stand a chance 有希望;有可能
e.g. you'll stand a better chance of getting a job with career.
stand a good chance 很有可能
register 注册
e.g. Have you come to register at the school?
sign up 注册
e.g Over half the people who signed up to do engineering were women.
spread 酱,涂抹在面包上的酱
a big fan of 喜欢;狂热的粉丝
coop 笼子
cooped up 关起来;关禁闭
e.g I was wondering if you could help me.
make a scene 当众大吵大闹;当众出丑
trick 欺骗
to deceive someone in order to get something from them or to make them do something.
e.g He claimed he was tricked into coming drugs.
do the trick 这招也行;获得成功;达到(预期的)效果. If something does the trick,it solves a problem or provides what is needed to get a good result.
bunk 火车或船上的铺位;双层上下铺的床
wet the bed 尿床
get your back 支持;鼎力相助
all the way 一路上;从始至终
sweat 出汗
break out in a sweat
break into a sweat
sweat all over