Well, you never said it to my face. 你又没当面跟我说过
Yes, I'm still mad at you. 我还在生你气呢
What was I supposed to think? 我能怎么想
How far along are you? 怀多久了
How come? 为什么呢
I think he bought it. 我觉得他信了
Thank you for having me. 感谢贵节目给我这个机会
Should he be saying that? 他可以说这话吗
Sounds like he's back on track. 听起来又重回正轨了
I'll bet he's having a rough day. 估计他今天很不好过
Let's just try to be supportive. 我们尽量鼓励他吧
How's it going? 今天好吗
You got something to say? 你有什么话想说
Isn't that what we're supposed to do? 我们难道不应该用事实说话吗
I told you that in confidence! 你怎么可以说出来
Oh, one second. 马上就好
Am I terrible? 我是不是太坏了
That's such a relief. 那我就松一口气了
How much damage could it have caused? 那能对学校有多大损害
Okay, just tell me what I can do. 你就说我该怎么做吧
I'm counting on you. 我就指望你了
See? Lies. They're not that hard. 瞧 撒谎一点都不难
I've figured out the biggest problems in physics today. 我已经搞清了当今物理界最大的几个难题
Is this about what Leonard said on the radio? 是因为Leonard在电台上说的话吗
Absolutely not. 当然不是
Can we please just talk about anything else? 我们能谈点别的事情吗
It might help. 或许会有帮助
Well, I wouldn't put that under "Special Skills." 我不会把这项写进简历的特殊技能
Great, I'll leave you to it. 很好 那我不打扰你写了
Now I get why everyone hates me. 我懂为什么大家都讨厌我了
You finally get to hear me say, "You were right." 你终于能听到我说 你当时说得对
How's it feel? 感觉如何
He said that to your face? 他当面对你说这话吗
What's going on? 什么情况
Thanks for coming. 谢谢前来
We get it. 知道了
It's coming back to me. 我开始想起来了
Any chance that's the end? 是在这里就结束了吗