**POV细节 **
名称 | 默认值 | 描述 |
Alias(别名) | 工作区中POV变量的名称。 | |
Description(描述) | POV变量描述(与GMB中的POV描述相联系)。 | |
Measurement Tag [t](测量位号) | POV测量位号名。 | |
Disconnect Flag [t/v](断开标签) | False | 此标签(True/False)用于指示控制器是否使用此POV的测量值(如果断开,SMOCPro将使用此POV的内部预测)。 |
Essential For Control [t/v](必不可少的控制) | False | 此标签(True/False)用于指示该POV对与其相关的子控制器的持续(ACTIVE)运行是否是必不可少的(也可见Max Time In Prediction)。 |
Max Time In Prediction [t/v](最大预测时间) | 0 | 当POV测量值处于INACTIVE时计时器将启动。如果计时器超过此指定值(s)且POV是必不可少的控制,则POV的子控制器将设定为INACTIVE。 |
Sample and Hold [v](采样保持) | False | 此标签(True/False)用于指示该POV是否经常采样(即,它是一个采样保持装置,如气象色谱仪)。 |
Impulse Factor [t/v](脉冲因子) | 0.0 | 此值表征了该POV的不可测扰动模型。该值是应用在变量预测误差离散滤波器的时间常数。输入一个介于0.0(偏差更新)和1.0(设定所有测量噪声)的值。 |
Minimum Value [v] (最小值) | -10000.0 | 这是POV测量所允许的最小值,否则测量值将被申明为无效(内部POV将被断开,且SMOCPro将使用内部预测)。 |
Maximum Value [v](最大值) | 10000.0 | 这是POV测量所允许的最大值,否则测量值将被申明为无效(内部POV将被断开,且SMOCPro将使用内部预测)。 |
Minimum Deviation [v] (最小偏差) | 0.0 | 这是控制器执行时工程单位上POV测量值最小必须改变量,否则测量值将被申明为无效(内部POV将断开且SMOCPro将使用内部预测)。 |
Maximum Deviation [v] (最大偏差) | 10000.0 | 这是控制器执行时工程单位上POV测量值最大允许改变量,否则测量值将被申明为无效(内部POV将断开且SMOCPro将使用内部预测)。 |
Estimated Value [t/v] (估值) | 0.0 | Estimated POV估计值(内核输出参数)。只有选中Advanced时才可见。 |
Innovation Value [t/v] (新值) | 0.0 | 其与POV的测量值或估计值不同(内核输出参数)。只有选中Advanced时才可见。 |
Actual POV Status [t/v] (POV实际状态) | INACTIVE | POV的实际状态(BAD/ACTIVE/INACTIVE) (内核输出参数)。只有选中Advanced时才可见。 |
Max Time for Rejected Value [t/v] (拒绝值的最大时间) | 0.0 | 从值被PV Check(数据直接到内核)所拒绝开始至POV实际状态变为INACTIVE的最大时间(s)。只有选中Advanced该值才可见。当QMI测量值的采样周期比控制器执行周期更长时,如果最小值非零则在样本之间POV状态将变为INACTIVE。这会导致在每个采样后产生“Invalid PV Measurement(无效PV测量量)”的错误信息。若要取消错误信息,则Max Time for Rejected Value设定值必须大于QMI采样时间值。Max Time Invalid(最大无效时间)设定值必须大于Max Time for Rejected Value(拒绝值最大时间),否则错误信息将不能正确抑制。如果PV Check拒绝了输入的测量值,不管Max Time for Rejected Value的值是多少,其都将不会更新内部预测。 |
**POV Details **
Name | Default Value | Description |
Alias | Name of the POV variable in the workspace. | |
Description | POV Variable description (linked to the POV description in GMB). | |
Measurement Tag [t] | Tagname for the POV measurement. | |
Disconnect Flag [t/v] | False | Flag (True/False) to indicate if the controller should use the measurement of this POV (SMOCPro will use internal prediction for the POV if it is Disconnected). |
Essential For Control [t/v] | False | Flag (True/False) to indicate if this POV is essential for the continued (ACTIVE) operation of its associated Sub-Controller (see also Max Time In Prediction). |
Max Time In Prediction [t/v] | 0 | If the POV measurement is INACTIVE a timer will start. If the timer exceeds this specified value (seconds) and the POV is Essential for Control, then the POVs Sub-Controller will be set INACTIVE. |
Sample and Hold [v] | False | Flag (True/False) to indicate if this POV is sampled infrequently (that is, it is a sample-and-hold device such as e.g. a Gas Chromatograph) |
Impulse Factor [t/v] | 0.0 | This value characterizes the unmeasured disturbance model for this POV. This value is the “Time” constant of the discrete filter applied on the prediction error of the variable. Enter a value between 0.0 (bias update) and 1.0 (all measurement noise setting). |
Minimum Value [v] | -10000.0 | This is the minimum value allowed for the POV measurement, otherwise the measurement is declared to be Invalid (internally the POV will be disconnected and SMOCPro will use internal prediction). |
Maximum Value [v] | 10000.0 | This is the maximum value allowed for the POV measurement, otherwise the measurement is declared to be Invalid (internally the POV will be disconnected and SMOCPro will use internal prediction). |
Minimum Deviation [v] | 0.0 | This is the minimum amount in engineering units that the POV measurement must change per execution of the controller, otherwise the measurement is declared to be Invalid (internally the POV will be disconnected and SMOCPro will use internal prediction). |
Maximum Deviation [v] | 10000.0 | This is the maximum amount in engineering units that the POV measurement is allowed to change per execution of the controller, otherwise the measurement is declared to be Invalid (internally the POV will be disconnected and SMOCPro will use internal prediction). |
Estimated Value [t/v] | 0.0 | Estimated POV value (Kernel output parameter). Visible only when Advanced option is selected. |
Innovation Value [t/v] | 0.0 | The difference between the POV measurements and their Estimations. (Kernel output parameter). Visible only when Advanced option is selected. |
Actual POV Status [t/v] | INACTIVE | The actual status (BAD/ACTIVE/INACTIVE) of POV (Kernel output parameter). Visible only when Advanced option is selected. |
Max Time for Rejected Value [t/v] | 0.0 | Maximum time in seconds before the POV’s actual status becomes INACTIVE when the value is rejected by PV Check (Data to Kernel directly). This quantity is visible only when the Advanced option is selected.When the QMI measurement has a longer sample time than the controller execution period, POV status will be INACTIVE between samples if Minimum Value is non-zero. This causes the following error message "Invalid PV Measurement" to be generated after every sample. To suppress the error message, Max Time for Rejected Value should be set to a value slightly greater than the QMI sample time. Max Time Invalid must be set to a value greater than Max Time for Rejected Value, otherwise the error message will not be suppressed properly. If PV Check rejects the incoming Measurement, it will not be used to update the internal prediction regardless of the value for Max Time for Rejected Value. |