const MyString &);
        MyString operator+(const MyString &);
        MyString& operator+=(const MyString &);
        char& operator[](const int);
        class Iterator{
                Iterator() : ptr(NULL){ }
                Iterator& operator++(){
                    return *this;
                Iterator& operator--(){
                    return *this;
                Iterator& operator+(int x){
                    ptr += x;
                    return *this;
                Iterator& operator-(int x){
                    ptr -= x;
                    return *this;
                bool operator!=(const Iterator &s){
                    return s.ptr != ptr;
                char& operator*(){
                    return *ptr;

                friend MyString;
                Iterator(char *s) :  ptr(s){ }
                char* ptr;
        Iterator begin(){
            return Iterator(data_);
        Iterator end(){
            return Iterator(data_ + size_);
        int size(){ return size_; }
        char* data_;//end with '\0'
        int size_;
        int BufSize(const int s) const{ return s + 1; }
        char* ReSizeBuf(int s){
//          std::cout << "[DBG]\n";
//          std::cout << s << size_ << std::endl;
            if(s > size_){
                if(data_){ delete [] data_; }
                data_ = new char [BufSize(s)];
            size_ = s;
            return data_;
        friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const MyString& s);
MyString::MyString(const char* s) 
 : size_(strlen(s)),
        data_ = new char [BufSize(size_)];
        memcpy(data_, s, BufSize(size_));

MyString& MyString::operator=(const MyString &b)
    //deep copy
    //origin data is overwrote
    if(&b != this){
        memcpy(data_, b.data_, BufSize(size_));
    return *this;
bool MyString::operator!=(const MyString & b)
    return !(*this == b);
bool MyString::operator==(const MyString & b)
    if(b.size_ == size_){
        return memcmp(b.data_, data_, size_) == 0;
    return false;
//It's not good to do this because it will do 2 alloc.s & dealloc.s(temp. var in c++)
MyString MyString::operator+(const MyString &b)//will concat the two string. 
    MyString tmp;
    memcpy(tmp.ReSizeBuf(size_ + b.size_), data_, size_);
    memcpy(tmp.data_ + size_, b.data_, BufSize(b.size_));
    return tmp;
MyString& MyString::operator+=(const MyString &b)
    char* tmp = BufSize(size_) < BufSize(size_ + b.size_) ? 
        new char [BufSize(size_ + b.size_)] : data_ ;
    if(tmp != data_){
        memcpy(tmp, data_, size_);
    memcpy(tmp + size_, b.data_, BufSize(b.size_));
    if(tmp != data_){
        delete [] data_;
    data_ = tmp;
    size_ = size_ + b.size_;
    return *this;

char& MyString::operator[](const int idx)
    assert(idx < size_);
    return *(data_ + idx);
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const MyString& s)
    return s.data_ ? out << s.data_ : out << "";

void test1(){
    std::string ss = "12345";
    std::string::iterator itr;
    for(itr = ss.begin(); itr != ss.end(); itr++)
        printf("%c ", *itr);
void test_MyString()
    MyString s1;
    MyString s2("Hello");
    MyString s3 = "1234";
    MyString s4(s3);
    std::cout << s1 << s2 << s3 << s4 << std::endl;

void test_operator()
    MyString s1 = "Hello";
    MyString s2 = "Hi";
    MyString s3 = ", there";
    MyString s4, s5("fff");
    std::cout << s4 << " " << s4.size() << ";" << s5 << " " << s5.size() <<std::endl;
    s4 = s5 = s1;
    std::cout << s4 << " " << s4.size() << ";" << s5 << " " << s5.size()<<std::endl;

    std::cout << (s2 == s1 ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
    s2 = s1;
    std::cout << (s2 != s1 ? "no" : "yes") << std::endl;
    std::cout << s2 + s3 << std::endl;
    s2 += s3;
    std::cout << s2 << " " << s2.size() << std::endl;
    s2[0] = 'K';
    std::cout << s2 << std::endl;

void test_iterator()
    MyString ssx = "Hi, My name is...";
the post-increment ==> itr++ ==> will call MyString::Iterator::operator++(0) 
pre-increment.cc:195:6: error: no ‘operator++(int)’ declared for postfix ‘++’ [-fpermissive]
    for(MyString::Iterator itr = ssx.begin();
        itr != ssx.end();
            std::cout << *itr << " " << std::endl;
    for(MyString::Iterator itr = ssx.begin(); 
        itr != ssx.end();
            std::cout << *itr << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;

int main()
//  char s[4] = {'1','2','4','3'};
//  std::cout << s << std::endl;
    return 0;

附2. 令附1的代码能支持std::copy(),std::distance()等

代码丑陋 有待优化,但主要目的,令自己写的Iterator可以支持STL的algorithm的目的已经达到了.

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>//for the tags
#include <algorithm>//we need to support, for exmaple: std::find() std::copy()

class MyString{
        MyString() : data_(NULL), size_(0){ }
        MyString(const char* s);
        MyString(const MyString &b) : size_(b.size_), data_(NULL){
            //deep copy
                data_ = new char [BufSize(size_)];
                memcpy(data_, b.data_, BufSize(size_));
                delete [] data_;

        MyString& operator=(const MyString &);
        bool operator!=(const MyString &);
        bool operator==(const MyString &);
        MyString operator+(const MyString &);
        MyString& operator+=(const MyString &);
        char& operator[](const int);

        class Iterator{
                typedef typename std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
                typedef char value_type;
                typedef int difference_type;
                typedef char* pointer;
                typedef char& reference;
                Iterator() : ptr(NULL){ printf("[DBG] Iterator() is called\n"); }
                Iterator& operator++(){
                    return *this;
                Iterator& operator--(){
                    return *this;
                Iterator& operator+(int x){
                    ptr += x;
                    return *this;
                Iterator& operator-(int x){
                    ptr -= x;
                    return *this;
                //error: no match for ‘operator-’ (operand types are ‘MyString::Iterator’ and ‘MyString::Iterator’)
                //we have to impl the operator-(Iterator)
                difference_type operator-(const Iterator& rhs){
                    return ptr - rhs.ptr;
                bool operator!=(const Iterator &s){
                    return s.ptr != ptr;
                bool operator==(const Iterator &s){
                    return !(*this != s);
                //std::find() will use this operator
                bool operator==(value_type c){
                    return *ptr == c;
                char& operator*(){
                    return *ptr;

                friend MyString;    
                Iterator(char *s) :  ptr(s){
//                  printf("[DBG] Iterator(char*) is called\n");
                char* ptr;
        class OuputIterator : public Iterator{
                char& operator*(){
                    if(ptr == mptr_->end().ptr){
                        int offset = mptr_->size_;
                        mptr_->ReSizeCopyBuf((mptr_->size_ + 1) * 2);
                        ptr = mptr_->data_ + offset;
                    return *ptr;
                void print(){
                    printf("[DBG] %p\n", ptr);
                friend MyString;//friend is not inherited
                MyString* mptr_;
                OuputIterator(MyString* me) : mptr_(me){ }
                OuputIterator(char *s) : Iterator(s) { /*printf("[DBG] OuputIterator(char*) is called\n"); */}
        Iterator begin(){
            return Iterator(data_);
        Iterator end(){
            return Iterator(data_ + size_);
        OuputIterator obegin(){
            return OuputIterator(data_);
        OuputIterator oend(){
            return OuputIterator(data_ + size_);
        int size(){ return size_; }
        char* data_;//end with '\0'
        int size_;
        int BufSize(const int s) const{ return s + 1; }
        char* ReSizeBuf(int s){
//          std::cout << "[DBG]\n";
//          std::cout << s << size_ << std::endl;
            if(s > size_){
                if(data_){ delete [] data_; }
                data_ = new char [BufSize(s)];
            size_ = s;
            return data_;
        char* ReSizeCopyBuf(int s){
            if(s > size_){
                char* new_data_ = new char [BufSize(s)];
                    memcpy(new_data_, data_, BufSize(size_)); 
                    delete [] data_;
                data_ = new_data_;
            size_ = s;
            return data_;
        friend OuputIterator;
        friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const MyString& s);
MyString::MyString(const char* s) 
 : size_(strlen(s)),
        data_ = new char [BufSize(size_)];
        memcpy(data_, s, BufSize(size_));

MyString& MyString::operator=(const MyString &b)
    //deep copy
    //origin data is overwrote
    if(&b != this){
        memcpy(data_, b.data_, BufSize(size_));
    return *this;
bool MyString::operator!=(const MyString & b)
    return !(*this == b);
bool MyString::operator==(const MyString & b)
    if(b.size_ == size_){
        return memcmp(b.data_, data_, size_) == 0;
    return false;
//It's not good to do this because it will do 2 alloc.s & dealloc.s(temp. var in c++)
MyString MyString::operator+(const MyString &b)//will concat the two string. 
    MyString tmp;
    memcpy(tmp.ReSizeBuf(size_ + b.size_), data_, size_);
    memcpy(tmp.data_ + size_, b.data_, BufSize(b.size_));
    return tmp;
MyString& MyString::operator+=(const MyString &b)
    char* tmp = BufSize(size_) < BufSize(size_ + b.size_) ? 
        new char [BufSize(size_ + b.size_)] : data_ ;
    if(tmp != data_){
        memcpy(tmp, data_, size_);
    memcpy(tmp + size_, b.data_, BufSize(b.size_));
    if(tmp != data_){
        delete [] data_;
    data_ = tmp;
    size_ = size_ + b.size_;
    return *this;

char& MyString::operator[](const int idx)
    assert(idx < size_);
    return *(data_ + idx);
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const MyString& s)
    return s.data_ ? out << s.data_ : out << "";

void test1(){
    std::string ss = "12345";
    std::string::iterator itr;
    for(itr = ss.begin(); itr != ss.end(); itr++)
        printf("%c ", *itr);
void test_MyString()
    MyString s1;
    MyString s2("Hello");
    MyString s3 = "1234";
    MyString s4(s3);
    std::cout << s1 << s2 << s3 << s4 << std::endl;

void test_operator()
    MyString s1 = "Hello";
    MyString s2 = "Hi";
    MyString s3 = ", there";
    MyString s4, s5("fff");
    std::cout << s4 << " " << s4.size() << ";" << s5 << " " << s5.size() <<std::endl;
    s4 = s5 = s1;
    std::cout << s4 << " " << s4.size() << ";" << s5 << " " << s5.size()<<std::endl;

    std::cout << (s2 == s1 ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
    s2 = s1;
    std::cout << (s2 != s1 ? "no" : "yes") << std::endl;
    std::cout << s2 + s3 << std::endl;
    s2 += s3;
    std::cout << s2 << " " << s2.size() << std::endl;
    s2[0] = 'K';
    std::cout << s2 << std::endl;

void test_iterator()
    MyString ssx = "Hi, My name is...";
the post-increment ==> itr++ ==> will call MyString::Iterator::operator++(0) 
pre-increment.cc:195:6: error: no ‘operator++(int)’ declared for postfix ‘++’ [-fpermissive]
    for(MyString::Iterator itr = ssx.begin();
        itr != ssx.end();
            std::cout << *itr << " " << std::endl;
    for(MyString::Iterator itr = ssx.begin(); 
        itr != ssx.end();
            std::cout << *itr << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;
void test_STL_algor()
    MyString testss = "Hi, My Name is REM.";
    std::cout << std::distance(testss.begin(), testss.end()) <<std::endl; 
    //std::distance() is actually included at the <iterator> 
    std::cout << std::find<MyString::Iterator, char>(testss.begin(), testss.end(), 'R') - testss.begin() << std::endl;
    //std::find() is included at algorithm 
    MyString dst;
    std::copy<MyString::Iterator, MyString::OuputIterator>(testss.begin(), testss.end(), dst.obegin());
    std::cout<< dst << std::endl;
    //... you can test other function of STL-algorithm

void testobegin()
    MyString testss = "Hi, I am Rem.Nice to meet you.";
    MyString::OuputIterator oitr = testss.obegin();
int main()
    return 0;


  • 3个遗留问题
  • 附2优化
  • 实现一个模拟STL的tag-dispatching.
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