If you come across any special trait of meanness or stupidity . . . you must be careful not to let it annoy or distress you, but to look upon it merely as an addition to your knowledge—a new fact to be considered in studying the character of humanity. Your attitude towards it will be that of the mineralogist who stumbles upon a very characteristic specimen of a mineral. —Arthur Schopenhauer.
叔本华:当遇到人们的扯淡或愚行,不必为此烦恼或消沉,而将它们当做你知识的增加 - 在对人性的研究中,所考虑到的一个新的事实。你对此的态度应像矿物学家邂逅了一块非常特别的矿石样本那样。
Being around people stirs up our anxieties and insecurities as to how others perceive us. Once we feel such emotions, it becomes very hard to observe people as we are drawn into our own feelings, evaluating what people say and do in personal terms—do they like me or dislike me? The Laws will help you avoid falling into this trap by revealing that people are generally dealing with emotions and issues that have deep roots. They’re experiencing some desires and disappointments that predate you by years and decades. You cross their path at a particular moment and become the convenient target of their anger or frustration. They’re projecting onto you certain qualities they want to see. In most cases, they’re not relating to you as an individual. This should not upset you but liberate you.
... ...(不必被其他人的评价所烦扰)。他人往往只是将自己想看到的特质投射到你身上。多数时候,他们并不把你当做个体(而是一类人来评价)。所以这不应让你烦恼,而是应该解放你。
The ability to gauge people’s true worth, their degree of loyalty and conscientiousness, is one of the most important skills you can possess, helping you avoid the bad hires, partnerships, and relationships that can make your life miserable.
Your ability to stay calm will infuriate them and often push them into overreaching or making a mistake.
You will learn that as a leader your best means of moving people in your direction lies in setting the right tone through your attitude, empathy, and work ethic.
You will also become humbler, realizing you’re not superior to others in the way you had imagined. This will not make you feel guilty or weighed down by your self-awareness, but quite the opposite. You will accept yourself as a complete individual, embracing both the good and the bad, dropping your falsified self-image as a saint. You will feel relieved of your hypocrisies and free to be more yourself. People will be drawn to this quality in you.
1. Master Your Emotional Self (The Law of Irrationality)
What was perhaps the strangest quality of Pericles was his speaking style—restrained and dignified. He did not go in for the usual flights of rhetoric. Instead, he worked to convince an audience through airtight arguments. This would make people listen closely, as they followed the interesting course of his logic. The style was compelling and calming.
伯利克里的最大特点可能是他的演讲风格 - 克制而自尊。他并不走寻常天花乱坠的修辞路线,而是通过密不透风的论证来说服观众。这一点让人们仔细倾听,循着他有趣的逻辑之旅。他的风格如此引人入胜而抚慰人心。
For Pericles it would be nous, the ancient Greek word for “mind” or “intelligence.” Nous is a force that permeates the universe, creating meaning and order. The human mind is naturally attracted to this order; this is the source of our intelligence. For Pericles, the nous that he worshipped was embodied in the figure of the goddess Athena.
Emotions originate as physical arousal designed to capture our attention and cause us to take notice of something around us. They begin as chemical reactions and sensations that we must then translate into words to try to understand. But because they are processed in a different part of the brain from language and thinking, this translation is often slippery and inaccurate.
Progress and technology have not rewired us; they have merely altered the forms of our emotions and the type of irrationality that comes with them.