01 洪镇洙
02 郑会一
03 刘河英
01 镜子效应:当你对某个人有一种超乎一般的反感时,是因为你从他那里看到了自身消极的一面,是因为对方非常准确地表现出你自己所厌恶的东西。
The Mirror Effect: When you have a strong aversion to someone, it's because you see certain negative side from him, since he reflets exactly what you hate.
02 红皇后效应:《爱丽丝梦游仙境》书中的红皇后说道:“如果你要维持在原来的位置,你必须很快地跑,如果你想要突破现况,就要以两倍於现在的速度去跑”。
Red Queen Effect: The Queen in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland says: If you want to keep your current position, you must run fast; if you want breakthrough, then you must run twice at the present speed.
03 共同进化:就是说在彼此不停的相互作用中慢慢进化,(了解周围的强的人都在读些什么,做些什么?)
Coevolution means evolving in the constant interaction of each other(Know what books your surrounding elites are reading and what they are doing?)
04 想去理想的彼岸需要用很多的搭桥,搭桥又必须从第一块石头搬起,不要犯那种只有理想而不去做实事的愚蠢错误。---想做什么就马上动手吧。
You need lots of bridges if you want to arrive the other side of the ideal, which is built from the first stone. Don't make the mistake of having empty ideal but don't take any actions-Do whatever you want to do right now.
05 如何用100天读30本书,用以培养兴趣和习惯:购买能够抓住你心的33本书(.还有书架)--每天早晨和晚上睡觉前大声的连说三遍“我今天要读书”--在笔记本上写读书日记,简单记录书的名字及所读的页数---严格遵守早晨读书1小时,中午阅读一小时,晚上阅读一小时,上下班路上各读书30分钟--每天利用开始工作前的时间和午餐时间读5—10分钟的名言录一定要做到平均1周2本书—集中一段时间看书(如休假)
How to develop the reading interest and habbit through reading 30 books in 100 days: purchase 33 books (and bookcases) that can attract your attention- say loudly“I will read today” three times every morning and every night before you go to bed- take notes of what you have read, summarize the name of the books and the pages you have finished-you must strictly follow the reading rules: 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour at noon, 1 hour in the evening and 2-30 minutes in the cummute bus respectly-read 5 to 10 minutes' proverbs before working and during lunchtime everyday so that you can finish 1 or 2 books every week-use a period to read(such as a holiday).
06 遇到读书倦怠期时怎么办?换脑(切换脑CPU时间,例如看电影,做运动等);.跟书友交流;想想读书的初衷;不和认为读书没有用的人做过多的攀谈;帮助其他人读书;.给喜欢的作者发邮件,谈谈他的书的读后感受;.在常见的地方贴有有意义的警句,时候警醒自己去图书馆.
What should you do when you encounter the reading burnout period? Take a break (eg, a film, doing some exercise); exchange your ideas about reading with friends; do not talk more with those who think reading is useless; help other in reading; send email to the authors that you like and talk about your feelings of their books; put up epigrams in the places that you often go to to remind you go to library more often.
07 争当领域第一名而制定的1年读100本书的任务:1年100本专业内容的书:有读书习惯后就会有改变人生和成长得“强烈愿望”,一种想改变命运和尽快成长的真正的强烈愿望。开始可尝试选择好评较高的试读10本。读着读着,自然而然就知道下一步该读什么了。
In order to be the first-place in your field, you should read 100 books in one year: the books are related with your industry. After you have fostered the reading habbit, you will have the stong aspiration to change, an aspiration to change your fate and to grow more quickly. In the beginning, you can choose 10 books with high comments. Gradually, you will know what to read in the next.
08 一味的读书并不能使人自然而然地发生变化。还需要要敞开心扉倾听他人的意见;反躬自省;.懂得自己为什么读书,自己想通过读书改变什么!
Only reading couldn't bring the gradual change. You also need to hear others' opinions, to reflect, know why you read and what change you want to get.
09 真正重要的不是了解书的内容,而是去实践。
What really important is not the contents in the books, but to practice.
10 凡是认真努力读书的人都可以实现属于自己的人生梦想。读上两三年就会有大的改变。学习,工作,读书和人生是一个紧密相连的整体。
All those who have read hard can realize their dreams. They will witness the changes in two or three years. Learning, working, reading and life are an entity which are closely connected.