#地球online#,202310220655。您一直从事的是什么?读万卷书,行万里路,与万人交,做万件事。前半辈子是懵懵懂懂不由自主的做完了这四个模块。后半辈子是有意识构建,进行第二个版本周期。不同的阶段,该做的,能做的事,都不一样,所以没法狭义的说做什么。可以说是,一天二十四小时,都在构建处理信息流——输入~加工~输出。我们的整个人生,就是数据,信息,物资,能量的动态平衡。都可以看作是信息流的信息场。一直从事的,应该就是感知,分析,执行,信息流吧!# Earth online , 202310220655. What have you been working on? Read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, make friends with thousands of people, and do thousands of things. In the first half of my life, I finished these four modules in a muddled way. The second half of the life is a conscious build for the second version cycle. At different stages, what should be done and what can be done are different, so it is impossible to say what to do in a narrow sense. It can be said that twenty-four hours a day, we are building and processing information flow-input, processing and output. Our whole life is the dynamic balance of data, information, materials and energy. Can be regarded as the information field of information flow. Has been engaged in, should be perception, analysis, execution, information flow!