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New York, the most populated city in America. 纽约是美国人口最密集的城市
Home to more than eight million inhabitants. 有超过800万人在这里安家
But this epic metropolis is not just home to people. 但人类并非这座宏伟大都会里的唯一居民
Among its miles of endless concrete, 在许多公里长的无边无际的砖瓦之间
New York City also provides shelter for many feral animals, 纽约城为许多野生动物提供了庇护
who sometimes find it hard to strike a balance with humans. 有时 这些动物难以跟人类之间和睦相处
Five hundred feet in the air, and far away from the mean streets below, 在152米的高空 远离地面的穷街陋巷
lives a golden hamster. 住着一只金仓鼠
This pet has a pampered life, 这只宠物过着养尊处优的生活
free from threats or predators. 远离威胁和捕食者
Although restricted by his cage walls, 虽然被困在笼子里
he's happy to trade his freedom for security 他乐意用自由换来安全
because he knows nothing of the outside world. 因为他对外部世界一无所知
His basic needs are much like any other pet. 他的基本需求和其他宠物差不多
He requires regular exercise... 需要规律的运动...
a regular supply of food... 按时供应的食物...
fresh water, and a warm, dry shelter. 新鲜饮用水 以及温暖干燥的庇护所
Other pets dwell here too. 这里还住着别的宠物
The territorial Chihuahua isn't happy about sharing his home... 这只有领地意识的吉娃娃并不乐意跟别人分享自己的家...


...but the hamster is unfazed. 但仓鼠泰然自若
Alone at last. 终于独自在家了
The hamster's natural inquisitiveness is clear. 仓鼠生来就好奇 这显而易见
He's a tiny escape artist. 他是个袖珍版的逃脱术艺术家
It's not the first time he's performed this trick. 他并非第一次耍这招
Now, once again, he's free to explore. 又一次可以自由探索了
Doubling in size, 仓鼠的颊囊有弹性
the hamster's elasticated cheek pouches are excellent 能胀大一倍
for transporting food and bedding back to his house. 用它将食物和垫料运回家再合适不过了
Capable of carrying half his body weight in his cheeks, 颊囊能够承载仓鼠一半体重的重量
these deep pockets keep their contents completely dry, 这些口袋很深能够让里面的内容保持完全干燥
free from the hamster's saliva, 避免接触仓鼠的唾液
and can protect it for hours. 保护作用长达数小时
Carefully extracting the tissues, he arranges his fresh bedding. 他小心翼翼地取出纸巾铺上全新的垫料
Daytime can be tiring for this nocturnal rodent. 在白天 这只夜间活动的啮齿动物可能会感到很疲倦
The more light the hamster's exposed to, the sleepier he becomes. 光线越强 他就会越困
And he settles down for a nap. 他决定安顿下来小憩
Hamsters prefer a solitary life, 仓鼠更喜欢独居生活
away from their own kind. 远离同类
Oddly enough, however, 但奇怪的是
they thrive off human affection. 在人类的宠爱之下 它们会茁壮成长
When animals live in a confined space, 当密闭空间有不同的动物生活时
competition is rife. 就会出现竞争
Some animals can't help but feel jealous. 有些动物会忍不住心生嫉妒
The hamster doesn't miss this rare opportunity 仓鼠不会错过这次难得的机会
to torment his rival. 来折磨他的对手
The dog is taking the blame for the hamster's mischief. 仓鼠闯了祸 由狗来背锅
Accidentally, the hamster has rolled into the unknown. 仓鼠不小心滚入了未知的世界
New York City represents the fastest-growing habitat on Earth, 纽约城代表了地球上扩张最迅速的栖息地
the sprawling urban jungle. 这里是一片杂乱扩展的都市丛林
These cities contain distinct and fascinating ecosystems, 这些城市里面含有独特且迷人的生态系统
often filled with wildlife. 通常充满了野生生物
Pigeons have a fondness for sitting and nesting up high. 鸽子喜欢在高处安身 筑巢
It's easy to see how these man-made features 很容易看得出
mimic a natural cliff face. 这些人造建筑和天然的悬崖壁多么相似
To cope with city living, 为了应对城市生活
urban pigeons are well-adapted to perform sharp twists and turns. 城市里的鸽子能够做急转弯
All animals living in this unnatural habitat must adapt quickly. 住在这非自然栖息地里的所有动物必须迅速适应
With limited space and a constant influx of people, 有限的空间加上不断涌入的人
humans, too, have been forced to adapt, constructing vertically. 就连人类也被逼适应开始建立垂直建筑


However, what goes up must come down. 但是 有升必有落
For the first time, the hamster finds himself alone 仓鼠第一次独自流落到
on the bustling streets. 熙熙攘攘的街头
The change of pace is overwhelming. 节奏的改变令他难以应付
He is now hit with a mixture of noises and smells. 噪音和气味混杂 冲击着他
It's a sensory overload. 超出了他的感官负荷能力
To avoid getting trampled, 为了避免被踩在脚下
urban animals look to the shadowy backstreets for refuge. 城市动物会躲到幽暗的后街小巷
As a result, these side streets are home to many hidden residents. 因此 这些小巷藏匿着许多居民
Forced to scratch out a life in the city's alleyways, 这些城市动物被迫在小巷中生活
these urban animals must learn to adapt quickly to survive. 它们必须迅速适应才能生存
This is no place for a tiny rodent. 这里并不是小老鼠该来的地方
With finely-tuned senses, 猫科捕食性动物感官灵敏
feline predators can quietly creep up on unsuspecting prey. 可以悄悄靠近毫无防备的猎物
But as a lost pet itself, the cat cannot resist the urge to play. 但这只猫咪也是走失的宠物压抑不住玩心
The cat has finally caused the hamster's bubble to burst. 终于 猫咪让仓鼠美梦破裂
He's now lost the safety of the ball. 他现在失去了保护他的球
For the first time in his life, he steps onto the sidewalk, 他这辈子第一次走上人行道
his paws greeted with the unfamiliar feeling 粗糙冰冷的水泥地面
of rough, cold concrete. 给了他的爪子陌生的感觉
The hamster takes the first opportunity he finds 仓鼠马上抓住了呈现在眼前的契机
to escape these hazardous streets. 立刻逃离危机四伏的街道
At first glance, 一眼望去
it seems all that exists here are slimy stone walls and murky water. 这里似乎只有泥泞的石墙和浑浊的污水
He's entered a world far removed from his luxurious penthouse lifestyle. 他进入的世界和顶层公寓的奢侈生活简直是天差地别
Millions of New Yorkers sleep, eat, and work 在数百万纽约人睡觉 吃饭和工作的地方下面
above an elaborate network of tangled pipes, 纵横交错的水管交织成了复杂网络
stretching more than 6,600 miles, 延伸超过10621公里
all descending into a huge underground sewer system. 最后汇入巨大的下水道系统中
During heavy rain, the stone and concrete-covered city 下暴雨时 城市被石头和水泥覆盖
creates an impermeable surface, causing water to quickly build. 因为水无法渗透地面所以很快会形成积水
Above ground, there's nowhere for the rainwater to go but down. 在地面上 雨水没有去处 只能向下流
Within these endless networks of pipes, 在无边无际的水管网络中
lives an army of squatters. 住着一大群非法占据者
This is the realm of the brown rat. 这里是棕鼠的地盘
And New York is home to hundreds of thousands, 纽约住着数十万只棕鼠
likely millions, of them. 甚至可能多达数百万只
With the sudden downpour from above, the rats risk getting trapped. 地上突然下起暴雨可能会让这些老鼠受困
They search for dry ground. 它们在寻找干地
With a swarm of rats heading his way, 一群老鼠向仓鼠涌来
the hamster is at risk of drowning in the writhing mass. 他面临被涌动的鼠群淹没的风险
He moves as fast as he can to escape. 他拼命逃跑
Finally, he's found shelter... 他终于找到了躲避的地方...
but not for long. 可惜好景不长
While hamsters can swim, 虽然仓鼠会游泳
these waters are too perilous for him to cross safely. 但水流太湍急了 他无法安全通过
Fortunately, the excess waste here creates floating debris, 幸好这里大量的废物形成了漂浮物
just right to carry a hamster. 正好能给仓鼠当船用
He rides with the ebb and swirl of the murky water. 他顺着退去的浑水和旋涡前行
Thankful to be back at ground level, it feels like safety at last. 他对能回到地面充满感激终于有了安全感
Within every ecosystem, there exists a chain of command. 每一个生态系统里都存在着一条指挥链
At the top of the pyramid is the fastest animal on Earth. 站在金字塔尖端的是地球上速度最快的动物
Having lived here for 15 years, 这只游隼在这里住了15年了
this peregrine falcon commands the skies of this urban jungle. 在都市丛林上空发号施令的就是她
Small, sleek, and robust, she's built for speed. 她小而健硕 有着顺滑的羽毛她为速度而生
Watching the city from above, 她从上空俯视着城市
she sets her position high among the skyscrapers, 高高在上地立在高楼大厦间
waiting for her next opportunity. 等着下一个契机出现
Vision is her most important sense. 视觉是她最重要的感官
A protective third membrane draws across her eyes, like flight goggles. 她的眼睛有第三层眼睑起着和飞行眼镜一样的保护作用
She can spot prey from nearly two miles away. 她可以看到将近3.2公里外的猎物
Once she is locked onto her target, the probability of their survival is slim. 当她锁定目标猎物的存活率就微乎其微了
The hamster's movement below catches her attention. 地面上仓鼠的动静引起了她的注意
Plunging to earth, 她俯冲向下
she can reach a terminal velocity of up to 240 miles per hour. 终端速度可高达每小时386公里
The hamster is unaware of the descending danger. 仓鼠对临头的危险毫不知情
The hot steam from the drain has created a barrier, 从下水道升起的热气形成了一层屏障
which the peregrine cannot see through, 遮住了游隼的视线
protecting the hamster from certain death. 救了仓鼠一命
It's a lucky escape. 他侥幸逃脱了
The hamster's noticed a familiar sight: 熟悉的景象展现在了仓鼠眼前
his home. 就是他的家
He's finally made it back. 他终于回来了
But the hamster quickly realizes 但仓鼠很快意识到
this is not his home at all. 这根本不是他的家
Animals are an important source of companionship and affection 对于数百万人来说
for millions of people. 动物可以提供陪伴和关爱
And pet stores are still a popular place to find a new member of the family. 许多人在寻找新的家庭成员时都喜欢光顾宠物店
Untold numbers of birds, reptiles, and strange creatures 不计其数的鸟类 爬行动物和珍奇动物
line the walls of the store. 沿着商店的墙面排开
Although adapted for a life underground, hamsters are surprisingly good climbers. 虽然仓鼠是在地下生活的动物 但攀登能力也出乎意料地优秀
Surrounded by food, 看到四周都是食物
the hamster wastes no time helping himself. 这只仓鼠立刻就毫不客气地吃了起来
New York is teeming with the energy of fast-paced living, 纽约充满了快节奏生活的能量
where you have to hustle to make it. 只有拼搏才能成功
Day or night, the city never sleeps. 不管是白昼还是黑夜这座城市永远不会沉睡
With a thick enamel coating, the hamster's strong rodent teeth 仓鼠是啮齿动物强壮的牙齿上有一层厚厚的搪瓷护膜
cut through the cardboard like butter. 他的利齿像切黄油一样将纸皮切开
Vigorously shaken but unharmed, the hamster exits the vehicle. 仓鼠受到猛烈晃动但毫发无损地下了车
There's a strong, wonderful smell. He follows his nose. 有一阵强烈的香味传来他沿着气味的方向走去
Where there's lots of food, there's often a lot of leftovers. 食物充足的地方通常会有很多残羹剩饭
This waste, however, is not necessarily wasted energy. 废弃的食物不一定等于废弃的能量
Even the smallest characters play a vital role in this expansive ecosystem. 在这广阔的生态圈内就连最小的成员也举足轻重
Within a day, over half the food and litter is removed by insects. 在一天之内过半的食物和垃圾就会被昆虫清走
New York is home to many species of ants. 纽约拥有许多种类的蚂蚁
One of their favorite snacks is a hot dog. 热狗是它们最喜爱的零食之一
New Yorkers spend over $120 million a year on frankfurters. 纽约人每年在法兰克福香肠上都要花费超过1.2亿美元
These street-wise pavement ants can't get enough of them, 这些精明的街头蚂蚁怎么吃都不满足
eating the equivalent of 60,000 hot dogs a year. 每年都要吃上约六万根热狗
Just three millimeters in size, these miniature waste disposal units contribute to the clear-up 这些小小的废料单位只有三厘米却积少成多
of the 14 million tons of waste New York produces each year. 每年向纽约城贡献1400万吨废料


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