PART 1 Sentences
1. And in the irony of ironies, Onoda became far more depressed than he’d ever been in the jungle for all those years.
the irony of ironies 最讽刺的是...
eg. The irony of ironies is that people think they will be happy when they have money.
类似的表达: the best of the best, the worst of the worst
The best of the best (最顶尖的人) swiftly resolve to suspend their own disbelief.
the best out of the worst 不幸中的万幸
2. This layer of questioning helps us understand the root cause of the emotions that overwhelm us.
the root cause of sth 根源
类似表达:the root of all evil; (get to) the root of the problem; A lie/be at the root of B
Allergies are at the root of a lot of health problems.
PART 2 Expressions
1. Why do you feel lethargic and uninspired? Is it because you don’t think you’re good enough?
lethargic: [lə'θɑ:dʒɪk] feeling as if you have no energy and no interest in doing anything 昏睡的;没精打采的 SNY lazy; OPP energetic
The hot weather was making us all lethargic.
lethargy: [ˈleθədʒi] (n.) 昏睡;嗜睡症
复习: The Gay Genius里出现过 drowsy:
“He would come home drowsy and half drunk, thinking up poetic lines and forgetting half of them. ” (drowsy: 昏昏欲睡的)
2. If what we value is unhelpful, if what we consider success/failure is poorly chosen, then everything based upon those values—the thoughts, the emotions, the day-to-day feelings—will all be out of whack.
out of whack: if a system, machine etc is out of whack, the parts are not working together correctly 紊乱;不正常
The printer is out of whack again.
whack还有很多其他的词组表达, 例如:
have/ take a whack of sth: to try to do sth
"Are you any good at doing math?" "I'll have a whack at it."
in one whack: all on one occasion
Steve lost $500 in one whack.
3. For many people this passes as self-awareness.
pass as sb/ sth: if sb or sth can pass as someone or sth, they are similar enough to be accepted as that type of person or thing
His French is so good that he can pass as a Frenchman.
类似表达: sth of sorts/ of a sort; a/ some resemblance of sth.
改写: For many people this is self-awareness of a sort. / For many people this is some resemblance of self-awareness.
4. Our values determine the metrics by which we measure ourselves and everyone else.
metric: (a.) 度量的; 公制的; (n.) 度量标准; 十进制;韵文,诗韵
Around 180,000 metric tons of food aid is required. (18万公吨)
类似表达: benchmark
The valuation becomes a benchmark against which to judge other prices.
results that are used as a benchmark of success
5. There, the manager unceremoniously told him to piss off and find another band.
piss off: used to tell sb to go away
Now piss off and leave me alone.
Get out (of here)! / Fuck off!/ Beat it! (Beat it! 意为“离我远点” 语气和粗鲁程度中等 eg. Beat it! I'm in a bad mood. Michael Jackson 有一首歌就叫Beat it.)
6. The point is to nail down some good values and metrics, and pleasure and success will naturally emerge as a result.
nail sth down: to reach a final and definite agreement or decision about sth
Two days isn't enough time to nail down the details of an agreement.
补充: nail sb down: to force sb to say clearly what they want or what they intend to do
Before they repair the car, nail them down to a price.
PART 3 Thoughts
刚入大一的时候,我告诉自己,在大学里做自己想做和喜欢做的事,不要像高中那样“一心只读圣贤书”。意外的是,大一结束的时候我的绩点居于院系年级的第一。然而这份意外之喜确是我后来一整年不安和焦虑的源头。我开始贪心于想保住这样的名次,不知不觉渐渐变成了自己不喜欢的模样。我开始在选课的时候上学校贴吧,关注哪些老师给分比较好,比起哪些课有趣我更关注的是哪些课能拿A。我也开始渐渐远离社团活动,我的书桌上从原来的各种杂书渐渐变成了专业书的天地。然而讽刺的是,我越是“努力”学习成绩越是不理想,而且,学习对我来说不再是一件快乐的事,反而变成了一种沉重的负担。如果一门课期中考试没考好,我会从期中一直担忧到期末,不知不觉中我在和同学相处中也渐渐变得敏感,经常会有一些摩擦。如果用Mark Manson的观点来审视自己的这一段过往,我的痛苦和焦虑并不是来源于绩点的下滑,而是因为我选取了一个“快乐”的不良标准。我把快乐定义为保住绩点的第一而不是学习本身更不是去享受校园生活。绩点本因是一个by-product,然而我却将它定义为end-product, 并以此来衡量自己的成功与否,造成我在心态上变得急功近利和浮躁不安。另外一个反思就是,有时候,我们做一件事开始的初衷是好的,心态是健康的,然而途中可能因为某种阶段性的成功或失败而变得浮躁和贪婪。纪伯伦有一句话说:“我们已经走得太远,以至于忘了为什么而出发(We already walked too far, down to we had forgotten why embarked.)。 ”失败可能消磨一个人的意志,而成功也会腐蚀一个人的心性,因此我们有必要时刻提醒自己为什么而出发,不忘初心才能方得始终。