Totally agree this opinion! Still remember when I graduate from university and get a job in a private company. As a newbie company ask a senior clerk to teach me how to do daily work. The first task I received is to print some documents. It is a simple work so I finished it very quickly and give the print copy to the colleague. He looked at the copies and said :Are you 100%sure you have finished the job l gave to you ?I nodded head and said :Yes ! I'm sure all the copies are in your hand. The senior colleague is saying :Yes, you have gave me all the copies I want. You did it correct but you can this better. If it was me I will bookbinding all the papers with the sequence then give to my boss
You know lots of people do the job just meet people's requirment but this is not enough. Only when do something is beyond somebody's expectations then you can leave a good impression to your boss. Don't look down on this. It could give you more chance to be promoted than others
You can only do things right if do it seriously
You will do things excellent if do it by heart
From that day, the two sentences become my working standrd for each task I received. Only when you doing something beyond somebody's expectations you will make progress on your current level. Thank you