Baseball is a game played by two teams ofnine people who compete to earn “runs” by hitting the ball and completing a runtraversing all bases which are plates fixed on the ground.
The territory of the game is within afan-shaped area of 90 degrees. The square area sharing the same vertex and twoedges with the fan is called the “diamond” and also the infield. The areabetween the diamond and the outer fence is the outfield. The four plates on thevertexes are called home, first, second, third base counterclockwise startingfrom the common vertex.
During Anan inning, is two teams take turnsto bat and earn runs while the opposing team defends. The team with more runswin the game. A game has nine innings but extra ones are needed if there is atie. In the first half of an inning, the top, the visiting team is the offensewhile the home team defends and they change ends at the second half, thebottom.
The offense appoints one batter each time.If the batter hit a ball legitimately, he or she will be a runner to the firstbase. And runners can proceed to the next bases if other batters hit a ball.The defence deploys 1 player as the pitcher, 1 as the catcher, 4 as infielder,and 3 as the outfielder, who try to get the batter-runners out by variousplays. If 3 batter-runners are out, two teams will swap roles; if the pitcherthrows four pitches illegitimately, the batter-runners all get a walk, whichenables them to proceed to their next bases. The most exciting scene is a homerun in which the batter hit the ball out of the fence, empowering all thebatter-runners to complete a run.