Today is Wednesday.
At that moment the children noticed that Mr. Nilsson had disappeared. He had evidently gone off on a little expedition of his own. They remembered that that had last seen him contentedly chewing the picnic basket to pieces, but during Pippi's flying experiment they had forgotten him. And now he was gone. Pippi was so angry that she threw her shoe into a big deep pool of water. She said one should never take monkey with her anywhere. She continued that he should have been left at home to pick fleas off the horse and that would have served him right. She waded out into the pool to get her shoe. The water reached up to her waist. And Pippi said that she might as well take advantage of that and wash her hair. And then she ducked her head under the water and kept it there so long that the water began to bubble. At last when she came up for air, she said contentedly that she had saved a visit to the hairdresser. She stepped out of the pool and put on her shoe. Then they went off to hunt for Mr. Nilsson. She said to Annika, who was walking along beside her, with her lovely flaxen hair,pink dress, and little white shoes, that she ought to try it too. Annika answered sensibly that it might be some other time.