作者:Eileen Caddy
Draw from the infinite source of power and strength within, and you will find yourself doing seemingly supernatural things simply because you are working with My divine laws. Anything can happen, for My laws are the keys that open all doors and make all things possible. Recognize them as My laws, and never fail to give eternal thanks for them, and use them to My honour and glory and for the benefit of the whole. Then only the most wonderful happenings can come out of their right use, and all shall benefit from them. Power used aright under My guidance can change the course of history, creating the new heaven and new earth. Used wrongly, it can bring only devastation and destruction. Power is something that must not be played with, but must be treated with great respect. I AM power. I hold all creation in My hand, and you are part of that whole. Blend with it, and find your rightful place in it.