$breakpoint set -n xxx
set 是子命令
-n 是选项 是--name的缩写
$b xxx
* 查看断点列表
$breakpoint list
* 删除
$breakpoint delete 组号
* 禁用/启用
$breakpoint disable 禁用
$breakpoint enable 启用
* 遍历整个项目中满足Hello:这个字符的所有方法
$breakpoint set --selector Hello:
$breakpoint set -r Hello:
$breakpoint set --file xxx文件xxx --selector xxx方法名xxx
$breakpoint set --file ViewController.m --selector Hello:
// 查看断点命令下所有的命令
Commands for operating on breakpoints (see 'help b' for shorthand.)
Syntax: breakpoint <subcommand> [<command-options>]
The following subcommands are supported:
// 清除或者废除匹配的特定的资源文件和哪一行的断点
clear -- Delete or disable breakpoints matching the specified source
file and line.
// 当断点触发时,添加.移除或者监听LLDB控制执行
command -- Commands for adding, removing and listing LLDB commands
executed when a breakpoint is hit.
// 删除特定的断点,如果没匹配到,删除所有断点
delete -- Delete the specified breakpoint(s). If no breakpoints are
specified, delete them all.
// 使断点失效
disable -- Disable the specified breakpoint(s) without deleting them. If
none are specified, disable all breakpoints.
// 使断点有效
enable -- Enable the specified disabled breakpoint(s). If no breakpoints
are specified, enable all of them.
// 查看所有的断点
list -- List some or all breakpoints at configurable levels of detail.
// 修改
modify -- Modify the options on a breakpoint or set of breakpoints in
the executable. If no breakpoint is specified, acts on the
last created breakpoint. With the exception of -e, -d and -i,
passing an empty argument clears the modification.
name -- Commands to manage name tags for breakpoints
read -- Read and set the breakpoints previously saved to a file with
"breakpoint write".
// 设置
set -- Sets a breakpoint or set of breakpoints in the executable.
write -- Write the breakpoints listed to a file that can be read in
with "breakpoint read". If given no arguments, writes all
* 继续执行
$continue c
* 单步运行,将子函数当做整体一步执行
$n next
* 单步运行,遇到子函数会进去
- help xxx 查看帮助文档 (E: help p)
// 这三个命令是相同的
(lldb) expression self.view.subviews
(__NSArray0 *) $6 = 0x00000001cde73400 @"0 elements"
(lldb) p self.view.subviews
(__NSArray0 *) $7 = 0x00000001cde73400 @"0 elements"
(lldb) e self.view.subviews
(__NSArray0 *) $8 = 0x00000001cde73400 @"0 elements"
p 插入自己写的代码
p self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor]
$frame select xx 查看某个Frame的信息
$frame variable 查看某个frame的参数信息
// 对某个对象的某个属性设置内存断点(E:对p的name属性设置内存断点)
$watchpoint set variable p->_name
// 通过内存地址设置断点
$watchpoint set expression xxx地址
// 崩溃信息中通过地址信息查找崩溃原因
$image lookup -a xxx
$image lookup -t xxx对象 查看对象的成员变量
$image list 查看所有的库列表
$x (memory read xxx地址) 查看内存
$register read xxx (寄存器查看)