Subtitle: Are you crying or having an allergy attack?
have an allergy attack 过敏
have an attack of 病情发作
have an attack of collywobbles 有害怕的感觉
have an attack of indigestion消化不良发作
Subtitle: but that's 'cause she's gullible, not a liar.
gullible adj. 易受骗的
Subtitle: You understand that some people are gonna be intimidated by you 'cause of how smart you are?
be intimidated by 受到威胁
intimidate v. 威胁 恐吓
Subtitle: Speaking of which,说到这个
Speaking of ... 说到...
Subtitle: how about we lose the bowtie?
lose the bowtie 解下领带
Subtitle: Well, perhaps I'll start a fad.
start a fad 引领潮流
fad 一时的流行;一时的风尚;一时的怪念头
Subtitle: I'll take you to RadioShack.
RadioShack 逛睿侠电器行:国老牌电器行主要卖电器与各种线
Subtitle: I smell ammonia.
ammonia 氨水
Subtitle: Well, that was revolting.
revolting 使人厌恶的
Subtitle: and this girl's blouse is diaphanous, which means I can see her brassiere.
这个女生的上衣太透 这表示我能看到底下的胸罩
blouse 短上衣; 女衬衫
diaphanous (半)透明的;
brassiere 胸罩
Subtitle: I will take that into account.
take ... into account 参考....的意见
Subtitle: Also in violation of the grooming code on page 48,
in violation of 违反...
grooming n. 修饰
grooming code 仪容规章
he questioned my credentials.
question v. 质疑
How am I supposed to control a classroom when a kid accuses me of being in breach of the hygiene code?
一个孩子质疑我违反了卫生条例的情况下 我还怎么管住一个班
in breach of 违反...
hygiene code 卫生条例
code 规章 条例